Laura Coyle.
Community Expert
Laura Coyle.
Community Expert
‎Dec 19, 2024
02:24 PM
It is working for me sending from Fresco (using "Open a Copy") to the desktop Illustrator 2025, but it's taking 1-2 minutes for it to appear in Illustrator. However, sending it to the iPad version of Illustrator is not working for me at all.
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‎May 24, 2024
10:00 AM
I can place an Adobe Capture shape in Illustrator on the desktop, and it behaves as expected: one fill color that can be changed, no clipping masks or difficulty selecting.
However, on the iPad, the same Capture shape is placed either as an image, or sometimes as paths that are grouped and inside clipping masks. When you try to select and change the fill color, it's not possible because of excess clipping masks.
The only workaround is to place the shape in a desktop cloud document and open on the iPad, but shapes created in Adobe Capture should work everywhere - and they used to work on the iPad.
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‎May 19, 2024
07:04 AM
I've had the same issue with angles, but when I zoom in and look in outline mode, I can see it doesn't work if the paths are not touching or intersecting. So that could be why rebuilding worked for you.
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‎May 08, 2024
09:00 AM
I'm having the same issue with "Export Failed." Thankfully, deleting the placed photo layer fixed it, but I hope there will be a solution soon since reference images are part of my process.
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‎Dec 01, 2023
07:48 AM
At first, I thought it might be the apple pencil hover bug, but I think that is only in OS 17 for iPad Pro. Here is a link to the system requirements, updates, and you may want to check the amount of storage you have available. Also try uninstalling and reinstalling the Adobe Creative Cloud app - hope that helps.
Adding to my previous answer, please see this post where an Adobe support person posted some steps you can try, and his contact info:
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‎Dec 01, 2023
07:36 AM
1 Upvote
Christophe, Sorry I do not have a solution, but I hadn't thought about this before. I just ran a test - it does not matter if the symbol contains global or local swatches, as long as it is a live symbol (even in use on the artboard) "select all unused" will eliminate the swatches used in the symbol. If the link has been broken to the symbol, then colors will be preserved like any other art. It makes sense that it works this way, because if you have symbols stored on the panel that are not in use and you just want to clean up your Swatches panel, symbol colors would have to be deleted manually - but if the symbols are actually in use on the artboard, it should include those in "used" colors. Maybe this is a good user voice request?
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‎Apr 15, 2023
12:56 PM
I'm having the same issue today. My version History panel inside Illustrator is totally blank. The same .aic file in the CC Desktop app shows the version history.
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‎Feb 01, 2023
08:33 AM
Hi Niall, I just tried to duplicate the issue on the iPad, and it's working normally for me - in terms of being able to draw and select anchor points, and handles and convert points by double tapping with the Pen tool. The part about the handle flickering sounds buggy. Could there be an issue with palm rejection? You may want to try quitting and restarting everything to make sure everything is reset and fresh. Work in a different file, and also re-pair your apple pencil. Let us know what steps you took to reset everything, and someone can further assist you here. Thanks.
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‎Jan 19, 2023
06:04 AM
Yes, that's confusing - we'll see what they say. Also, I just discovered I'm able to paste into the new folder name field when I'm using Photoshop, so it's working for me in PS, but not Ai. Hmm.
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‎Jan 19, 2023
05:47 AM
Hey Jess, I'm on ventura 13.1 by the way. I'll also look for what you mentioned with other copy/paste. I have not experienced it yet. Thanks!
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‎Jan 19, 2023
05:44 AM
@Sjaani I forgot to mention that I'm on a MacBook Pro M1 with OS 13.1, sorry!
@Anubhav M I followed your steps, uninstalled and reinstalled the Creative Cloud desktop app and the problem persists. I can send from iPad Fresco to Illustrator, but when sending to the laptop, I get the blue notification in the upper right corner of Fresco that it was sent, but nothing happens in Illustrator.
iPad is in iOS 15.7, and Illustrator is 27.1.1 I've not updated to the latest because I didn't want to interrupt my workflow, but I'll report back when I do.
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‎Jan 19, 2023
04:46 AM
1 Upvote
I have the same issue. It's not part of my regular workflow, so I haven't tried to do this before, but I can confirm it's not working.
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‎Jan 06, 2023
07:25 AM
Are there standard troubleshooting steps we can take when the connection between Fresco on the iPad cannot use Publish and export > Open a copy to Illustrator on the desktop? I've had these issues for several days. Here is what I've tried so far:
On iPad: restarting Fresco, Creative Cloud, and other Adobe Apps, restarting the iPad
On desktop: restarting Adobe Illustrator, quitting and restarting Creative Cloud, restarting the computer
I checked all internet connections are working, devices on same network, bluetooth working. All apps are up to date.
Fresco always shows "document sent," but nothing happens on the desktop.
I signed out of Creative Cloud and signed back in - send to desktop worked once, and it opened many copies as if they were in the queue waiting to open on the desktop. The same thing happened when I shut down and restarted my computer, I got many copies asking to be opened, and I opened some. The next time I tried to use Send a copy from the iPad, nothing happened on the desktop.
I have been able to open a copy on the iPad version of Illustrator reliably and save it to a Cloud document to open on the desktop, but this is a cumbersome workaround. I'm having no issues with cloud documents syncing.
What could I be missing here? Thanks!
