@Rikk Flohr: Photography: If the Web module isn't adjusting the face regions in the exported photos' metadata, that is a clear bug according to Adobe's definition of "bug" -- LR isn't obeying the as-designed behavior publicly announced years ago. Adobe employee David Franzen announced in March 2011 that Camera Raw 6.4 and Lightroom 3.4 now followed the Metadata Working Group Guidelines: https://www.lightroomqueen.com/community/threads/camera-raw-6-4-and-lightroom-3-4-public-betas-add-metadata-working-group-support.11522/ The MWG spec defines the XMP metadata fields for face regions and requires that the regions be adjusted when the image is cropped or rotated: https://web.archive.org/web/20180919181934/http://www.metadataworkinggroup.org/pdf/mwg_guidance.pdf The Web module isn't obeying the MWG spec to which Adobe committed, though the Export module does obey it. Has the LR team withdrawn their announced commitment to that spec? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Photoshop Family <noreply.photoshop_family@getsatisfaction.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 12:50 PM To: Photoshop Family <noreply.photoshop_family@getsatisfaction.com> Subject: New reply: "Lightroom 3.4RC not exporting XMP EXIF schema properties?" David Franzen replied to Lightroom 3.4RC not exporting XMP EXIF schema properties?, a problem about Photoshop Family. Lightroom 3.4 and Camera Raw 6.4 now follow the guidance provided by the Metadata Working Group for recording metadata in files that contain both native Exif and XMP packets. Photoshop CS5 was the first Adobe app to ship with MWG support, so Camera Raw and Lightroom are just catching up in this respect. A specific example germaiin to this thread is that most Exif properties are now only written once, in the native Exif block, and not duplicated as XMP tags in the exif: and tiff: namespaces. Where Exif properties are mapped to XMP properties outside the tiff: and exif: nameapsaces--for example the TIFF Artist tag is mapped to the dc:creator XMP property--the property values are kept in sync in both the native Exif and XMP (and native IPTC IIM for that matter). You can find the complete MWG specifications here: http://www.metadataworkinggroup.org/ WRT some of the other topics in this thread (like multi-byte text, and date-time handling)... well, the MWG specification really describes these issues better than I can, so I refer the technically curious to start there. A good, Adobe-hosted, place to ask follow-up questions WRT the MWG and metadata handling might be the Adobe XMP developers forum: http://forums.adobe.com/community/des.... There may be other relevant, non-Adobe forums as well. Go look at this reply This solves the problem! | Comment | Stop following this problem jsed This message sent from Get Satisfaction. To unsubscribe or change your email settings, click here.
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