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in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 04, 2009
06:44 AM
‎Mar 04, 2009
06:44 AM
The fastest and truest solution is to create a new channel, apply the gradient, then use lens blur, and select the alpha channel as a depth map.
While Ho's procedure might look ok, it is a also fake gradual blur, as it can be described in this discussion:
Some images disappeared, but the result can be seen in later posts...
An alternate solution would be to do as he described, but repetitively with very low blur settings. (so that the blur gets applied more and more.
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‎Feb 18, 2009
04:18 AM
Yes, the international forums suffer from small participation, there might be a need for experts. I know some french forums for Lightroom, but not for every software. And why favour one place instead of another? There are some experts appointed to the community help, they might be invited to share their knowledge on the forums...
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‎Feb 14, 2009
03:31 AM
test: auto login via message box..
Edit: it works!
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‎Feb 14, 2009
03:30 AM
There is already a lot of complaining even before we've seen what the new architecture will bring us.
Let's show some confidence/trust to the founding father of this place.
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‎Feb 14, 2009
03:26 AM
John C/Forum Ops, your message 14 could be made as a sticky post, it resumes the future situation, the reasonning behing your choices.
The nike+ forum seems the cleanest seen so far. We are affectionnate here, because we feel at home, but let's not forget that the wealth of this forum is the combined knowledge of its posters, not the way it is shown to the world. Message is the Medium, in this case.
I see a mementum with online, to host the images, there are scripts to resize images when posted, common sense rules the choices. For once, folks, let's believe!
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‎Feb 14, 2009
03:26 AM
test (as I have guest access, but see a text box)
Ah, guest access, but I was able to post under my own name... I don't know if it is cool or not.
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‎Feb 14, 2009
03:10 AM
At first access today, I had a "you are logged as PECourtejoie on top of the page, then a logged off notice, I linked to what I hope is my Adobe account (will see on the macromedia side), then I successfully posted a message, to notice that I was logged off right after, I get to the announcement page, to see that I'm all done!?
Confusing, but we'll see, Rome wasn't done in a day!
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‎Feb 14, 2009
03:10 AM
(and I posted successfully, and I am still logged, now, for the info)
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‎Feb 11, 2009
05:46 AM
Bump, this is the thread where I was wondering if communication was working again... Mr Hamburg might know about the bug, too, and works in User Exeperience...
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‎Feb 11, 2009
05:42 AM
Any status update?
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‎Feb 11, 2009
05:31 AM
Many fora have their whole history since the beginning...
How many posts does this place have for the moment? (Adobe+Macromedia)
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‎Feb 08, 2009
03:16 AM
Yes, purge the cache for the "offending" folders in Bridge, IF camera raw is installed in the correct location (see the FAQs)
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‎Jan 11, 2009
01:40 AM
Best wishes for you too!
We had a big dinner at home for Xmas, and were in London, next to Big Ben for the new year...
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‎Dec 26, 2008
07:19 AM
Expert Here: if "Adobe" releases an early patch that would uncovers other issues, users would complain.
It took time to replicate the issue, and as I said, there are many parameters involved. Engineers DID requests users with the slowness issues in the San Jose area to let them take a look at their systems.
Be proactive and patient, instead of waving the "I will sue" flag, that is downright counter-productive.
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‎Dec 26, 2008
02:51 AM
Didn't you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement? if yes, re-read it.
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‎Dec 23, 2008
08:33 AM
Dinarius, are you opening the file in ACR hosted in Photoshop or in Bridge?
The second option is the best, and the first depends on the amount of memory allocated to Ps: do NOT allocate too much memory.
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‎Dec 18, 2008
03:08 AM
Au revoir et merci!
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‎Dec 06, 2008
08:06 AM
iVan, so you had a slow photoshop CS4 in Vista 64 bits oem (SP1?) from HP, I guess, then installed a 32 bits version of the nVidia drivers, and it works flawlessly.
Ditto with a "standard" Vista 64 bits SP1, and what videocard driver in that case?
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‎Dec 05, 2008
08:23 AM
Yes, let's dig the old bug reports! Hope that they are still available with Red Wednesday... my thoughts are with those that got pinkslipped. I hope that the Photoshop team did not suffer too much, but it is very selfish...
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‎Dec 05, 2008
04:24 AM
There was an issue in the past (around '99) with Asus P2B -D* series motherboards, in their first revision, as Photoshop was taxing the memory path so much that it crashed on the older revisions of the mobos.
The crash in Photoshop was a
b symptom
, not the
b cause
of the problem.
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‎Dec 04, 2008
05:41 AM
mmmh, not exactly, John, rather "Having Icons of Photoshop files in Explorer that would not lock files would sure be part of our User Experience!"
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‎Dec 04, 2008
01:48 AM
Welcome, Brandon, thanks for offering a helping hand! I'm wondering: is it Mark Hamburg that suggested Microsoft Employees to show up in here?
Having Icons of Photoshop files in Explorer is sure part of our User Experience!
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‎Nov 24, 2008
12:42 AM
It snowed here too, Jacob, but we are not too far away (Mons, close to the French border)
It's been a while I haven't seen a host speak about "The Merge", so we might have to let it go... I already posted in the suggestions thread about our peculiar issue, and heard nothing on the topic. Maybe is it really Adobe Fenwick that rues it.. or Adobe Neverland? :D
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‎Nov 10, 2008
03:47 AM
Yes, I fixed a house, takes quite some time off from forums posting ;)
There is not a lot of activity in the FR forum; mostly elements questions about lost databases, or database transition problems from one version to the other. Since there is no knowledgeable elements members, there is not so much activity. Maybe, if the forums were structured differently, had moderators, FAQs, it would help spin the wheel... Don't I have a déjà vu feeling?
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‎Nov 08, 2008
09:32 AM
Most non-Wacom tablets need a new version at each release of Photoshop... go see their website.
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‎Nov 07, 2008
12:18 AM
Pro Artist, "Latest" is almost meaningless, please state the exact version, maybe also the firmware version of your videocard.
Some other users reported a big bost when updating directX, don't know if it is related.
Please give all info that Adam requests.
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‎Nov 06, 2008
09:34 AM
For troubleshooting, all users affected should maybe give more info:
Screen Resolution; for each screen if there are several.
Videocard type; brand; firmware version; Driver version
CPU type, speed; motherboard; amount of memory
Windows version, peculiarities (window blinds, anti-virus)
Photoshop settings: Cache, amount of ram allocated, what Open Gl settings etc.
How does the issue appear, when (immediately?)
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‎Oct 28, 2008
12:43 PM
"it is not even sure if the Spanish forums will survive the impending fusion. "
Well, the fusion is still not a reality... Is there a status of the upcoming fusion somewhere? A deadline?
Thanks, Jacob and Claudio...
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‎Oct 28, 2008
04:19 AM
aaabbb, most of your complaints - 1) 2) 4) - are addressed in Lightroom.
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‎Sep 10, 2008
12:05 PM
2 threads down:
Eric Chan, "DNG codec installer should allow 32-bit codec on Vista x64; installation on XP" #1, 9 Sep 2008 5:31 am
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