Hi Michel
So am I correct in taking it that you agree with me that Adobe is not using the word "convert" correctly on this button? The dictionary definition is to change the form, character, or function of something, giving it a different use or function. It means the original form no longer exists, whereas in the Adobe interface the "convert" button does not do that. Just as you describe, it creates a new, second version which can then itself be modified. I didn't want to change my original for exactly the reasons you set out, particularly since there were conflicting messages about whether the process was actually finished.
By @slast
Sorry, I don't agree, because the definition you have found is a correct one, but there is also other correct ones, especially regarding I.T.
- the most current one is for files formats, where "modifying" directly the source file is meaningless. As already stated, modifying is reading the data stored in the original format and entering them in a new container. There must be a different resulting file and a remaining source file unless somebody, the programmer or the user deletes it. There are many file formats converters on the market for image or raw conversion, so using the word "convert" is not an Adobe error.
- The good choice of Adobe is that the resulting catalog folder name is kept, and that the original file is still available and directly usable with the original PSE version.
- In this case it's a file folder conversion involving several database files conversions in the catalog folder. That's not important for the average PSE organizer user, what is important and not enough explained in the help doc is that a catalog is a folder including many resources, files and datatabases.
- The whole folder can be moved to another location, it always point to the location of each of your media files.
- The main database in that folder is called "catalog.pseXXdb" (XX being 22 24 for PSE2024...) That tells you what is the correct PSE version to open that catalog.
- Every new version of the database itself, container and structure is somehow different: updates of the Sqlite database engine, new database structure from Adobe. The user contents are kept nearly 100% in the conversion.
What I wanted to stress was that it's the user who should decide if he deletes old catalogs or archives them.
[edited - thanks Greg - I am struggling with my old hardware before upgrading to PSE2024]
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