‎Jul 13, 2024
08:14 AM
Hello Kglad, I did find the solution and I appreciate your help. However, I discovered the solution myself. In upgrading, I forgot to deactivate one of my laptops. This made my iMac the third computer, so nothing would work correctly. I then deactivated my second Laptop and everything was back to normal. It would be nice if a dialog box would come up and tell you that you had too many computers activated. Thanks again, Dennis
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‎Jul 05, 2024
01:50 PM
For some reason all of a sudden when I make a selection and try to use Gen Fill task bar the bar greys out and only Deselect shows. I can use all the selection tools, but as soom as I complete the selection the task bar greys out with only Delselect active. I've sign in and out of the Creative Cloud, and I know I haven't used all my 500 credits. This happens with both Regular Photoshop and Beta version. Any ideas and help on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dennis
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‎Aug 18, 2023
01:10 PM
Thanks Adobe for fixing this so quickly!!! Downloaded the new version of PS Beta this morning and the Error Message was gone!!! Everything is working okay at this time. Dennis
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‎Jul 28, 2023
06:44 AM
After downloading and installing Photoshop 2023 Beta 25.0, I keep getting the the following error message about Generator.
When going to the link it suggests removing and reinstalling all plug-ins. I hope there is a better way to do solve this. I'm not about to uninstall and reinstall my plug-ins. Anyone have any ideas? I've uninstalled the Beta and re-installed the Beta, but get the same error message.
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‎Apr 05, 2022
01:51 PM
Hi Sameer, I'm using version 11.2 for Lightroom and 23.2.2 for Photoshop. I have not issues with Photoshop. My only problem is the very slow launching of Lightroom since upgrading to macOS 12.3 from 12.2. Once I've waited for LR to launch the first time (over a minute), it starts up normally. My catalog is located on my iMac main hard drive, which is an SSD 1TB with 640GB free space. I'v tried all the stuff in the links provide with no improvement to the initial launching of LR. I've also uninstalled LR and Re-installed it with no improvement. The only thing I have not done is reset my perfernces, which I'll try after the next LR update if the update doesn't solve my issue. It's just crazy that it would only be at the initial start up of the app. I shut down my computer every night and reboot in the morning. After I launch LR the first time, it starts up just fine. Thanks, Dennis
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‎Apr 01, 2022
12:38 PM
Hello, Looking to see if anyone has or had this problem after updating to macOS 12.3. When using macOS 12.2, everything with the Creative Cloud was just fine. Both Photoshop and Lightroom worked just fine. After updating to 12.3, only Lightroom has the start up problem. It takes over a minuter to load the first time I start it. After the initial startup it will reopen in just a matter of seconds. I've uninstalled LR 11.2 and re-installed it. After doing that, when I opened it the first time it open in seconds. So, I figured I had it solved. Nope! The next time I tried opening LR, it took over a minuter to load up. Once open, it works just fine. Here are my specs. iMac Late 2019, 3.7 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5, 1TB SSD, 64 GB Memory, and Radeon Pro 580X 8GB. My SSD has 650GB Free and I have a 500GB SSD as a Scratch Drive. Any ideas would be Greatly Appreciated. Thanks, Dennis
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‎May 18, 2021
06:56 PM
Hi Everyone,
This is very interesting. On May 14th, I updated my iMac to Photoshop 22.4 from 22.3, and as I mention before I still have my icons. Today, May 18th, I got another Creative Cloud notice of an Update to Photoshop, but it's the same 22.4. Not 22.4.1, but 22.4. I did not Update again in fear I'd loose my icons. Something very weird is going on with this update. I really feel for you Windows folks. This has to be madding for you.
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‎May 16, 2021
04:25 AM
Hi Rosa,
Yes, this is the correct place. Adobe use to have a Bug report page, but it has been changed to this page. I looked into it yesterday and I came back to this same page.
Hope that helps.
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‎May 15, 2021
03:43 PM
Hi BlueDrakoPT,
Yes you're right! It is an Adobe Issue. So, have you reported to the bug to the support team? My iMac is working so I don't need to report it!
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‎May 15, 2021
08:50 AM
I think this is a Windows problem. I'm using an iMac using Catalina 10.15.7 and my panels are working same as 22.3.
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‎Dec 01, 2020
03:46 PM
Hi everyone who has this problem. If you have your rulers active, you'll have this problem of freezing. If you close Rulers, and restart PS 2021, the problem goes away. I had this problem and made a entry into the Bug application for Adobe. Jeffery Transberry came up with the fix to remove Rulers. There were 4 of us with this problem and all of us got back to Jeffery that it fixed the problem. Adobe engineers are working to fix this. Hopefully on the next release.
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‎Nov 24, 2020
03:16 PM
Hi Jeffrey,
Yes, disabling rulers does make it work normally! Thank you sooo much! Hopefully, that will get fixed in the next update. I really like having my rulers up when working on Photos and stuff.
