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‎Dec 27, 2021
08:48 AM
Have you tried Adobe's updated software Photoshop 2022 and ACR 14. What platform are you using PC|Mac OS version, Device drivers etc? You provide little info where are those 55 macro pictures that we can examine. Is your issue related to your software, hardware, or files?
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‎Dec 27, 2021
08:36 AM
Problem Event Name: BEX64 Application Name: Photoshop.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 61b0fd9f Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Photoshop was using sone system support Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll I have seen BEX64 involved when there were issuned in Display Device drivers. Does Photoshop 23 show that your GPU is Supported and it drivers are up to date?
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‎Dec 27, 2021
08:20 AM
Have you reviewed all of the known M1 issues? Photoshop for Apple silicon
you can backout updates
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‎Dec 27, 2021
08:14 AM
That is surly not the way Photoshop manages memory on Windows. Photoshop normally returns memory it has allocated and is managing when Photoshop terminates. However there are UI option you can use to ask Photoshop to return some resources it has allocates and is not currently using. Via Photoshop menu Edit>Purge>resource.
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‎Dec 27, 2021
07:57 AM
Jeff wrote there are fixes in the Photoshop beta for LUT. Version 23.1 is not a Photoshop beta version use the Creative Cloud Desktop to install Beta Photoshop to see if it has addressed your problem.
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‎Dec 27, 2021
07:30 AM
You wrote: "I can locate the crash reports but there is no mechanism to submit these manually"
If you have used Windows 10 Reliability History viewer and found crash reports for Photoshop stopped working you should post the details your found here someone may be able the use that information to help you address the problems your are having.
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‎Dec 27, 2021
07:19 AM
It will not be macOS it will keep on changing
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‎Dec 27, 2021
05:14 AM
You lack knowledge. To automate a Photoshop process you need to know how Photoshop works well and you need to learn how use Photoshop Automation. Actions and Scripting. You have creative a complex mockup design can not be automatically populated using Photoshop Action for Actions can not use programming logic that is needed to do the complex processing required to process your merged mockups artboards.
If you search the web I do not think you will find any downloadible mocks up template that is designed with multiple Artboards and mockups designs forming a merged template.
Years ago a user posted a template that had 84 layer groups for 84 product templates and in the future more products would be added. The layered template file was already over 1GB in size. I broke that files into 84 files and programed a single script the populated the 84 mockup templates files is a single run. It still took the script over three hours to produce the 3,444 output jpeg files. Combinging multiple mockup into a single file slow down processing. Increases the completely of the Template files make it harder to create, maintain and use. Do you think that General Motors has one assemble lime the hast all parts and design element for all of their car models they the are all produced in a single assembly line.
You are needlessly complicating your production process and it will take you a year or more to learn Photoshop Scripting. Do your really want to become a programmer]? My Advice to you is search Adobe Stock and the World Wide Web for Mockup templates designs. See how other design their Templates and see if the are any that are designed to be populated via some Automated process. I know there are some designed to be populated with Adobe Photoshop automation. There may also other automated process that do not use Adobe products.
You want to create your own Product designs. You do not need to develop you own development tools and production line and program every line of code. You can and should use products available in the marketplace to help you produces your product jpeg files.
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‎Dec 26, 2021
09:00 PM
Some information is needed PC|Macs. OS version. PS Version. Update Status GPU info etc. My car will not start please give me an answer.
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‎Dec 26, 2021
08:21 AM
Adobe install many Layers styles in Photoshop and you can create and add your own layer styles to Phptoshop's Style Palette. You should not have any problem creating and adding a Layer style that will add the effects you want added to your shape layers.
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‎Dec 26, 2021
04:52 AM
1 Upvote
The automated process would need to use some logic to be able the pair up the two Landscape or two Portrait images to populated into one or the other template. You need to design some pairing operation process to order the population of your templates
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‎Dec 26, 2021
04:37 AM
Add a glass layer style to your your Shape layer.
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‎Dec 26, 2021
04:25 AM
Adobe installs a Photoshop Script that will do the for you in Photoshop. Photoshop menu File>Scripts>Image Processor... You can at the same time save layered versions of your open documents by saving a PSD or Tiff version as well as a flat jpeg file.
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‎Dec 25, 2021
08:02 PM
1 Upvote
To change an Image Aspect Ratio you need to Crop the Image to the Aspect Ratio you want and loose some Imaged Content. Or Add Canvas this will add a border(s) on one or side. Or distort the image into toe the Aspect Ratio you want with something like menu Edit>content Aware Scale or Free Transform and you adjust the canvas for the distorted image's changed scale.
