‎Aug 03, 2010
07:38 AM
Well, t'was worth a try........ Uninstalled printer and drivers. Deleted every reference to Epson in the registry. Rebooted. Installed 5.91 again.... Magenta......
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‎Aug 03, 2010
06:58 AM
I"m glad it worked for you. I tried the same thing early on. Installed the 64-bit 5.91 driver (which I already had) for Windows 7, but things are still magenta. At this point the equipment is unusable and I'm going to have to get everything printed commercially. From the recent finger-pointing and statements, I figure Adobe's given this one the big kiss-off. Its not going to get fixed unless by accident or as a byproduct of some other fix. Unfortunately, regardless of who they point at, it's pretty simple here: It worked. It DOESN'T work. WHAT CHANGED....... The ONLY change was CS5 and LR3. I'm wondering if it may be time for the sledgehammer approach... Go into the registry and blow away every instance of ANYTHING with the word "epson" in it. Then try again....... Can't get a whole lot more screwed up than things are now.
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‎Aug 02, 2010
02:46 PM
Melissa, this definitely is NOT a "you" thing. I, and I hope everyone else in here, believe the developers want this product to work - I know from personal experience, NO ONE with any personal pride wants to create software that doesn't perform as advertised/needed/desired. >Remember - Adobe employees don't make public statements about what is being >released without specific direction. This one is the one that I believe may be causing some of the frustration and angst and users going out in search of puppies to kick..... I KNOW you and the other people doing the work can't make statements (we never were allowed to either). BUT, in this case, as in any case where a product engenders such a response for such an extended period, having SOMEONE (as I said earlier, someone from a room with a door on it that CAN make a statement) stand up and say "WE'RE FIXING IT, AND IT'S NOT GOING TO TAKE THREE MONTHS" would help some....... >Not everyone, in fact not even a majority of users, are running into the slowness - but if you do, its very annoying. Do you (Adobe) have empirical evidence of this, or is it simply that only a minority of users are using this forum or the bug system to report problems? If there IS evidence from a majority of people (and by people I mean actual, real users that are doing real work with the tool, not just staring at rows of thumbnails in their 500 image catalog) that there is no problem we need to know what they're doing differently. Or how their configuration differs from those in here. In my case, I dumped an ADDITIONAL $300 in an already over-spec'd system to go to 12GB of memory and an ATI 5770 video card. I always figure one person reporting a problem exemplifies hundreds or thousands that are HAVING the problem and don't report it. They just badmouth the product, stop using it, or don't use the product to do those things that don't work. >Silence from Adobe here does not mean we don't care. It may be that our hands are tied from saying much publicly. Understood, and there shouldn't be anybody chewing on you or your folks for that..... The chewing should be reserved for the corporate mouthpieces that COULD provide updates so we aren't sitting out here in the dark.
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‎Aug 02, 2010
01:02 PM
Jim, I think you have to tell the truth....... The same as I've been to all the photographers that have asked me...... "Based on the perceived quality of Beta 2, I purchased Lightroom 3 and transitioned all my catalogues. Unfortunately, the released version has NOT lived up to the promise of earlier releases. I recommend you to NOT purchase this program." In a couple weeks the photography clubs I belong to will start their new year. And I'll get asked by a lot more people about CS5 and LR3. How I answer will depend on whether or not the problems I've seen are fixed. So far, 100% of the people I've talked to - all current LR users - have decided not to upgrade. This is the problem of having a significant minority of users encounter a set of problems of this magnitude. An old sales axiom went something like "A happy customer will tell 3 others. An unhappy one will tell 10." That was in the pre-Internet days. Now, the word gets out to tens of thousands instead of just a few. We're now FIFTY-SIX days into this (since the topic was opened on 6/9). Looking at the last week's posts, it seems like the onus has now been pushed from the vendor to the users - "do a survey", "give us specs", "we're a small group", etc.... There are a ton of system specs in here. There are many posts stating specific operations that are slow. There's no need for a survey to know there's a problem. If Adobe wants to quantify speeds and problems, and honestly aren't ALREADY aware of where the problem areas are, they should provide a version of LR with the timing instrumentation. AND a script to follow. I"m sure a LOT of responders would take the time to run the script and get the timings.
