First, about Youtube and quality, things to be aware of. YT is intended for speed, not for quality. It always recode videos you uploaded, and does it with "fast" settings and low bitrate. And it seems they decided that 1080p and below is for mobile screens only. 1080p usually encoded in ~1.5-2Mbps, of course it looks ugly on a bigger screen. 2160p and 1440p variants are OK more or less, not good really, but acceptable. So, even if your screen is only 1080, but you wanna see maximum quality - select 1440 in YT player. I've heard that Vimeo is somewhat better, but never tested it myself. Regarding rendering and export speed. I assume you have enabled CUDA renderer in project settings. Then, in case your timeline is "yellow" (means you are using only accelerated effects) and considering your HW, the export speed should be at least at realtime speed or faster. But, If your timeline is "red", and rendering is way too slow, try this trick I described recently: To make export even faster, consider using HW-encoding via your graphic card. For that you need to install export plugin (freeware) : Just copy "Voukoder.prm" file in the folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore Try this Voukoder settings: Video tab => Match source, Nvidia NVENC h264, CQP16, RC lookahead 20 Multiplexer tab => Container: QuickTime / MOV (And don't update to v2 unless there is something that does not work) p.s. Just a little reminder, when troubleshooting always use "New sequence from clip" method instead of creating the sequence manually.
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