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how to export from Adobe Substance 3D Painter to .glb files?

Community Beginner ,
Nov 05, 2023 Nov 05, 2023

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About .glb files,  I struggle on how to save as .glb files once I'm done painting them in the Painter. It only lets me save as extension SPP.

I tried saving as EXPORT TEXTURES, and then there are over 40+ Output templates to choose from with no explaination. Now I have tried several including "gITF PBR Metal Roughness" because an online tutorial said that's what is necessary to use .glb... Okay done.

When I import the .GLB into Adobe Dimension though it's flat on the Z,X axis.
Writing this, I notice a .gltf file that I can import. Okay great, it works.

So now I export to another .glb file with the texture from within Adobe Dimension?



Please someone help me understand these procedures. It makes zero sense why the process is so frustrating. Is there an easier way? I'm learning as I go and I don't have the vocabulary to easily find what I'm looking for.

Discussion , Import & Export






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 06, 2023 Nov 06, 2023

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Thanks for the question.


Commonly, the work from Substance 3D Painter is exported as bitmaps (images). However, there are many different settings for these images depending on what's the end goal. Therefore, we've created the presets (Output template). Those natively in Substance Painter are mostly for tier software (e.g Arnold, Blender, Keyshot, etc.), but if you want to create your own presets, here's the documentation on the topic.


With specific export that you can't build yourself (USD, gLTF, etc.), the presets are in a different category at the beginning of the list.

Different category.png


The gLTF PBR Metal Roughness is indeed what I would suggest you to use, because it should contain the 3D model linked to the textures files.


What do you mean by "When I import the .GLB into Adobe Dimension though it's flat on the Z,X axis" ?


Let me know.


Cyril Dellenbach (Micro) | QA Support Artist | Adobe





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