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‎Jul 28, 2010
07:33 PM
Ah, yes, the finger pointing begins in earnest....... I don't know how many of you others that are having problems have been through this before, but from here the progress is pretty predictable....... 1. Call Epson. Tell them, "My system worked perfectly with the current print driver on the current O/S. I installed PS CS5 and now everything prints magenta." Anyone want to guess what Epson's response will be? a. "Oh, yes, that's our <add your favorite adjectives> print driver. b. "Lessee, it USED to work. You added an Adobe product and now it doesn't. WHY are you calling US?" c. "Call Microsoft. It's their O/S." 2. Contact Microsoft. Tell them the same thing you told Epson. Wait for the laughter to stop. The answer should be something like "You have a THIRD-PARTY printer with a THIRD-PARTY driver AND THIRD-PARTY software that worked correctly PRIOR TO INSTALLING THE NEW VERSION. WHY ARE YOU CALLING US?" Adobe can obfuscate all they want, but the bottom line is there are multiple people in here for whom: CS4 worked perfectly WITH their current O/S AND their current print driver(s) AND their current profiles. Installed CS5 and we are no longer able to print accurately when using the Epson profiles and the SAME print driver(s) on the SAME O/S.
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‎Jul 27, 2010
01:46 PM
Well, we're now THIRTEEN PAGES and more than a FORTY-FIVE days into this problem since the thread was started on June 9... A while ago, I suggested it might be useful for SOMEONE at Adobe that lives in a room with a door on it, perhaps even someone that's HIGH up in charge of the Lightroom project, to STAND UP and say "WE GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE PROBLEM AND WE'RE BUSTING OUR COLLECTIVE BEHINDS TO FIX IT"... And of course, I got the typical response from the fanboys, questioning my reading comprehension. It'd STILL be nice to have someone with the clout to make this a very high priority tell us SOMEONE IS ACTUALLY TRYING TO FIX THIS......
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‎Jul 27, 2010
06:02 AM
Chris, I had Windows 7 on this box a LONG time before CS5. It worked perfectly with CS4. Once CS5 was installed (and LR3 since I didn't do any printing after CS5 and before LR3), things stopped working. Leaving CS5 on, and reinstalling CS4 didn't help. The print driver wasn't changed (presuming a Windows 7 update didn't change it). The profiles weren't changed. The status monitor wasn't changed. NOTHING was knowingly done to alter the way the printer functions. No other products were installed on the box. The only change was installing Adobe products.
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‎Jul 26, 2010
01:48 PM
It appears to be a one-way street...... Once you've put CS5 on the box, (or LR3 if that turns out to be the culprit), there's no going back. Reinstalling an earlier version of Photoshop doesn't get rid of the cast. I pummelled the laptop with an earlier Photoshop (even though it didn't work on the desktop), AND reinstalled LR 2.7 just for giggles...... No help. Magenta. I haven't tried turning off preview...
