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‎Apr 27, 2017
04:53 PM
I agree with all of the fantastic advice above. Anne-Marie Concepcion and David Blatner are absolutely amazing. They also have an entertaining podcast and blog called InDesign Secrets. This site has amazing tips, podcasts, and videos. Another amazing reference I give people trying to learn InDesign is Chad Chelius's InDesign Learn by Video. He goes in explicit detail with InDesign. I also like that it is a DVD and I can watch it anywhere without being online. Terry White has some great tips and trick about InDesign as well. He also has videos on YouTube and Adobe TV. Deke McClelland has a series on Lynda.com about InDesign. Classroom in a Book for Indesign is also a good learning tool. I follow all of them and more and learn something new each day. They are all amazing and I get a different experience with each trainer. Adobe's website has a lot of skilled and talented people trainers who are happy to share what they know about InDesign. All of these tips and the future ones will help you master InDesign in no time. Have fun learning!
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‎Apr 25, 2017
01:34 PM
You're welcome!
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‎Apr 25, 2017
06:10 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks jane-e​!!! I am happy to be here with you guys.
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‎Apr 24, 2017
07:55 PM
I agree Myra, I was thinking Spark or Portfolio will be the easiest options.
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‎Apr 24, 2017
07:52 PM
This was the second annual one. I attended both of them including this one. It was a nice training, but it was very crowded. I think there were just under a thousand people in attendance. There is also another Adobe training in DC on May 2nd. It's the government assembly.
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‎Apr 24, 2017
07:41 PM
1 Upvote
You can also check with your local colleges, many of the design courses teach using Adobe products as a tool. They have credit and non-credit courses that teach you through lessons, lectures, and hands-on projects.
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‎Apr 20, 2017
08:48 AM
I agree with Bob, upgrading it should solve your problem. If you really want to keep CC2014, you can keep both versions on your machine.
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‎Apr 20, 2017
08:12 AM
Hi Jane, I totally understand. I go back and forth with both programs. Illustrator is amazing and has some awesome tools and effects that you can't do anywhere else. It really just depends on which program I start in. Sometimes I start in Illustrator and end in InDesign and other times I stay in Illustrator. Your students are AWESOME!!!
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‎Apr 18, 2017
03:31 AM
Jeff, this tutorial is great!! I use the transform panel all the time, especially with elements, but never thought to use it in this way for labels and business cards. The whole time watching, I was thinking how are you going to update changes and then you blew my mind at the end. I liked this one so much that I subscribed and watched about 9 more videos. Thanks for the new link. This is what I love about these forums, I learn something new every day.
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‎Apr 17, 2017
12:59 PM
Barb you are so right because InDesign is my favorite program so I use InDesign for almost everything involving layout. However, there are those times when I use Illustrator to design business cards, postcards, or other small projects. I like this workflow because I can create one business card, place it into InDesign and use step and repeat to lay multiple copies down on the page. Then if I need to make a change, I make that change inside of Illustrator and the links automatically update in InDesign. All programs have their purposes, but I teach my students to use Photoshop mostly for photo manipulation, Illustrator for logos, web graphics, and similar projects, and use InDesign for page layouts.
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‎Apr 14, 2017
08:45 PM
Caroline, my earlier comment was if you were using CS6. If you are using CC2107, you have to click on Advanced Options (it is below the Background Color area). to make your background transparent. Once you click that you will have the option to make your background transparent, as Nancy stated earlier. Then you can follow her other instructions to export your image.
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‎Apr 14, 2017
08:31 PM
Let's try something else, do you see a layer labeled Background in your layers panel (it might be locked)? If so, hide or delete that layer and you should see the transparent (checkerboard) background. Then you should be able to finish the instructions to export it to a PNG.
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‎Apr 13, 2017
07:58 AM
Adjun2, I agree with Vinny38 and all of the advice you received on this post so far, If you do not have styles already set up, you can just edit the [Basic Paragraph] style and change its color to the swatch you want. Then all of your text will change to that chosen color. Keep in mind of all of the cautions you got about not changing the default [Black].
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‎Apr 13, 2017
06:01 AM
Hello Arjun2, Here is an article explaining how to accomplish this... How to change default black to rich black in InDesign - and why you should Create your rich black swatch. Open the 'Find/change' dialogue box (Ctrl+F or Edit>Find/change...). Click on the 'Object' tab. Then click on the little magnifying glass icon thingy, which has the helpful tool tip 'Specify attributes to find'. When you click on the magnifying glass you get the 'Change object format options' dialogue. In the 'Find object format' bit, select default black. In the 'Change object format' bit select your rich black swatch of C75, M68, Y67, K90. Click 'OK' and all instances of default black will be the rich black you have chosen.
