‎Mar 08, 2018
01:07 PM
The fix is to reinstall Bridge. Adobe staff have posted this a couple of times.
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‎Mar 06, 2018
08:41 AM
What dates? Creation date and modification date are both search criteria. Just use those.
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‎Mar 05, 2018
11:52 AM
1 Upvote
You can't access the iPhone via the Finder. However, Image Capture will see photos on an iOS device.
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‎Mar 02, 2018
08:37 AM
Bridge is simply a file browser. It does write to a cache so you need to set it to export cache to folders. Working with files on a network share is fine if slow at times. You might want to look at Creative Cloud for Teams as there are collaboration features available, if simple file browsing isn't enough.
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‎Mar 01, 2018
09:38 AM
I would try Curves or Selective Color for that area. Match the dark grey background and the rest of it should come close.
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‎Feb 20, 2018
12:03 PM
This is user error, plain and simple. When you Save As in pretty much any program, your original file IS NOT SAVED. Its a NEW file, with a new name, possibly in a new format. The fix is easy. Save first, THEN Save As, then close the NEW file and reopen the old one.
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‎Feb 14, 2018
06:49 PM
Adobe changed the Get Info window to match that in Photoshop. You'll have to use an alternate way (exiftool or a script) to read and write XMP. The good news is that (once you figure out how to use the poorly documented commands) scripting works really well.
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‎Feb 14, 2018
01:32 PM
1 Upvote
Sorry, didn't realize I needed to mark it.
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‎Feb 13, 2018
12:43 PM
Most customers don't know this site exists.
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‎Feb 13, 2018
12:31 PM
I've been testing my new script application for JPEG export in Bridge. I'd like to have a progress indicator. On Windows, I can use the window.update function to write a new value to a text field during the for loop where I actually export the files. On macOS, I get a spinning rainbow (busy cursor) and the window isn't updated until the export is finished. Identical code. An alert WILL interrupt the export loop on either platform and allow the window to update. Any ideas? I'll post sample code later today.
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‎Feb 13, 2018
12:21 PM
Your versions of Photoshop and Lightroom don't enable the newer Camera RAW in Bridge CC. You would need to use Bridge CS6 I believe, or upgrade to Photoshop CC.
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‎Feb 08, 2018
09:08 AM
You can preserve the current filename in XMP so that it is available to restore.
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‎Feb 08, 2018
09:01 AM
Technical details aside, you need to set expectations with your client. As long as the client is satisfied with the finished results, you are golden. Do your best, bill accordingly, and let them know that simpler artwork will give better results next time.
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‎Feb 07, 2018
09:34 AM
Honestly, I would do two things: 1. Talk to the printer about how they want the file prepared. They may want the ID file and do the separations themselves. 2. Go back to the client and tell them that four-color on cheap paper is going to look awful. This is going to be out of gamut unless you do six-color and decent coated paper. As for proofing, do several variations tiled in one pdf and see what looks best.
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‎Feb 07, 2018
09:25 AM
That's not the install location. Program Files is for Adobe-installed files, AppData is for the individual user. If you put things in Program Files, they may not be properly migrated when Photoshop is updated.
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‎Feb 07, 2018
07:25 AM
Bridge doesn't have a "read-only" mode. A locked file, file open in another program, on a locked volume, etc may be read-only but that is determined by the operating system. Where is this file located, and does any other file have this problem?
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‎Feb 05, 2018
07:49 AM
Yeah it looks like a variable is the best bet. I can use array.pop() or delete to remove the array entry but I would risk deleting another script's handler. I tried walking the array but can't figure out how to match the elements. I'm trying to show a confirm dialog when the user selects a Collection, to choose an export folder. Once the palette is closed, I don't want a dialog popping up.
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‎Feb 04, 2018
04:13 PM
Is there a supported way to remove an app event handler? Sample snippet: f = function(event){ if(event.object instanceof Document && event.type == 'loaded'){ //do stuff } return {handled:false}; } app.eventHandlers.push({handler:f}); So this works great, I have a floating palette and want to force a display refresh when the user changes folders in the Bridge browser window. I tried registering the click event in the palette (where the event handler can be removed) but window events don't work right or even the same cross-platform. My problem is that after closing the palette, the app event handler and function f() remain active and continue to fire. So every time the browser loads, f() is executed. I tried a window.onClose() event but can't figure out how to remove the handler (beyond deleting app.eventHandlers[0] which risks deleting an event handler from a different script.) Redefining the function f() doesn't work. Adobe's documentation only talks about setting this handler and that its a simple array entry, not how to remove it. No listing of methods and nothing in Event Model Viewer. Any ideas?