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‎Jul 25, 2010
01:08 PM
>Regression testing Photoshop doesn't do anything to fix buggy drivers, or user error. >So far all the problems but one are due to buggy drivers or user error Uh, huh........ System: i7 920 with 12GB 1600 MHz memory; ATI 5770 video calibrated with Colorvision Spyder II; 4, 1TB drives for images; 250GB drive for Window 7 Professional 64-bit, and applications. W7 has been on since 11/10/2009 with no problems in Photoshop CS4. Epson 2200 5.91 driver for Windows 7 64-bit (downloaded and reinstalled 7/23/2010) Currently PS CS5 12.0.1 (using 64-bit) Bridge (?) ACR 6.1 Absolutely NO problems with color on prints using CS4, installed shortly after the system was built for Windows 7. Clean install of all products. Also had Lightroom 2 (probably something like 2.1 or so at the time. Various upgrades through 2.6 while on CS4). Again, absolutely no problem with the color of prints. Installed CS5 within a week of release. At that time the system had Lightroom V3 Beta 2 on it. Unfortunately, I didn't need to print anything so I do not know if the installation of the released version of Lightroom V3 had any impact, or if the color problems would have occurred with CS5 and LR 2.7. Installed Lightroom V3 shortly after release. Printing configurations: CS5 doing CM, printer CM off - magenta CS5 NOT doing CM - magenta CS5 NOT doing CM, printer CM off - not magenta - not great, but at least not magenta Printing from LR 3, LR doing CM, printer CM off - magenta Reinstalled CS4 - CS4 doing CM, printer CM off - MAGENTA (NOTE: this problem was NOT present when cs4 was the only version of PS on the system) Uninstalled CS4 after testing, uninstalled Epson drivers, color monitor, and as many other Epson files as I could find. Re-downloaded and reinstalled drivers and all Epson paper profiles. No change. ----------------------------------- Just for giggles, I connect the laptop to the Epson 2200. Laptop is an i7 with Windows 7 64-bit Home (not Professional). It ALSO has CS5 in the same versions as the desktop, and LR3. Printed. Magenta. I don't know if it's the printer driver or something in CS5, and I can't get a comparison from friends with 2400 and 2880 printers since none of them will even TRY CS5 because of fears they'll also be unable to print.
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‎Jul 24, 2010
07:42 PM
Not that I don't empathize, but THANK <insert your favority diety> there's somebody else out there getting the same crappy prints from CS5. I've got a couple DOZEN images I need to print, and several that need to printed as large-ish panoramas... Seems like SOMEONE'S regression testing routines could use a little beefing up BEFORE they shove the products out the door.
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‎Jul 24, 2010
02:51 AM
Well, whatever is going on, going back to CS4 did NOT help........ Left CS5 installed. REINSTALLED CS4 and printed..... Magenta. Again, when CS4 was originally on the system I had ABSOLUTELY NO COLOR ISSUES... Replaced CS4 with CS5 but didn't need to print anything at that time. Replaced Lightroom 2.7 with 3.0....... Printed from CS5 - MAGENTA.......... Reinstalled CS4. It is now magenta too. I don't know which it is, or what got clobbered, but the ONLY change on this system was the upgrade to CS5 and LR3. I"m going to try reinstalling all the Epson stuff and reinstalling the profiles.
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‎Jul 22, 2010
04:40 AM
>Thanks for responding. I'd hoped that you'd found a way to get things resolved. (Rats!) Me too........ I need to generate some prints and currently can't rely on the equipment I've used for years. >Now I'm wondering if this is all related to Adobe Camera Raw in some way -- Here's my 'logic': >I've tried prints (same print & color managed by the application) with CS5, CS3, and LR3 and found that they all show this magenta (reddish) cast. It's >reminiscent of what I've seen in the Epson print preview (SP 2200) when images have appeared to have a pinkish/reddish/magenta cast in that preview >but printed fine. Yes, my print preview has ALSO always been magenta. I recall some discussions way back when the 2200 was new and CS (if I recall) was the current version of PS, complaining that the preview was "off", but it didn't cause the print to be magenta and nothing was ever resolved between Adobe and Epson. You just had to ignore the preview. >Since all 3 apps give the same (or nearly so) result, it makes me think that the common thread is Camera Raw. So, I'm about to do a test printing >directly from camera raw to see if that's boogered up too. I was under the impression that CS3 couldn't use the new version of ACR, but if it does, and since LR3 also uses some form of the current ACR, that'd be suspicious. I also tried printing directly from LR3 (which I rarely do since I don't like the LR print module), and they were magenta. >I'm hesitant to do any re-installing since I've got working versions of CS3 master suite (well, aside from printing), LR2, LR3, and PS CS5 and have >heard/read nightmares when folks have had to reinstall products. So, I guess I'll keep digging to see what I find to work around this issue. I'm reluctant too, but if I can put CS4 back on and get a good print, at least I'll know it's SOMETHING to do with CS5. >Are you using the unmanaged printer/PS flow for your prints now? Far worse. I'm currently using Walgreens, Walmart, and Target for my prints...... It's very distressing. >Thanks for any insights -- Here's hoping we'll have a positive option for our print flow soon! It'd be nice to get something from Adobe. As in - "Oh, we changed the ... and now you have to set the frammis switch". Or something.