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‎Apr 11, 2017
04:18 PM
That is true ShadowNIN, I was thinking it was making all of your icons smaller, not just the Adobe ones. I realize that my issue was different because all of the icons on my computer were really small and were giving me a headache. Preferences is definitely a better way to go.
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‎Apr 11, 2017
02:36 PM
Hi Brandik81084739, You could try checking the size of your artboard to ensure that it isn't larger than your image.
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‎Apr 11, 2017
02:26 PM
Shadownin, I purchased a monitor with amazing resolution and the issue was that the resolution was just too high. Try lowering the resolution to test out how the icons look and see if that works for you.
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‎Apr 11, 2017
02:44 AM
1 Upvote
I agree with John, We just had to upgrade to these exact specs at work because After Effects would freeze and do really glitchy things. Once we upgraded and added 2 additional hard drives it ran smoothly. We have the OS on one hard drive, the cache on another hard drive, and the AE files on the other drive.
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‎Apr 11, 2017
02:35 AM
Hi DrMontague, I was having a similar issue with my new install. The fix for me was to update my operating system. Once it updated and restarted, the programs installed without issue. Mine was on a Mac OS computer.
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‎Apr 08, 2017
10:27 PM
I agree with winterm, this was an issue in earlier versions of InDesign as well. Anything too close to the spine will appear on both pages. Interesting thing is that if you remove it just a little and move it back it goes away permanently, most of the time.
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‎Apr 08, 2017
07:59 AM
Aurea2017, I agree with all of the advice you have received so far. More information is needed for us to try and troubleshoot this issue. This seems very advanced for beginning level code. The information that you provided us doesn't include any of the CSS that the HTML div classes are calling to. The CSS you gave us named .rollover-drag-md is not included in the HTML. The image isn't included. This one is pretty hard to troubleshoot without all of the elements. Could you upload all of your HTML, all the CSS, and the files needed or could you link us to the local root folder in Dropbox?
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‎Apr 04, 2017
03:50 AM
I have the same question as Brad. The question I have is did you manage your site? I know pages aren't visible in the files panel if the site isn't managed.
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‎Apr 01, 2017
08:42 AM
When using the pen tool, you want to make sure the paths you draw are completely closed. It looks like it is from this screenshot, but I've seen files before that look closed but they aren't. You will see a circle symbol next to the pen tool when you hover over the point to close the path. I'm not in front of my computer so I can't do a screenshot for you. After the path is closed. You should be able to color the shapes with ease. Also, live paint will help but you shouldn't need it if you have closed paths.
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‎Mar 31, 2017
02:34 AM
I stand corrected. Thanks for the update John.
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‎Mar 30, 2017
05:44 PM
I agree with Nancy. Additional question...Is this a logo that is already created that you are bringing into Photoshop, but you want the background to be transparent once it's placed?
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‎Mar 30, 2017
05:31 PM
I agree with Derek and Nancy. Lynda.Com and Deke McClelland are excellent places to start. Lynda will teach you the program like a classroom setting. it is very structured and you will learn it from the beginning to the end. Deke will teach you the ins and outs of Photoshop. He really goes in depth with why the program does what it does and how it works. Terry White has good beginning tutorials in Photoshop, as well. If you go to YouTube and search for Photoshop for beginners, you will find a lot of great tutorials on there. Best part about it is that they are free. There are many tutorials out there, especially in Photoshop. Have fun learning.
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‎Mar 30, 2017
04:45 PM
I agree with Dave. Also if you want a perfect circle, hold the shift key as you drag. If you want to draw from the center hold alt. If you want to draw it out from the center while containing it hold the alt/option and shift as you drag.
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‎Mar 30, 2017
03:19 PM
That's what I was thinking Willi. I create them as separate spreads and they work well. I've also used a template from the InDesign Idea Book. This was a one page layout, but it printed perfect for me every time. Also, FoldFactory is also amazing.
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‎Mar 30, 2017
03:11 PM
Great link Rihit_ID. I love these tips. I just finished a brochure using custum brush strokes inside of InDesign.
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‎Mar 30, 2017
02:25 PM
Hi Matthewe, I am a happy creative cloud subscriber. You can always try the 30 day trial to see if you like it before you commit. I tried it first and then I loved it. I didn't see direct web hosting with mine, however, hosting your portfolio online through Adobe Portfolio is included in the subscription. I am not sure about the price sheet. Hope this helps you out a bit. :c)
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