Hi shawnmohsin, First, wish you all the best with your study of graphic design. My advice to you is to start with the short courses and see what area of graphic design most excites you. You could become an illustrator, web designer, do print marketing or lost of other things. If video work is something that interests you, then yes, definitely look into Premiere. What type of short courses are you doing? Lynda.com has good tutorials: Lynda: Online Courses, Classes, Training, Tutorials To your question on CorelDraw, since you're starting with Photoshop and Illustrator, CorelDraw products are not vital to explore at this stage. It's hard to give advice on what other tools are useful without knowing more details of what interests you. So, as you explore the field further, expand on the tools you learn based on the career direction you want to take. Hope that's helpful.
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