Hello, I have a script ( very early dev stage ) that re-orders the tab order by looking at the name of the form field. The name of the form field should end with the order of the field, like this, button 1 ,3. the 3 indicates that the button is the third tab item. PM me for more details. P. Edited... Here is the script. Always backup your work. ======== //DESCRIPTION: Form Field order. //kerntiff.co.uk #targetengine "FormFieldOrder"; main (); function main () { if ( app.documents.length <= 0 ) return; var formFields = []; formFields = formFields.concat ( app.activeDocument.layoutWindows[0].activePage.formFields.everyItem().getElements() ); formFields.sort ( function ( a, b ) { var aN = Number ( a.name.split ( ",")[1] ); var bN = Number ( b.name.split ( ",")[1] ); if ( aN < bN ) return ( -1 ); if ( aN > bN ) return ( 1 ); return ( 0 ); }); app.activeDocument.layoutWindows[0].activePage.tabOrder = formFields; }
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