Change a 2:3 4"x6" portrait into a 3:2 Lanscape 9"x 6" adding Canvas
Cropping a 2:3 aspect ratio portrait to a 3:2 landscape
Content Aware Scale
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‎Dec 25, 2021
07:32 PM
When it comes to templates the most important thing is that the replacement content must have the proper Aspect Ratio. Replacement content must be appropriate their use in the template. While replacement content that has the exact same Aspect Ratio and Size as the content in the Template is best. Replacement results may be accessible if the replacement content has an Aspect Ration close to the image's content in the template. If the Script has some options the address the replacement content Aspect related to the templates content.
In general if the imaged content has a wide Landscape Aspect Ration. Replacement content that has a tall Portrait aspect ratio will not produce accessible results and a wide Landscape replacing a portrait aspect ratio design will also not be accessible. I classify templates into two categories. Collage Templates and Mockup templates.
While Image Replacement in both Collage Templates and Mockup are Smart Object Layers. Collage Templates do not have Smart Object layers in the Template where Mockup Templates haves Smart object Layers on top on the layers stack to be replaced. Withe Mockup Templates Replacement content must have the exact same aspect Ratio, Size and resolution as the Smart object layers on top of the layers stack for the Populating Mockup Script to use Photoshop Replace Content for the top Smart Object Layers. My Mockup Scripts have an option to Edit Smart object layers instead of using replace content with some addition option for fitting replacement into the current object. However, all Smart objects are not Photoshop object. So Smart Object that is a RAW Camera Image Data and Vector Images can not be edited my Photoshop scripts so my mockup scripts will bypass replacing those Photoshop Smart objects.
Collage Templates do not Have Smart Objects layers in the template. They have Alpha Channels that Map Image Location Size and Shape. These area will be covered with Smart Object Layer that are scaled to the collage Images location Size and shape. However The Collage scripts do not Support Image rotation and warping like perspective. Mockup Templates are required if you need Image rotation and Warping.
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‎Dec 25, 2021
03:23 PM
1 Upvote
IMO if you have 20 or 30 Product you should have 20 or 30 Product Mockup Templates and s script to populate the Mockups with you design changes and logos. Anytime you want to change a product you create your design replacement elements and run your script on the mockup template for the product.
There is no need to have common products elements or design elements between products. There is no good reason to put all you eggs in one basket. Putting all to products in one file makes it harder to maintain that file and create a single point of failure, slow down Photoshop processing for Photoshop is processing a large Document Files where you have most of the layers visibility are off for one only one products layer are visible. To save our you images. You template is harder to use for you need to configure the layers for each Product. Using 30 small easy to create maintain and use template will be faster.
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‎Dec 24, 2021
03:19 PM
‎Dec 24, 2021
04:27 AM
Is your GPU Supported try deactivating Native Canvas.
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‎Dec 22, 2021
06:27 PM
Not all Intel CISC programs can not be translated to work on Apple RISC ARM Processor via Rosetta. See if any information in this link is useful
Luminar 4 Plug In does not work with M1 version of Photoshop
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‎Dec 22, 2021
12:56 PM
So your decree is Adobe reasons are invalid for creating "Photoshop Ecosystem" and you lack of knowledge about different PDF files formats make you thinks that PDF files now open differently then they did in the past. Acrobat's PDF file formats open through an Import PDF UI where you can Import PDF Items like and images as Photoshop Documents. Where Photoshop's PDF file format open directly into Photoshop like a Layered imaged file. This is not a perfect world you are on the thirt rock from the Sun.
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‎Dec 22, 2021
12:06 PM
If you download Action and Scripts to be used with Photoshop. You can read their content before you ever use then. If the Script are encoded in binary so you cans not read the processing it does. Or you do not understand what the Action or Script processing is doing. You can delete what you downloaded. On the other side reading the Action or Script you may understand what its processing does is exactly what you want to do or does something close to what you want to do and you may be able to edit the Action or Script so it will do want you want. Code Posted here in this forum will likely be safe to use and may even do what you want to do. Any vicious code or pirate code post here would be quickly removed for users would report the problem and a forum moderator would removed the code from the site. I have been using this forum for years and I have never seen a report of any malicious code posted into this forum. That type on code is normally unreadable machine that is introduces onto your machine through some security. Many Download interfaces will scan files downloads for malicious code. It is wise to play safely downloads anything particularly e-mail. When you get e-mail from your dead grandmother its not mail that been floating in a bottle on the web for years.
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‎Dec 22, 2021
10:00 AM
I do not install Illustrator. However in the latest Illustrator version 2022 there us a new Option Paste As layers into Photoshop. So Shape and Raster layer willl be pasted into Photoshop. Photoshop has limited Vector support. I'm sure some AI layer need to be rendered as Raster Pixel Layer in Photoshop. Is it Photoshop or AI merging the AI layers. IMO it would have to be AI for Photoshop does not have the vector support to render a Raster pixel version of AI layers. I think your need to address this issue in AI.