Take care and Happy Thanksgiving!!
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‎Nov 21, 2020
08:06 AM
I have the same problem also. Using iMac 27in, Late 2019 with 40 GB Ram, 1TB SSD. Processor 3.7 GHz 6-Core Intel i5. Graphics card is Radeon Pro 580X 8GB. I have PS 2020 still installed and I don't have this issue when using PS 2020. Only happens with PS2021/22.01.
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‎Nov 20, 2020
04:23 AM
Every time I use Color Range to make a selection using PS 22. and 22.01, it freezes photoshop and I have to use Force Quit and start all over losing all my work. This doesn't happen with PS 21. I have both install at this time. Color Range will start and as I start moving the sliders and/or pick areas, it starts hesitating and then freezes. Then I have to Force Quit to get out of Photoshop. I'm using an iMac 27in 5K Late 2019 with 40GB of memory and 1TB SSD. My color card is a Radeon Pro 580X 8GB. I'm running masOS 10.15.7 Catalina. Also, it doesn't matter whether I'm using a mouse or wacom tablet to move or select areas. Same hesitation and freeze occurs.
Thanks for your help in advance.
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‎Mar 31, 2020
03:41 AM
Hi Everyone, This is an update on this problem. I broght the photo that had the black thumbnail into Photoshop and then made a change then saved it as .tif file. Then I opened it again in photoshop and did a Save As and changed the file extension to PSD and saved. It Worked!! I can now see the photo in the thumbnail. So, It must have gotten corrupted during a previous save. Anyway all is working fine now! Dennis
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‎Mar 24, 2020
11:34 AM
Hi Ali, Thanks for your reply! I appreciate it. All my applications are updated and I have the Mojave Os for mac. It's not the latest OS, but Photoshop should work with it and has since the 2020 update. However, I did discover my problem and it is with just one photo I have been working on that does this. It just so happened that I updated photoshop at the same time this photo was being worked on. I've opened other photos and post processed them and then saved in psd and then opened again. They have all shown in the thumbnail. So I've concluded that it's just this one photo that has been corrupted for some reason. I can still open it and work on it, but after saving the thumbnail is black. Thanks again! Dennis
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‎Mar 23, 2020
07:34 PM
Hello, Since the latest update to Photoshop 2020 (21.1.1), any photo/file I save as a PSD does not show the photo in the icon. It only shows a solid blake rectangle. This happens in any app. If I open Finder the thumnail is black, if I open in ACDSee it shows as black etc. However, when I open it in photoshop the file loads and is displayed properly. I'm using an iMac 27 inch with macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave), a TB HDD with 600GB free. I have 32GB Ram and my graphic card is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M 512 MB. Any App that shows thumnails will show the PSD file icon as black. All PSD files that I save before the update correctly show the photo in the icon. I've not changed any color settings in Photoshop. They are the same as before the update. I'm using ProPhoto as my color space at 16 bit and that's the way I save the PSD file. Any ideas and work arounds on correcting this will be greatly appreciated. Oh, the same thing happens on my 15in Mac Book Pro since I update photoshop on it. Thanks, Dennis
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‎Nov 10, 2019
04:47 AM
Hello, Opened a Canon Raw CR2 file into ACR version (came with PS 2020) and was able to make normal adjustment in all of the panels. However, when I went into HSL panel to make some adjustments nothing would happen when I would move a slider in any of the panels Hue, Saturation, Luminance. I notice when moving a slider (either panel) I would see the yellow triangle exclamation point warning symbol appearing in the photo icon on the left panel of ACR. Continued to try moving all sliders in the HSL, but nothing changed and kept getting the yellow triangle warning in the photo icon. I'm using an iMac 27 inch with Mojave 10.14.6. I have 32 GB Ram, 1TB hard drive with 495 GB free. My color card is NViDIA GeForce GTX 660M, 512MB Ram. Any Help solving this issue will be greatly appreciated. Dennis
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‎Nov 01, 2018
04:40 AM
Hi Chuck, Thanks for your question on this issue. I do have an update for this problem. Last night while I was working on a project, it dawned on me that maybe the Crop Tool may have an effect on this action. So I clicked on the Crop Tool Icon in Camera Raw and found that I had the Constrain Image checked on. I unchecked it, canceled what I was doing in Camera Raw, and restarted Photoshop. Then I reopened the photo in Camera Raw and clicked on the Transform Tool. It worked as normal! I'm not sure if Constrain Image should be affecting the Transform Tool, but apparently it does. Thanks again, Dennis
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‎Oct 30, 2018
08:04 PM