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‎Jul 21, 2010
06:19 PM
Bonnie, I haven't had ANY luck getting this resolved........ In my case (and I suspect in yours), I moved to Windows 7 long before installing CS5. Printing was perfect. I used the standard Photoshop control with the profiles I've been using for the last several years, on exactly the same paper with exactly the same calibrations on a variety of images... Had NO problems........... Installed CS5, and from the first print, THINGS ARE PINK.......... Eventually, I did what you did - turned off Photoshop control, and set the printer to "no color management"...... I've tried it on a half dozen prints, cleaned nozzles, fiddled with things, and any time I let Photoshop get involved, things compost...... I'm about to re-install CS4, just to see if I can get a decent print that way, 'cause with CS5 and a printer that's been perfect for ages, things aren't working.
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‎Jul 11, 2010
01:34 PM
Unfortunately, the 2200 is an "older" Epson printer. Epson hasn't put out any new profiles for it in a couple years. Mine are the most recent, but they're not new........ I don't think its a Windows 7 problems, since it printed perfectly with CS4 on W7 for the entire competition year. I haven't changed anything else since installing CS5, except to install Lightroom V3. So, the only thing I can figure is some oddity with the latest Adobe stuff... I"ll have to experiment, but I've gotta get this fixed 'cause right now it's just a big paperweight...
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‎Jul 10, 2010
06:54 PM
Not according to the nozzle check, the status monitor, or the head cleaning. As I said, I printed from Lightroom to check and things are magenta there too....... Just for fun, I also printed the same image from Word, and it's not magenta, but I presume Word isn't doing any kind of color management...... I'm in the print dialogue... Looking at the screen. My settings are: Color Handling: Photoshop Manages Colors Printer Profile: SP2200 Premium Glossy PK Rendering Intent: Relative Colorimetric Black Point Compensation is checked In the printer dialogue: Premium Glossy Photo Paper 2880 dpi Color Management: ICM ICC Profile: NO Color adjustment These settings are the same as I've used for years, and prints have been good. Now, however, in order NOT to get a magenta cast, I have to deliberately turn OFF ALL print management........ So, instead in the print dialogue... Looking at the screen, my settings are: Color Handling: Printer Manages Colors (INSTEAD of Photoshop) Printer Profile: Stylus Photo 2200 Rendering Intent: Relative Colorimetric Black Point Compensation is NOT checked In the printer dialogue: Premium Glossy Photo Paper 2880 dpi Color Management: ICM ICC Profile: NO Color adjustment SO, as near as I can tell, I now have NO color management................. It's not magenta, but this is different than I've used with any earlier version of Photoshop...... What am I missing?
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‎Jul 10, 2010
05:31 PM
OK, I have a bizarre situation, and I'm sure I"m missing something obvious....... I've been using Photoshop for ages, and my Epson 2200 likewise, for ages. Everything is calibrated and my prints have been good, again for ages... I converted to Windows 7 Professional last October, recalibrated, everything fine. In April I upgraded from CS4 to CS5. Club year was over so I didn't need to print anything for a little while. Several weeks ago I printed some images and they came out magenta. I ignored it and got caught up in other stuff. More recently I needed to print an image I've printed before, and again, it came out quite magenta....... I KNOW, back in the "old" days, this was an indication that I was managing color in both Photoshop and the printer. But, by any figuring I can do, I'm ABSOLUTELY not doing the printing any differently than I was in CS4. I"m setting the color management in Photoshop, and when I get to the printer dialog I'm ABSOLUTELY telling it to use ICM and NO COLOR MANAGEMENT........ I've tried different settings, different images, and different papers, and things are still magenta. I've done a nozzle check, which was perfect. I've even CLEANED the print head, even though things looked fine. I've rebooted the computer, cycled the printer on and off, said incantations, searched (in vain) for a virgin to sacrifice, and even PRINTED DIRECTLY from Lightroom V3, just to see if that'd many a difference. I'm out of ideas....... Does ANYBODY know of something that's bizarrely different in CS5 that'd cause this situation? I"m about to reinstall CS4, just ot see if I get magenta prints there too, even though I never have before........