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‎Jan 29, 2018
01:59 PM
First of all, you really want to upload larger files than 4MP. Second, bit depth has NOTHING to do with image resolution (megapixels.) Megapixels is an area measurement, width x height. 1633px x 2450px is the closest 2:3 ratio size for 4MP. Just do the math, a cheap desk calculator is a good friend.
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‎Jan 19, 2018
12:31 PM
It doesn't look like addEventListener is a method for app.document. I do see it listed for window, so maybe look for a mousedown in the document window and check document.selection to see if it has changed? Just guessing here. The Object Model Viewer shows which objects have what methods.
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‎Jan 19, 2018
11:59 AM
Try updating to Bridge CC 2018.
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‎Jan 19, 2018
11:58 AM
Your question isn't clear. Are you talking about common save behavior, where a temp file is created, old file deleted, and then new file renamed to prevent data loss?
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‎Jan 16, 2018
01:45 PM
Randomize your data in Excel first. There is no built-in way to create data-driven graphics with randomized data. As for fonts, that's pretty easy with a Javascript. If you aren't a programmer, you may need to hire someone to do this all for you.
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‎Jan 14, 2018
08:09 PM
Yes I posted that script. I’m maybe halfway done writing a new JPEG export panel.
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‎Jan 14, 2018
08:07 PM
Check to see if the scripts are enabled in Bridge Preferences
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‎Jan 12, 2018
07:59 AM
1 Upvote
Ah nevermind. Had to use the Thumbnail object, not thumbnail.spec var xmp = new XMPMeta(thumb.synchronousMetadata.serialize());
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‎Jan 12, 2018
07:52 AM
Doesn't work. It throws an error of "undefined is not an object" with both RAW and JPEG source files. And the Object Model Viewer says that Thumbnail.synchronousMetadata returns undefined if the node doesn't support embedded metadata.
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‎Jan 12, 2018
06:01 AM
I'm writing a replacement JPEG export panel for Bridge, and currently working on copying metadata. I have it working for any source format with embedded metadata using the testing code stub below. But this doesn't work with RAW files, presumably due to using XMP sidecars. Note that the "SnpInspectMetadata.jsx" sample included in the Bridge CC SDK also fails, in fact it throws an exception when trying to run new XMPFile(). So how do I get metadata from RAW files? Do I have to test for sidecars? Looking at one with a text editor, there are lots of extra fields. My script works otherwise to export JPEG files, and copies metadata from image formats other than RAW. = JPEGExport(); function JPEGExport(){ var thumbs = app.document.getSelection("psd, jpg, png, tif, gif, CR2, nef"); if(thumbs.length != 0){ if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript"); for(var i = 0;i < thumbs.length;i++){ if(thumbs.spec instanceof File){ var thumb = thumbs; var selectedFile = thumb.spec; var oldXmpFile = new XMPFile(selectedFile.fsName, XMPConst.UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_READ); var oldXmp = oldXmpFile.getXMP(); var bm = new BitmapData(thumbs.spec); if(bm instanceof BitmapData){ var fullName =; var finalDotPosition = fullName.lastIndexOf("."); if(finalDotPosition > -1){ repname = fullName.substr(0 , finalDotPosition); } } var exportFilePath = thumbs.parent.spec + "/" + repname +"_new.jpg"; var exfile = new File(exportFilePath); bm.exportTo(exfile); var newthumb = exfile.spec; var myXmpFile = new XMPFile(exfile.fsName, XMPConst.UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_UPDATE); if (myXmpFile.canPutXMP(oldXmp)){ myXmpFile.putXMP(oldXmp); myXmpFile.closeFile(XMPConst.CLOSE_UPDATE_SAFELY); } } } } }
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‎Jan 09, 2018
01:49 PM
This is a normal part of developing software. APIs change and sometimes break your code. Sorry, JJ, but you come across as way too angry here. Use the sample code that was generously provided to deal with the API change and quit ranting.
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