Hi Everyone, I've just run across a big problem with PS-CC 2019 ACR. I took an image into ACR and was going to make some vertical and horizontal corrections to straighten up the photo. I clicked on the Transform Tool icon and then started to move the Vertical Slider to make the adjustment. The tool instead of keeping the proportions and correcting the distortion, started stretching the photo, taking the photo completely out of proportion. Instead of rotating the photo and keeping the proportions correct it stretched the photo completely out of shape ... really weird! It makes the tool useless. The ICONS on top of the Transform Tool Panel work as normal, but the vertical and horizontal tools (sliders) are a mess!!! Completely different the PS-CC 2018. Is anyone else having this issue? I'm using an 27" iMac, macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra, 32 GB Ram memory, and 1TB hard drive with 560GB free. Graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M 512 MB. I have PS set to use GPU set at Normal. Sure would like to know what's going on. Like I said, PS-CC 2018 worked just fine. Thanks, Dennis
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‎Oct 25, 2017
06:56 PM
Hi Olga, Thanks you for your reply! I thought it was free, but it never showed up anywhere I looked. Thanks again, Dennis
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‎Oct 24, 2017
04:01 AM
Hello, The Adobe Xd showed up in my CC to Install. So I installed it. My question, is this app part of the Photography Package? I don't want any extra costs added to my account. It just showed up in my fly out window with all my Photography Apps so I assumed it was, but I just wanted to make sure. Thanks, Dennis
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‎Nov 06, 2016
03:24 AM
Hi D. Fosse, Appreciate you getting back to me, but monitor calibration is not my problem. I calibrate my monitor every month. I use X-rite iDisplay Pro to calibrate. My prints match the monitor as good as they can. Also, after posting this, I imported the same photos into LR CC 6.7 minus the xmp file and the Camera Calibration was just like it use to be with ACR before updating to 2017. There is definitely something wrong with the Raw Camera Profiles. Both LR and PS use camera raw 9.7. I guess somehow they must have gotten corrupted during the update. What I'm not sure of is, is it possible to reinstall just Camera Raw into 2017 and start fresh without uninstalling 2017 and reinstalling. Just fyi I'm using CC for Photographers. Appreciate you help! Dennis
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‎Nov 06, 2016
03:09 AM
Hi CJ, Nope! Monitor Calibration is not my problem. I calibrate every month with X-rite iDisplay Pro. I have no problems with Calibration. My prints match my monitor as perfectly as you can get. I also import the same images into light room minus the xmp file and used the Canon Camera profile and it was just fine. Just like ACR use to look like before 2017. Appreciate the help anyway. Dennis
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‎Nov 05, 2016
07:03 PM
Hello, I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem. Once I updated to PS 2017 from 2015.5, my camera profiles have changed. When I open a raw photo in ACR and then go to calibration panel and click on one of my camera profiles, the saturation and luminance is much more intense that it use to be. In fact, I have to go to the saturation slider and move it to a negative number. Never had this problem with 2015.5. I thought that adobe camera raw did not get update with 2017 ... am I wrong? Is there a download page that has the camera profiles for Cannon 7D MK II? Thanks for your help in advance! Dennis
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‎Jul 07, 2014
08:33 PM
Hi Alma, If you updated LR using the CC manager, the program will not run. You have to uninstall it then go to to this Link http://download.adobe.com/pub/adobe/lightroom/mac/5.x/Lightroom_5_LS11_mac_5_5.dmg download it and reinstall. Then open the CC manager and you'll find LR 5 has been updated. Also, you'll need to follow Scott Thomas' info above to make sure your plug-ins are working. Dennis
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‎Jun 19, 2014
04:36 AM
Hey Scott, Thanks! I followed your instructions and LR 5.5 is not working correctly! Thanks again for passing on the info! Dennis
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‎Jun 18, 2014
08:25 PM
Hey Scott, Thanks for the update! One question, where did you find the download for LR 5.5. I tried to do that earlier, but got the message that i need a install link program ... didn't know what that meant. Thanks for getting back to us on your success. Dennis
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‎Jun 18, 2014
08:10 PM
Hi Rich, Do you have the Photography subscription? It's $9.99/mo and includes LR 5. I did the same thing. I had already purchased LR5 upgrade and then a few months later they came out with the photography subscription and they gave me LR and PS CC for the same price, $9.99. I was able to update to LR 5.4 through the Creative Cloud, but this time it didn't work. I'm going to uninstall LR 5.5 that's on my computer in the morning and try to install my original LR 5 and then update through LR and not CC and see if that works. I'll post something if it does work. Oh, by the way I'm using an iMac with OS X Mavericks 10.9.3. Dennis
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‎Jun 18, 2014
05:55 PM
1 Upvote
Hello, I used Creative Cloud to download all the new 2014 updates of which LR 5 was an update. All the downloads and installs reported being successful. I opened PS CC 2014 and it launch and loaded just fine. However, LR 5 launches the flash screen for about 2 secs, but doesn't launch. I've try to go to Creative Cloud to download and reinstall, but it has LR 5 as installed and won't let me re-download and install. I also tried going to the new creative cloud adobe site and tried downloading it there, but is comes up with a message that the link requires a launch program ... have no idea what the program is. Totally baffled with this new Cloud set up! Your help is greatly appreciated. Dennis
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