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Hello Adobe Community,
I'm reaching out regarding an issue I've encountered with Substance Painter 2020. In the past, I purchased Substance Painter through Steam, but recently I uninstalled Steam as part of an effort to cut back on gaming. Unfortunately, in doing so, I overlooked the fact that Substance Painter isn't a game but rather a crucial tool for my 3D modeling endeavors.
Today, as I delved into 3D modeling, I realized I needed Substance Painter back. However, since Adobe no longer distributes Substance Painter through Steam, I'm unable to reinstall it through that platform. When attempting to run the copy I had installed via Steam, I encountered an error stating "No licenses," even though I have paid for and barely used the software in the past.
I strongly believe that as a paying customer, I should be entitled to use the software indefinitely, especially considering my limited usage thus far. However, with Adobe now offering only Substance Painter 2024 on Steam at a significant additional cost, I find myself in a frustrating situation.
I'm seeking assistance and guidance on how I can regain access to Substance Painter 2020 without having to repurchase the software or reinstall Steam. Any advice or support you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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Hello @Mysterious29403839twxv,
Thanks for the message.
Just to be clear, we've never stop to distribute Steam licenses for Substance 3D Painter. Just as they always have been, and still are, perpetual licenses.
Therefore, the application should be in your Steam library, but simply greyed out (if not installed).
Check there's no filter activated hiding the app.
If Substance Painter is still not visible, I think you'll have to check with Steam why one of your app has disappear.
Keep me updated.
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I had to install my steam version of substance painter 2020 on my old mac catalina because it isnt compatible with the latest nvidia 3060 drivers. and now steam are not supporting it on the mac any more (20 days left) . how can i salvage the software that I paid for?