I'm not sure to clearly understand what you're looking for in Substance Painter. If you need to plug a tier Baked texture map, you can import it in the application as any other resource, and plug it in the dedicated slot in the Texture Set Settings.
Cyril Dellenbach (Micro) | QA Support Artist | Adobe
I mistakenly put this post in the Designer thread instead of here and when I copied that post to the Painter thread it seems it didn't paste correctly.
Anyway this my original post: The exact same feature that Marmoset Toolbag has: You can add premade texture maps to the High Poly material and bake all of them to the Low Poly. Escpecially useful for baking to billboards (1 flat plane).
Il try to explain again: I want to be able to transfer the combined high poly geometry and any customs normal maps / other maps for the high poly to the low poly during the baking process, exactly like in Marmoset Toolbag. Currently you can not add custom normal maps /other textures to the high poly before baking to low poly in Substance Painter, you can only assign which high poly object you want (aka. you can only bake geometry as a normal map). Am I saying something unclear? Let me know.