Trevor.Dennis wrote Great job with post #24. I love all the little details, and that is an excellent set of shadows on the Kangaroo — you've really anchored it to the floor. Thanks Trevor. Glad you like it and that it comes across well. The platypus didn't feel exactly right but have just adjusted it now. The technique I used for shadow for quite a few of the additions was (using the kangaroo as an example): 1. In a new layer, I used the brush with 60 pixel size, 0% hardness, black colour, and drew along the bottom of the tail and feet of the kangaroo. 2. Since the brush thickness extended above the feed and tail, I erased the top part. 3. I then moved the layer below the kangaroo. I had drawn on a layer on top to help identify where to draw. 4. I changed the opacity of the layer to 65%. For the spider, 1. I selected the spider shape by Control and clicking the layer (Windows). 2. Expanded the selection by 2 pixels. 3. Feathered the selection by 2 pixels. 4. Filled the selection with black (in a new layer above the spider). 5. Changed the opacity to 75%. 6. Moved the layer behind the spider. I was happy with the way the koala worked out. For this, I did not try select the edges of the koala precisely. The koala was in a tree and I selected the area around the koala with leaves. I pasted into the the Christmas tree and used an eraser brush with a feathered edge to blend the edges in. I kept a few gum leaves as the koala needs something to eat
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