@Lioba22745708soxt So, I did some tests with the sample file you provided above. I found that hi and frac had the biggest effect on duplicates removal. Increasing hi/frac removes more frames. For this specific sample working range for hi seems to be roughly between 4000(already works for this sample) and 5000 (if higher, unwanted frames may get removed). So I just set it to 4500 in the script below. As you can see in the attached sample, the parts with noticeable moving shadows still there, but first near-static 3sec completely gone. One more change. Now the script produces ready to use 25fps file, and no more need for 'interpret footage' in PPro. Also, audio track is removed completely in output, there is no use for it anyways. @echo off
TITLE %~nx0
set t0=%TIME%, %DATE%
for %%F in (%*) do call :main %%F
goto finalmessage
echo ---------------------------------
set "newdir=No_Static_Scenes"
if not exist "%~dp1\%newdir%" mkdir "%~dp1\%newdir%"
ffmpeg.exe -y -i "%~f1" -vf mpdecimate=hi=4500:lo=2000:frac=0.3,setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -preset veryfast -x264-params ref=1:bframes=0:keyint=15:min-keyint=1:qcomp=0.7:no-dct-decimate=1 -an "%~dp1\%newdir%\%~nx1_[nostats]_.mov"
goto :eof
powershell write-host -fore cyan ============ Processing is FINISHED =======
echo ----------------------------
echo Batch processing start time: %t0%
echo Batch processing end time: %TIME%, %DATE%
echo ----------------------------
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