The Paste As > Layers option is the new addition to the Illustrator-Photoshop interoperability workflows
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‎Dec 22, 2021
09:47 AM
Design how you want the script to work with the Aspect Ration numbers you set. If strict 16:9 means a wide Aspect Ratio Landscape Image 16 unites wide 9 unites high. If loose it could be a Wide 16:9 Landscape or a Tall 9:16 Portrait. If strict when you put a Landscape image onto a portrait canvas or a Portrait Image onto a Landscape canvas the white canvas bordered may be very large. You may have more blank canvas then you have image.
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‎Dec 21, 2021
07:54 PM
You also did not try to stack your saved jpeg files. Jpeg file format does not support layers there are no smart object in Jpeg files.
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‎Dec 21, 2021
07:44 PM
Image have different Aspect ratios therefor you need to have a Frame for each Possible Image Aspect Ratio or Crop the Image to fit a particular Frame. Or dynamically create Mats and Picture frames for your image. Years ago I made some Actions and Script available to help you to mat and frame images. To crop and stamp exif info etc. I have not use them in years they may still work. I never receiver any feedback or bug reports. I do not know if anyone actually used any of them. The Idea was you would used the action to visually what you image would look like matted and framed before you shelled out the money to buy mats and frames.
Image Visualization Package UPDATED Aug 19, 2012 Changed AspectRatioSelection Plug-in script added Path support. Example Documentation and Download
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‎Dec 21, 2021
07:09 PM
If you want to add canvas boarders you would need to find or write a script that Adds add canvas to make the canvas have the aspect ration you want. The script would need to prompt you enter the aspect ratio you want the canvas to have. The Script would calculate the amount of canvas that need to be add. Then execute a Canvas Size step with the correct canvas size with the Anchor point set so the canvas would be added on the side you want or the Anchor Point set centered so the added even border will on the top and bottom or the left and right. Or you write plug-in script so the you can record the aspect ratio in an action for each Aspect ratio canvas you want to create. There may be script other have created to do this. It not a script I would want. Canvas need to be added to increase the current canvas's width or height so the canvas will have the aspect ratio you want.
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‎Dec 21, 2021
08:19 AM
1 Upvote
Copy And Paste doe nos do any scalin. Place is designed to scale the File Image being Place id the Image File has a Print resolution the the Docuumeny it is beinf Place into. Its is strange and can noe be disabled. The Scaling is a Place feature Adobe feals the uset should want.
1. Will turn off the interactive Transform UI the Layer will still be scaled when there is a Resolution missmatch.
2. If the smart object layer is larger then the Canvas Place will scale the Layer Pixels to fit on canvas
3. If you do not create a smart object the scaling done by Place will have degraded your Image, If you have place create a smart object the object pixels will be your Images Pixels and you can recover your Images Pixels by scaling the Smart object Layer the have the numbers of Pixels you Smart Object and your image has.
Like you at first I thought that this was a bad bug that Place was inconsistent. However doing what you have posted made me realize the Place was actually consistent that Adobe built into Place this stupidity scaling thinking it was making Place more liked how AI handle vector editing. Even though Photoshop is a Pixel editor. Many do not like that Place was implement with this scaling of object built in. The only was to avoid this Resolution mismatch Scaling it to eliminate the the mismatch via script like the one I posted.
The step you posted demonstrate the Scaling that Adobe has implemented in Place. You force Place to scale by miss matching the two resolutions.
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‎Dec 21, 2021
07:02 AM
Is your Display Adapter device drivers up to dater and it's GPU supported Show yout Pgotoshop 23 menu Help>GPU Compatibility
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‎Dec 21, 2021
06:52 AM
On my Windows 10 PC I do not see such a Problem in Photoshop 23.2 the Preference can change Color and line weight. as cam optiomns in the Tool Option Bar.
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‎Dec 21, 2021
03:41 AM
They do not want the canvas squares now. They want deterrent output canvas aspect ratios. For me the easily method is a centered Aspect Ratio crop that will loose some image content. The other method would be to add canvas to make the canvas the aspect ratio they want which would add canvas boarders not loose Image Content. Personally I do not like a boarder added to one side or two opposite sides. I rather loose image content. Chick script makes canvas square for the longest image side it adds white boarders. To make the canvas square. My Plug-in would set a centers square selection you would crop to and loose some image content. You can record any Aspect Ratio you want to crop to, You will always loose content for images that do not have the output Aspect ratio. That is why I set the selection relative to the current documents orientation Landscape or Portrait. to minimize the image content lost.. Landscape do not crop to Portrait well and Portraits do not crop toe landscape well. Cropping an Image to a centered max centered square selection may not be acceptable. If you start with a supper wide panorama or tall skyscraper. Adding canvas never looses Image content however, small to giant canvas boarders will be added
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