OK, So it should be like that: resource 'PiPL' (ResourceID, plugInName " PiPL", purgeable) { { Kind { ImageFormat }, Name { plugInName }, Version { (latestFormatVersion << 16) | latestFormatSubVersion }, #ifdef __PIMac__ #if (defined(__i386__)) CodeMacIntel32 { "PluginMain" }, #endif #if (defined(__ppc__)) CodeMachOPowerPC { 0, 0, "PluginMain" }, #endif #else #if defined(_WIN64) CodeWin64X86 { "PluginMain" }, #else CodeWin32X86 { "PluginMain" }, #endif #endif // ClassID, eventID, aete ID, uniqueString: HasTerminology { plugInClassID, plugInEventID, ResourceID, vendorName " " plugInName }, SupportedModes { doesSupportBitmap, doesSupportGrayScale, doesSupportIndexedColor, doesSupportRGBColor, doesSupportCMYKColor, doesSupportHSLColor, doesSupportHSBColor, doesSupportMultichannel, doesSupportDuotone, doesSupportLABColor }, // If you want your format module always enabled. EnableInfo { "true" }, // New for Photoshop 8, document sizes that are really big // 32 bit row and columns, 2,000,000 current limit but we can handle more PlugInMaxSize { 2147483647, 2147483647 }, // For older Photoshops that only support 30000 pixel documents, // 16 bit row and columns FormatMaxSize { { 32767, 32767 } }, FormatMaxChannels { { 1, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24 } }, FmtFileType { 'SME ', '8BIM' }, //ReadTypes { { '8B1F', ' ' } }, FilteredTypes { { '8B1F', ' ' } }, ReadExtensions { { 'SME ' } }, WriteExtensions { { 'SME ' } }, FilteredExtensions { { 'SME ' } }, FormatFlags { fmtSavesImageResources, fmtCanRead, fmtCanWrite, fmtCanWriteIfRead, fmtCanWriteTransparency, fmtCanCreateThumbnail }, FormatICCFlags { iccCannotEmbedGray, iccCanEmbedIndexed, iccCannotEmbedRGB, iccCanEmbedCMYK } } }; I took it from here: http://www.dev.bowdenweb.com/js/adobe/jsx/ps/adobe-photoshop-cs4-sdk-win/Adobe%20Photoshop%20CS4%20SDK/samplecode/format…​
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