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Première pro n'utilise pas la carte graphique...

New Here ,
Nov 05, 2018 Nov 05, 2018

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J'ai un problème depuis la mise à jour d'Adobe Première Pro CC 2019.. Depuis cette mise à jour le logiciel n'utilise pas ma carte graphique GeForce GTX 1060 6Go. Il utilise la processeur et la mémoire à fond... Ce qui me pose un énorme problème puisque le montage est mon métier...






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Community Expert ,
Nov 05, 2018 Nov 05, 2018

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Try updating or rolling back your graphics driver directly from the video card manufacturer’s site.





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New Here ,
Nov 06, 2018 Nov 06, 2018

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Merci pour cette réponse rapide. Cependant j'ai déjà fait une restauration de la carte graphique et les mises à jour des pilotes. Rien ne change. Le problème viens d'un fichier d'Adobe qui s’appelait avant RayTracer et qui est introuvable avec la nouvelle mise à jour adobe. Ce fichier répertoriais les comptabilités de carte graphique pour le CUDA. Et ce fichier n'a jamais vraiment été mise à jour depuis longtemps. Le fichier Optix.1.dll également n'as jamais été mise à jour... Ce sont des fichier important qui permettent d'éviter d'avoir des temps de rendu extrêmement long malgré une très bonne carte graphique.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 04, 2019 Jan 04, 2019

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Hi Julien Viard,

We're sorry for your issue. I understand you are unable to use GPU acceleration for Adobe Premiere Pro.

  • Does it happen with the latest update of Premiere Pro?
  • Which version of CUDA drivers are installed on your computer?


Let us know if it helps.







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Explorer ,
May 04, 2019 May 04, 2019

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Hi there,

I have a huge problem with Premiere Pro 2019 purchased end of April 2019.

It seems similar to Julien Viard's.

My configuration is the following :

- Motherboard MSI Z170APC MATE (MS-7971)

- CPU : Intel Core i5-6600K @ 3.5 GHz => Overclocked by MSI GENIE up to 4.10 GHz

- RAM : 2x8GB (=> 16 GB)G.Skill DDR4-2133 (1066 MHz)

- Initial graphic chipset (?)

- More TB of storage than necessary

I installed PPro 2019 and started to work fine with the internal graphic chipset of the Motherboard.

I created a project using "Logiciel Mercury Playback Engine uniquement" (in french) for "Video reading and rendering".

After several underwater videos added to the timeline and many effects added (video transition, color rendering effects inside separate Effect Layers), I realized my CPU was used 100%.

Nevertheless, at that time, I was able to visualize my videos in the SOURCE panel fine. The resulting videos in the PROGRAM panel were very slow and jerky, on the other hand.

So, I decided to purchase a GIGABYTE GEFORCE RTX 2060 WINDFORCE OC 6G on 02 May 2019.

I Installed the last version of the AORUS Engine and the last versions of NVIDIA (below - in french, sorry -):

- NVIDIA GeForce Experience

- NVIDIA Logiciel système PhysX 9.18.0907

- NVIDIA Pilote 3D Vision 417.71

- NVIDIA Pilote audio HD :

- NVIDIA Pilote du contrôleur 3D Vision 390.41

- NVIDIA Pilote graphique 417.71


I switched my project "Video reading and rendering" to  "Accélération GPU Mercury Playback Engine (CUDA)".

PROBLEM : My videos freeze both in the SOURCE and PROGRAM panels. I am completely stuck and unable to carry on my project.

Switching back to "Logiciel Mercury Playback Engine uniquement" (in french) for "Video reading and rendering" does not help either.

For additional information, I tried to install the NVIDIA package "https://www.premierebro.com/blog/support-changes-for-gpu-acceleration-coming-to-premiere-p ro " recommanded by the ADOBE support staff on 04 January 2019. It failed with a compatibility error saying (translated from French) :

- This NVIDIA graphical pilot is not compatible with this version of Windows => JmC's note: updated regularly

- This graphical pilot did not find a compatible graphical component => JmC's note: with the NVIDIA pilots above currently installed properly

HELP! What should I do?

Jean-Marie Chauvois





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Community Expert ,
May 04, 2019 May 04, 2019

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What is your hard drive setup (how many, what kind, what is on each, and how full)?

What version of Windows?





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Explorer ,
May 04, 2019 May 04, 2019

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Thanks for asking.

Windows 10, of course, updated in "real-time". So, the latest release package, I suppose.

- 1x Samsung 250 GB SSD System disk (77 GB free)

- 1x Seagate 1 TB Hard disk (442 GB free) => High I/O

- 1x Seagate 5 TB Hard Disk (3.8 TB free) => Medium I/O => The one used by the PPro 2019  for storing main data

- 1x Seagate 7 TB Hard Disk (2.5 TB free) => Low I/O

I also confirm my timeline is :

- yellow by default over all videos without effect

- red over most video transition effects

- red over all color rendering effect layers

It is a wild wild world! 🙂





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Explorer ,
May 08, 2019 May 08, 2019

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Hi again,

Just to let you know what the situation is after a few days of enquiries on my own :

1) I am using my Tower computer in multi-user mode

Software installation and system maintenance are mostly done with my 'Admin' account.