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‎Jun 30, 2010
08:08 PM
> Amen, brudda'! The near total lack of responses from Adobe about this problem is deafening. Nope. Lee Jay pointed out the error of my ways........ Clearly Adobe is on it, despite not getting anything official from management, and I'm confident we'll be getting (unofficial) word on progress any day now. I'm sure an updated version that'll address the performance issues encountered by the many "complainers" in here will be shortly forthcoming. I'd still love to know what real-world PC configurations the testers at Adobe were using.
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‎Jun 30, 2010
10:34 AM
I was able to import two sets of images today - one of about 500 .dng files, the other about 600. It APPEARS that as long as my catalog is not hitting any corruption or trying to import an image that's already there, it works ok. For whatever reason, it seems like my problem was somehow related to the synchronize.
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‎Jun 27, 2010
07:27 PM
OK, then I'm wrong, and Adobe is actively involved in here, is aware of the situation, and is taking steps to fix the problems.....
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‎Jun 27, 2010
06:41 PM
I think my reading comprehension is pretty good... So, go for it.. Point me to the entry in this topic from ADOBE MANAGEMENT that officially answers the questions I asked. And I don't think Melissa counts. As far as I know she's a developer. She doesn't make policy, allocate resources, or make timelines for when we'll see a fix. If there ARE other pertinent employees who ARE participating, point them out, especially where they've STATED that they're EMPLOYEES, and that they have something more official than individual ramblings... I await the pointer...
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‎Jun 27, 2010
06:02 PM
I was going to say "Not to blame Adobe, but...", but I AM blaming Adobe. I've been following this topic for the last week or so, and I keep seeing statements from people to the effect: "I believe Adobe will take the right course of actions to get LR3 in line." or "I'm confident the next update will address these performance issues" etc., etc..... Have ANY of you who are making these statements seen ANY OFFICIAL (or even unofficial) indication from Adobe that a: they're aware of the problem? b: they've ADMITTED this is a serious, widespread problem that requires immediate addressing? c: they've assigned a team/group or some SIGNIFICANT set of resources to solving the problem? d: they've provided some form of timeline for a correction to become available? 'cause I haven't... And yeah, I know the mantra, "this is a user-to-user forum". With this many angry, frustrated users perhaps SOMEBODY that lives in a room with a door on it at Adobe MIGHT want to start paying attention... I STILL absolutely believe that what Adobe needs is a STRONG competitor to feed them their lunch.
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‎Jun 26, 2010
03:10 PM
The former iView Media Pro was a very good software set for doing catalog management. It got eaten by Microsoft and became Expressions Media if I recall correctly. I believe they've come out with a new version, but I don't think it has any massively delicious new capabilities. It doesn't integrate as closely with Bridge and Photoshop as Lightroom, but it was fsat and had some very useful capabilities LR doesn't.
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‎Jun 25, 2010
01:49 PM
>A lot of my positive experiences with LR3 could well be down to 'good practice' in my workflow, wide awareness of how to optimise performance, etc. >Without that, I can see how easy it would be to become one of the 30%. Sounds like we've got some things to learn from you. Can you specifically detail your "good practice" and "awareness of how to optimise performance" so that some of the 30% can take advantage of your knowledge and skills to improve their experience? I agree that forums attract the people that are having problems, but I suspect there may be a higher percentage of people reqally USING the product in the forum, which is why they're having problems. I also figure EVERY entry in a forum is at least 1000 people with the problem that didn't make an entry, or stopped using the product, or are just badmouthing it elsewhere. In the case of Adobe, probably more like 10,000 people so that 30% starts looking like a WHOLE LOT of angry, frustrated users.
