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Community Expert
‎Oct 27, 2010
06:19 AM
Ah Ah! Looks like you haven't yet seen this from the Adobe MAX event, two days ago: (let load, then start at 1:30) very KPT/Metacreation-like, right? More seriously, I also wished to have the area below the toolbar to be a mixing palette.
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‎Oct 27, 2010
04:52 AM
Reynolds (Mark) wrote: My theory about the old word Palettes (what panels used to be called) is that they were going to apply it instead to some new feature when the live surface painting was introduced. Alas, so far this has not happened. Hello, Mark, could you elaborate, I don't get what you mean by "going to apply it".
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‎Oct 25, 2010
06:57 AM
What version are you using? 64bits or 32bits? Tried with other brushes? Did you check the options after finger painting? Are you using a wacom tablet?
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‎Oct 24, 2010
05:58 AM
Looks like it is working... And I did not have to quote,there is also a button to always use this editor. Thanks a million, Dave! (And CR Anderson)
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‎Oct 22, 2010
01:18 PM
Hello, Dave! I'll try later (It is not my phone...) And will let you know if it works or not!
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‎Oct 21, 2010
10:44 PM
I tried to correct a post under an iOS device (iPhone4, iOS 3.1) but there is no way to select the text, nor enter a cursor in the very field I'm typing in. No problem for the title field, or the edit field. I suspect the text entering scripts. Any other user able to do this? should I report it to Jive, or Apple? With more and more Adobe products like Ideas, Photoshop Express, it might be useful for those users to be able to report issues in here.
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‎Oct 17, 2010
12:25 PM
Dave, did you try bringing the printer to your friend's location, and see what it gives on a machine that never had CS5?
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‎Sep 28, 2010
05:33 AM
The filter uses the foreground and background colors. You can change the appearance accordingly before summoning Clouds. If you hold ALT(PC)/Option(Mac) as you select the clouds filter, you get a more contrasty result. If you render clouds on a document whose size is a multiple of 128, you get tilable results. Usually, it is best to render the clouds on a separate layer, so that you can stretch it for more realism. All this is also valid for Difference Clouds. I often combine its results with noise or grain, or fibers, depending on the texture I want.
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‎May 04, 2010
06:21 AM
In the tech note that lists the optional or non-compatible plug-ins, you'll see that they recommend to use refine mask/edge rather than extract (there is indeed a color decontamination option) Also, you'll see a link that will be active later about the optional plug-ins.
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‎Sep 08, 2009
04:14 AM
Yes, just a 32bits version (x86). It seems that only olympus was able to produce a 64bits Codec. So Adobe is on the same boat as Canon, Nikon, Sony. Maybe is there really an issue in producing a 64bits codec...
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‎Sep 04, 2009
09:34 AM
I was wondering if any Camera manufacturer had released a 64 bits version of its proprietary files Codec...
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‎Sep 03, 2009
07:21 AM
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‎Sep 03, 2009
07:20 AM
It seems that the cookbook forum should be a sub-forum of the flex forum, instead of being placed inside Adobe General Forums...
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‎Aug 31, 2009
01:15 AM
Hello! Not here, as it is not the correct forum... But in the Acrobat forum, you'll find help:
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‎Aug 31, 2009
12:12 AM
I am still trying to get accustomed to the new place. I noticed that when in a thread, the scrolling is jumpy to say the least. I don't know if there are still people working on such issues, but it makes reading very difficult, especially since I have not found a way to jump to the last message read. I am wondering if the issue is not due to the Avatars, but even when they finally show up, it is still jumpy.
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‎Aug 26, 2009
08:06 AM
"Wonder where Pierre went? " I'm still here, but very less often. Less time on my hands, plus each time I come back, I have to login, so I can't post as freely as I wish...
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‎May 14, 2009
08:41 AM
What about... You bought Lightroom because its a best application to work with RAW files and now you cannot use it. If the camera manufacturer can send some bloggers the camera 2 months before the release, then Adobe, DXO, Capture One and others could have been sent one too. And they have to work 24/7 if needed to make sure raw converter editors can provide support before the camera hits the shelfs. Otherwise next people will start looking for another camera. Adobe cannot force manufacturers to send them the camera, I'm use that they invite them to do so. Some manufacturers send the camera on a regular basis. Also, there might be conflicts of schedule...
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‎May 13, 2009
12:58 AM
Good thing that you are not using Aperture or iPhoto, as the Canon EOS 50D ; Epson R-D1x ; Nikon D3X ; Nikon Coolpix P6000 ; Nikon D90 and Sony DSLR-A900. have just been supported thanks to yesterday's 10.5.7 Mac OS X update. Some of these cameras have been supported by Adobe applications since Camera Raw 4.6, released October 10, 2008... So one could say that Adobe is very reactive in the support of newly released cameras. Of course, if one used the DNG converter, and if Apple has properly coded DNG support, Adobe has provided free early support for those cameras using that software.
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‎May 11, 2009
01:13 AM
There is another solution: Adobe (by the work of Thomas Knoll and the ACR team) have created the DNG format, and have an SDK ready. Canon could use that format alongside their CR2 format, like Pentax is doing. Had they chosen this way, Lightroom, Camera Raw, and other raw converters could have opened the files on the very first day of the release of the camera!
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‎Apr 14, 2009
06:30 AM
I noticed too that I do not have any editing abilities in that thread, I was helping Ian maintain it. I was able to find the thread, and posted to float it, and also because I am not sure if there is an expiration date in this new forum. I do not know who has the right to stick it to the side, so that it is readily available.
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‎Apr 14, 2009
06:25 AM
Thanks for the how-to! BTW, what was your nickname, "before"?
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‎Apr 07, 2009
06:34 AM
Hello, you are at the wrong forum. for AS 2.o questions, hop on there: BTY, people answer when they can, not when you want...
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‎Apr 07, 2009
02:27 AM
Indeed, I see them there, but not in the ACR forum. I wonder who I should contact, Ian or John?
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‎Apr 07, 2009
02:25 AM
Thanks for the info, Ramón.
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‎Apr 07, 2009
01:44 AM
3. Colour labels used in CS4 bridge aren't recognised by lightroom2. CS4 bridge cant read CS2 Bridge colour labels. Why not? it's just simple metadata and they are all Adobe products You need to set up similar text in both software, as the labels are stored by their name (red, blue, select, second...) The procedure is explained here: Hope this helps. Please ignore the banter.
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‎Apr 07, 2009
01:32 AM
I noticed that the FAQs are not pinned anymore at the top of the discussions. I guess it is only due to the transition period, and that we'll see them again.
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‎Apr 07, 2009
01:27 AM
John, do we still need to post links here, as there is now a report abuse link? I found several threads in the french forum that I reported, but if needed, I can put a link here too.
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‎Apr 07, 2009
01:03 AM
Is this only valid for FF? what about safari, or (shudder) explorer on peecee?
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‎Mar 06, 2009
06:55 AM
Ho, indeed, there are several methods, but as PeterK. said it too, yours, used like you describe, does not give "way better" results than the blurred copy with mask.
Using lens blur on an blurred Alpha channel, or several applications of a low blur radius through a gradual mask that is stepped and increased as described in the PhotoshopTechniques thread does produce very different (more realistic) results.
No confrontations from my part, you know me, just qualitative argumentation ;)
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‎Mar 04, 2009
06:57 AM
Save it as a 8bits RGB image. With maximize compatiblitity.
This is a terrible place for such an unrelated question...
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