Day-to-day work and internet requests are done essentially with my 'User' account.

I installed Premiere Pro 2019 with 'Admin' and used it with 'User'.

I also installed Premiere Pro 2019 on my Laptop (installation is allowed on 2 devices maximum).

It worked fine on my tower PC for a while, slow but ok, until I put a lot of effects to make color corrections on my GoPro underwater footages.

My tower PC slowed down to a crawl until I was unable to even display my untouched footages in the SOURCE panel.

I updated my NVIDIA drivers with the last 20190423_430.39-desktop-win10-64bit-international-whql.exe' package.

By accident and fortunately, I discovered Premiere Pro 2019 was still working with 'Admin' but not anymore with 'User'.

I DON'T KNOW WHY and that bothers me.

2) Massive change on my configuration

Because any export of the project with my initial configuration :

- Windows 10 Family Version 1803

- Motherboard MSI Z170APC MATE (MS-7971)

- CPU : Intel Core i5-6600K @ 3.5 GHz (6th generation), 4 cores => Overclocked by MSI GENIE up to 4.10 GHz

- RAM : 2x8GB (=> 16 GB) G.Skill DDR4-2133 (1066 MHz)

- Plenty of available storage (>3 TB on a medium I/O work disk and 77 GB on my System SSD disk)


took > 16 hours, I decided to change my configuration to :

- Same OS

- Motherboard Z390 AORUS PRO WIFI

- CPU : Intel Core i7-9700K @ 3.9 GHz (9th generation), 8 cores => Overclocked up to 4.90 GHz

- RAM : 2x8GB (=> 16 GB) G.Skill TRIDENTZ DDR4-3000 (3000 MHz)

- Same System and work disks

- Same GPU

I improved the processing and the extraction time (roughly from 16h to 1h30), yes, but not in the proportions I was expecting.

My project uses :

- the 8 cores of the new CPU almost at 100% (its temperature rises then to 80°C despite my Air Cooler Thermalright)

- roughly 70% of my RAM

- with very little help from my GPU

- no fluency in the running of the project on the fly by Premiere Pro.

This is... fairly disappointing.

Premiere Pro is really a very powerful software. No doubt about it. However and unless I am mistaking on the proper way of using it, Premiere Pro seems to badly take advantage of the available configuration, especially of the GPU. Everything seems to rely on the CPU and on the speed of components.

Unless upgrading to a professional Windows version and all my storage to SSD,  which is unacceptable, I cannot see any way to improve things, at this stage, on my 2 problems :

- Premiere Pro 2019 can be used only by my 'Admin' account on my tower PC, when all my tools & customized environments are on my 'User' account

- Premier Pro 2019 does not run my project (highly effected, that's true) with enough fluency despite a configuration close to Geeky Gamer's with brute power and speed.

Any idea ?

Have a nice day!





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Explorer ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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Last message to let you know my problem was solved only with BRUTE FORCE:

- Same OS

- Motherboard Z390 AORUS PRO WIFI

- CPU : Intel Core i7-9700K @ 3.9 GHz (9th generation), 8 cores => Overclocked up to 4.90 GHz

- RAM : 4x8GB (=> 32 GB) G.Skill TRIDENTZ DDR4-3000 (3000 MHz)

- Same System and work disks

- Same GPU

The additional 16 GB of High Speed RAM noticeably relieved the CPU during:

- the export of the video,

- the color-rendering and stabilization of footages during the previsualization.

It seems Premiere Pro 2019 make a very poor use of the GPU.

Once this said, Premiere Pro 2019 makes a staggering job on my underwater footages, with the proper Preset applied.

Have a nice day!





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Community Expert ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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Explorer ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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Thanks for your additional information.

A bit too technical for me, sorry.

When I look at the recommended specifications ( April 26, 2019) by Adobe Vs. my configuration :

- Windows 10 Family Version 1803 => OK

- Motherboard Z390 AORUS PRO WIFI

- CPU : Intel Core i7-9700K @ 3.9 GHz (9th generation), 8 cores => Overclocked up to 4.90 GHz => OK

- RAM : 4x8GB (=> 32 GB) G.Skill TRIDENTZ DDR4-3000 (3000 MHz) => OK

- Plenty of available storage (>3 TB on a medium I/O work disk and 77 GB on my System SSD disk) => ~OK (Adobe does not take any risk by recommending High Speed disks for media)

- GIGABYTE GEFORCE RTX 2060 WINDFORCE OC 6G => NOK (Adobe recommends a huge load of NVIDIA GEFORCE GPUs including GTX 1070, GTX 1080, RTX 2070, RTX 2080 but not my brand new RTX 2060 with 6GB)

Conclusion : The recommended specifications by Adobe is simple, take the maximum of what you can buy at retail level on the market (and I consider to be 70% of it already), more or less. This is far from satisfactory.