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‎Jun 21, 2010
01:15 PM
>On these photos that LR won't import, what kind of files are they? Do they >have XMP already attached? I was importing a half dozen new .dng files. The files that were in the catalog were also .dng files. It ALSO wanted to import several .psd files that never import successfully 'cause they weren't saved with maximize compatibility. The files in the catalog were visible in the catalog. They acted fine, were accessible, and showed no problem behavior. BUT, for some reason LR wanted to import them again. Since the existing files wouldn't re-import, I couldn't import the new files into the folder either 'cause LR kept hanging. Here's my steps: Select the parent directory of the directory tree of my raw files (these are all .dng files). This tree contains 75 directories in a single level, each with anywhere from 300 to approximately 550 files. I selected synchronize so my new images would be picked up and loaded into the catalog, as well as anything I misfiled and previously forgot to import. The dialog got to the point where it indicated there were around 20 files to import. Of these 6 - 7 were new images. 4 were images that already existed in the catalog, 2 in 1 folder, and 1 each in 2 other folders. The other 9 - 10 were old .psds that never import. I unchecked the old .psds so it wouldn't squawk and told LR to import the rest......... Progress bar went to the end and hung. Eventually, I killed LR and restarted. To help find the problem, this time I synchronized only the folder where the new images would be imported. This is/was also the folder where one of the existing images was. Checked only 1 new image and it imported fine. Reran the synchronize and checked the rest of the new images, and they imported fine. Reran and finally checked the existing file, and LR hung. Killed LR and went back in. Did a Relaunch and Optimize....... Went back in, ran synchronize on a folder, selected an existing file to import, and it hung - so I surmise the optimization didn't do anything. Killed it again and went back in... Ran synchronize on the whole tree, got the names of the files that already existed that LR, went to each folder and REMOVED the offending .dng files from the catalog. Ran synchronize again, and let LR do the import on the files I'd removed from the catalog, and it worked successfully....... I'm not sure what's going on in there, and I've never seen this behavior before in any version including v3 Beta2, but for some reason the catalog lost track of 4 of approximately 40K files, in three of 75 folders, and was determined to re-import them during the synchronize. And, instead of recognizing they were already present, and fixing itself, it hung...... Consistently. BUT, WHY it lost track of these 4 files I don't know. They weren't files I was working on when LR hung previously with the "Lightroom has stopped working" popup, so I don't know how or why it lost track.
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‎Jun 21, 2010
10:06 AM
In my case, which synchronizing a folder, LR tried to import several images that were already in the catalog.The progress bar went to the end, and LR hung there. In one case I let it sit for more than 30 minutes (I was importing a total of 7 images), just to see if it'd wake up. It never did. There was very little if any cpu usage while in this condition, memory didn't appear to change, and there was no disk activity coming from LR.
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‎Jun 21, 2010
10:02 AM
Hi Melissa. I know the response was sort of tongue-in-cheek. What you're seeing in here (and in pretty much every other forum) is the subset of people that are frustrated, angry, and massively out-of-pocket because they bought a product to improve their productivity, and often bought OR BUILT a special-purpose system at massive expense to optimally use that product. The other thousands of customers are out there happily doing whatever they do....... I think there are a couple reasons: 1. The software should have been tested using "real world" systems and the problems found. This SOUNDS good but in reality there is so much variability in configurations you can't test every one. A am puzzled by the Macs having problems though - with a single manufacturer, and very restrictive configurations, I would think there'd be maybe a half dozen different systems in wide use. Those, it seems like, could have been tested and pummeled so it would be rare for a significant bug to show up there. 2. Adobe could be up-front and make periodic statements somewhere - perhaps in HERE would be good since this is their forum - that SAYS "We are aware of problem X. We have assigned resources to find it, reproduce it, and come up with an update that will FIX IT by <pick a reasonable date>. That would go a long way toward quieting the frustration. Most folks are aware software has bugs. And that it can take time to reproduce and fix those bugs. So if they/we are aware someone gives a damn about fixing the problems, not just extracting the periodic payments to the Adobe annuity, there'd be less frustration... 3. Publish REAL-WORLD specifications for systems. If you want to keep putting out the "here's the absolute bare-bones it'll run on. you won't be happy but it'll mostly run most of the time", fine, but give us specifications on the systems it's going to run OPTIMALLY on. What are the developers and testers actually USING. If it NEEDS an i7-920, 9GB of memory, 7200 rpm drives on at LEAST three spindles, and an nVidia <whatever the flavor of the week is> with at least 1GB of video memeory, and W7-64bit, TELL US. So far, I've been pretty lucky with V3. Other than the intermittent popup that "Lightroom has stopped working" at which point you have kill it and restart, and the total hang when importing an image that's already in the catalog (which the catalog appears to have lost track of and wants to import again) which requires killing LR, going to every directory where such an image exists and removing it from the catalog before importing again, I'm not finding performance too wretched. Yes, develop operations can lag perceptibly and so on, but it's not as bad as some in here are experiencing. And, boy, does it like memory! LR on my system always uses at least 3GB of memory, and since I run CS5 with it, my usage rarely drops below 5.5-6GB for these two products. It'll go up a lot more depending on what I'm doing...
