"Right now the file preview system make no sense to me, at all. " ......................................................................... Maybe that's because you aren't a software engineer! Nor am I, but I don't have to understand everything in order to use it. "Why use a separate preview file if it`s just as large a file as the original, therefore just as slow to load?" .......................................................................................................... Probably because as Laura and I have said, the preview file for an image is NOT one single preview, it is collection of different sized previews for use in the filmstrip, library grid with different sizes, library loupe with fit to screen or fill screen, print views, web views, etc. Adobe describe it as the preview 'pyramid'; each preview in the file being a bigger or smaller horizontal slice of a pyramid. "Normal HD are cheap now, yes, but they`re also very slow, even in RAID array. Fast SSD are still extremely expensive and not that large(yes there are cheap SSD`s, but they are neither fast nor reliable)." ................................................................... Some experts state that the speed of the disks does not have much effect on LR; it is far more dependant on the speed of the CPU to process everything on-the-fly: even your rendered previews need processing to fit on the particular bit of your size of screen. Drag the slider on the Library Grid and the images get bigger or smaller more or less instantly. Widen the side tool sections of the Develop screen and the image gets bigger or smaller. Bob Frost
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