What exactly do you see in this additional frame being rendered? Is it just black for example? Here are a few things that pop into my head that may be helpful but am just guessing possible things that could be going wrong: - Look at your sequence and make sure you don't have any content beyond the point you want to include. Then, when you export, you can choose to export the entire sequence and there should not be any unintended content or frames at the end. - If you have deleted content after the end frame and have tried exporting with in and out points, perhaps check the video. Put that on the timeline in a new sequence and go to the last frame to check if it's right. Or do this in some other video player. It may be something as simple as when you play the video, the particular player ends with a black frame. The above are just some suggestions based on guesswork on what's happening. If you could share more, that would help with finding the exactly cause and solution.
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