Hi, Could you create a package for CC which includes this updated DLL? For others, this DLL should be placed in the Photoshop Toolbox library under Required folder. Tom, This is the result of 'testall()' using this updated DLL: testall(); Harness / mfile version: 11 Harness date: 21-Feb-2007 30-May-2014 10:35:17 App name: Adobe Photoshop App version: 14.2.0 $ version: 4.5.5 MATLAB version: (R2014a) MATLAB date: February 11, 2014 MATLAB computer: PCWIN64 MATLAB integer maxsize: 281474976710655 MATLAB byte ordering: little endian MATLAB java version: Java 1.7.0_11-b21 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode env processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel env OS: Windows_NT test1 : PASS test2 : PASS test3 : PASS test4 : FAIL : no documents where found in : /c/Program, line: 34 test5 : PASS test6 : PASS test7 : PASS test8 : PASS test9 : PASS test10 : PASS test11 : PASS test12 : PASS test13 : PASS test14 : PASS Times: 0.1346217 2.535358 19.51739 0.1531209 7.837958 0.9404722 1.966066 192.5187 2.603868 0.007622544 7.136542 0.8236421 2.252654 0.001953071 Total Time: 238.43 Total Pass: 13, Total Fail: 1 Thank You.
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