I consider Adobe should do better thant that, considering the price of Premiere Pro 2019. Therfore, I do not consider this problem solved.

However, I thank you for your attempt to help.






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Community Expert ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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Its not technical, all you need to read is

What does Premiere Pro accelerate with CUDA/OpenCL? Here’s a list of things that





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Explorer ,
May 23, 2019 May 23, 2019

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Hello again,

Not sure about what you are trying to tell me, Ann.

The NVIDIA Turing chip in my middle-range RTX 2060 is compatible CUDA with pretty high performances, according to tests, though it does not reach the performances of the 2070 or 2080, of course. It is not the same price either 😉

I was also wondering whether the NVIDIA chips, gaming oriented (polygons, texture, ray-tracing, ...), were compatible with the types of calculation necessary in video editing like Premiere Pro does. Honestly, I don't know.  But if Premier Pro is making the best of the RTX 2070 and 2080, why not the 2060? I can understand lesser performances, for a more reasonable price, but not an incompatibility.

Oh yes, one last thing for everybody :

I said I also had a problem with my using Premier Pro in a User environment instead of an Admin one on my Tower PC. Well, this is solved. You know what happened? One day, when starting my PC, Windows 10 told me it detected problems with a few programs running in a User environments that were requesting services running only with SYSTEM privileges. Then, Windows asked me if I wanted it to try solving the problem. I answered yes. Windows did its bits and bops and... Shazam! Premiere Pro was running properly again under my User environment. I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY WINDOWS DETECTED IT AND HOW IT SOLVED IT, SO IT SEEMS. I just know this specific problem is solved. This is both satisfying and frustrating because I like to understand things and here, clearly, I do not.

Many thanks for trying to help me understanding.

Yes, I think that Premiere Pro is an outstanding piece of software.

I also think people are getting lazy when developping because brute power is easy to use and because it is good for business too.

But at what cost for the buyer and, let us be slightly more philosophical, at what cost for our environment (energy, heat, unused raw material, ...) ?

I still think Adobe should do better than that for the price of its Software by using every piece of power available when possible on the configuration. Poor use of my current GPU and I still do not understand why.

Thanks for the time you took to answer me.






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Community Beginner ,
May 30, 2019 May 30, 2019

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Man I came here to find an answer and I am having the exact same problem like you! I don't believe it.

I custom build my PC only two weeks ago only to find out now.

AMD Ryzen 7 2700x


RTX 2060


When exporting the CPU reaches almost 100% just like you at the task manager (and reaching 80 Celsius)while the GPU is doing almost nothing at 17% in total and 0% on the encode tab. Adobe is a joke. It supports 2070 but not 2060. A 400€ GPU.

And yes I have the latest drivers, even the new advertised "creative studio drivers" which boost Adobe's programs. Yeah not at all NVIDIA, sorry. I won't suggest anyone this card at all. (at least for now.)





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Explorer ,
Jun 03, 2019 Jun 03, 2019

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Sorry to hear about that.

Again, I think Adobe should do much better, considering the high and recurring price (~cloudified) of its software.

It is especially true when the competition bearing the name of a famous italian genius is making the best of the hardware and of the GPU with a more reasonable price and is giving you the ownership of its software once purchased.

The way Adobe is recommending its retail customer to purchase the best and most expensive pieces of hardware to make sure Premiere Pro is working properly is less and less acceptable.

We are in a world where resources are becoming scarcer and where using CPU brute power only instead of all available bits of power of the configuration is an outdated commercial and coding practice.

I had to answer some kind of investigation from Adobe, last month, but after 2 answers, it was clear the investigation was not interested in my profile.

The problem is coming from Adobe, not from your GPU.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 03, 2019 Jun 03, 2019

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You are absolutely right man. I have been paying for the full suite for over a year now.

Yes the problem is from Adobe's site. I cant believe a company so big can't put some money on the R&D and test the latest technologies and GPUs available in the market. And i can't believe they update their apps only once or twice per year (I mean big updates).

Resolve really uses my GPU and exports 20% faster than Adobe. And they are not even a software company!

Anyway I will stick with the 2060 which is a brand new card and hopefully waiting for an support during IBC this September. Who knows.





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Advocate ,
Jun 24, 2019 Jun 24, 2019

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You mentioned that your timeline is "red" after adding effects. In that case your project may be affected by this bug:

Re: Order of filters/effects and drop in CUDA-rendering speed, is it a bug or a feature?

Also, if you exporting to h264, consider using HW-encoding via your graphic card. For that you need to install export plugin (freeware) :


Just copy the "Voukoder.prm" file in the folder:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore

Try this Voukoder settings:

Video tab => Match source, Nvidia NVENC h264, CQP16, RC lookahead 20

Multiplexer tab => Container:  QuickTime / MOV

(And don't update to v2 unless there is something that does not work)





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