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‎Jun 21, 2010
06:14 AM
Nah, you're not looking silly, I am! I was already IN Develop when I was trying to find the "Render" command, and about 10 seconds after I hit post I realized to get a Library menu I have to be IN the Library. So, I jumped back in and fixed it....... You just happened to hit it while I was still asking where the Render had gone! My bad!
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‎Jun 21, 2010
05:47 AM
Remember that if you're going to "Render standard-sized previews" you have to be in the Library... Otherwise, you'll have no Library menu.... It works pretty well if you're not doing a lot of images - typically I'll re-render for 1 - 200 and it only takes a minute or so.
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‎Jun 20, 2010
02:00 PM
I've got a note in here from a day or two ago with a very similar problem. And I'm not lacking either computer OR O/S Mine hit while importing as part of a synchronize, but there's some kind of import problem going on.
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‎Jun 20, 2010
01:58 PM
Hi Mellissa....... I can fault Adobe for not having someone detailed to participate in discussions in various forums, but they're CERTAINLY not unique. IMO, the world has changed drastically in the last few years. MANY of us now rely on forums and other Internet-based support sources FAR MORE than the traditional "manufacturer tech support". It may be because so many manufacturers have outsourced their support, which can lead to immense frustration when trying to get a solution from someone not directly connected to the development process, often with limited knowledge and resources, and frequently unable to do much more than quote the manual or fall back on rote diagnostic processes that have already been performed. It's also because there is SOMETIMES a huge group of knowledgeable users that can offer advice, recommendations, and solutions - YES, you may have to wade through some foolishness, repetitive noise, and get past the folks that are apparently poor at reading comprehension, but I've had FAR BETTER success getting solutions in various forums than I EVER get from manufacturer technical support. It takes VERY few experiences like this one to ensure you don't bother with Adobe support again: My laptop went up in flames - LITERALLY, smoke and flames. Dead. Clearly, I WAS NOT going to be able to "deactivate Photoshop." Replaced the laptop in 24 hours. Installed CS4, and of course, was told that "you can't activate because you've already got two licenses." Called "support". EXPLAINED CLEARLY THAT THE LAPTOP BURNED UP AND I COULDN'T DEACTIVATE. And needed him to deactivate the software so I could reactivate....... And was told (I'm not kidding) "Well, you should have deactivated Photoshop before installing it on the new computer." Oh........ Unfortunately, at this point I'm homicidally frustrated, convinced I'm dealing with a complete idiot, and resort to speaking very slowly and clearly, requesting that he deactivate the software... Again. Eventually, after sufficient hoop jumping, it gets done, but I'm once again left with the feeling that what Adobe needs MOST is a MAJOR COMPETITOR TO FEED THEM THEIR LUNCH. As far as I'm concerned ANY manufacturer that charges for technical support to address problems with their product is making a clear statement that they DO NOT want to hear about the problems the majority of their users are having, and do NOT want to be bothered addressing them. It may be tolerable for a $20 product, but for a tool that sells thousands of licenses and costs hundreds or thousands of dollars, it's attrocious.
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