Make sure you have the serial number. I don't know Apple, but you should be able to uninstall. If you have the disk, do a fresh install. If you downloaded it, use the install file you first downloaded. If not, download a copy here: Download Adobe Premiere Elements 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 However, something else is wrong. The difference from 14.0 to 14.1 is not a version, it is a minor fix of minor issues. Premier Elements makes backup files every 15 minutes or so. On a PC, they are in a "Auto Save" folder. Can you open one of those? To reset or delete the preference file, do one of the following: Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Mac: Option+Command+Shift) immediately after Photoshop Elements begins launching. Click Yes to delete the Adobe Photoshop Elements settings file.
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