Hi! There are several ways you can make a selection, but I want to say up front that probably the best selection will be one that you finish by painting with your masking tools. You can start several ways: 1. Use the Quick Selection tool and with a small brush, click on an area that you want to select. Once you have e the color you want selected, go the Select menu and choose Similar and you should end up with something like this (Double click on the image to make it larger): You can then save your selection using Select>Save Selection and name it. You can also use Quick Mask mode to refine your selection. The second way you can make a selection is using Color Range (Select>Color Range). In Color Range, use the Eyedropper tool to select one of the colors and then adjust the Fuzziness slider down to a lower number to limit the color selection to just the area you want. See below: The larger the fuzziness, the more you will select 00 notice here only the center areas are selected. If you select one of the medium or outer colors you will create a larger selected area. You might also try using LAB mode to separate the Lightness and Darkness values from the color and see if that might help refine your selection. As I am sure you already know--tis is not an easy image to make a selection of-- the edges are very rough. But if you start with (for instance) the Quick Selection tool, you can get a really good start on creating different separated areas, but as I said above, you probably want to do some hand painting and masking. Let us know if these help, or if you have any other questions. Michele
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