[Renamed by Mod]
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Community Expert
in Illustrator on the iPad Discussions
‎Nov 29, 2022
06:17 AM
1 Upvote
‎Nov 29, 2022
06:17 AM
1 Upvote
It would be nice to have a dedicated eyedropper! To suggest features, please use the Illustrator User Voice page - it will be read by the right people and other users can upvote, thanks!:
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Community Expert
in Illustrator on the iPad Discussions
‎Nov 14, 2022
07:11 AM
‎Nov 14, 2022
07:11 AM
There is no simple way to do this on the iPad without drawing the line by hand You could use the Pencil tool or Pen tool for this.
On the desktop version, there is not an effect that does exactly what you want, but you would probably need to outline/expand the text first. Select text and choose Type > Create Outlines. Then, you could take the outlined text and choose Object > Path > Offset Path to create a larger shape around the letters. You would then merge those larger shapes together and do further editing - so it's not a perfect solution on the desktop, but it's more workable there than on the iPad, where there is no Offset Path feature.
On the iPad, to expand type (turn it into shapes, vector outlines) select the type and in the Type menu, choose Outline Text
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‎Nov 14, 2022
06:48 AM
1 Upvote
Here are mobile apps for creating Rangoli designs:
By the way, I've never used these, I just did a search.
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Community Expert
in Illustrator on the iPad Discussions
‎Oct 25, 2022
11:54 AM
1 Upvote
‎Oct 25, 2022
11:54 AM
1 Upvote
Hi! Sorry for the late reply - this was just fixed last week. If you update Illustrator on the iPad to version 3.0, your long press will not delete the anchor point. Yay! Hopefully, that solves it for you. Updating should happen automatically, but you can also go to the Creative Cloud app > updates and tap check for updates to give it a nudge.
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‎Oct 17, 2022
10:36 AM
Are you using color books? Like Pantone or Trumatch? For any solid areas of color in your work, it's important to choose color from a physical sample, rather than relying on what you see on screen.
I use Pantone books (primarily the Color Bridge guide) and choose colors from the right-hand column, which are CMYK, rather than solid/spot colors (unless the job requires that). I have loaded into Illustrator the library of swatches from Pantone that corresponds to the color book I'm using. I then choose the numbered swatches directly from that library to apply to the art. Even then, I have to allow for some shifting of colors, but it's pretty accurate when I see the final printed piece. You'll notice when you use Pantone colors, they don't always look the same on screen as they do in the book, and that's why we use them. Screens can vary a lot. Also, talk to your printer, they may have some suggestions on using RGB and converting to CMYK.
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‎Sep 28, 2022
12:17 PM
Here is a link to more information:
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‎Sep 28, 2022
07:45 AM
You could open that file in Illustrator on the iPad, but you may miss some of the features used to create that file in the desktop version. Not all features from the desktop are available on the iPad. You can use artboards and text features and produce work for print in CMYK, but the iPad version is not as full-featured as Illustrator on the desktop.
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‎Sep 06, 2022
05:15 AM
Do you only have one artboard when you look in your artboards panel? Just want to be sure it's not centering on another artboard in your document. If it's only one artboard, have you restarted Illustrator? If that doesn't fix it, you can reset your preferences and that may fix it. Hope that helps!
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‎Sep 06, 2022
05:10 AM
1 Upvote
Could you take a screenshot with the text selected and layers panel and appearance panel in the image so we can see more information, and post it here? Thanks!
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‎Sep 06, 2022
05:00 AM
1 Upvote
There is no frame tool in Illustrator. You can use a clipping mask if you want to crop an image non-destructively. Or, select the image and click the Crop Image button on the Properties panel to remove pixels. To create a clipping mask, select the image and click the mask button on the Properties panel. This creates an invisible rectangle the same size as the image, that will crop the image when you change its size. You can change the size of the clipping mask rectangle in the properties panel. Make sure the edit clipping path button is turned on at the top of the properties panel, then you can change the size numerically in the fields below, or use the selection tool to drag the bounding box handles around the image.
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‎Sep 02, 2022
05:41 AM
You are understandably angry and frustrated, but I believe anyone posting on a community forum will serve their interests better by using a more respectful tone.
When I have had the issue you describe, it is because I'm creating an artboard in cm or inches with decimal points, and the conversion to pixels when exporting means there would be a fraction of a pixel. The export then reveals where Illustrator rounds up to the next pixel, leaving that blank row of pixels. This is a major problem for pattern designers who have to use the exported art as a repeating tile.
Usually adjusting the dimensions of the artboard to round numbers of pixels has fixed the issue for me.
But, yesterday someone sent me a file where the artboard was pixel-perfect, the art was matching the dimensions of the artboard exactly, perfectly aligned and the pixel gap still appeared in the export. I noticed this may have been caused by a clipping mask surrounding the art - even when exactly matching the size and alignment to the artboard, it still was interpreted as off. Once unclipped, the export was good.
All of this is to say, I understand your frustration with this issue (although not the way you expressed it), I hope to hear more about this and what the explanation is, for my own education.
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‎Sep 02, 2022
05:09 AM
You can manage fonts for Illustrator via the Creative Cloud mobile app. Here's an article with instructions on working with fonts in the app:
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‎Aug 29, 2022
09:11 AM
Sorry for being late in answering! I looked at this in Fresco, and that soft wash brush tip does have an opening there, just from the irregular shape of the tip. I could only reproduce that it when I turn the water flow all the way down to zero and press to make a darker a tip print. If you are making washes, it should not show up. Add water flow to the brush at the bottom of the tool panel.
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‎Aug 29, 2022
08:49 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, I looked at both the video and the written tutorial and there is an extra step in the video, that was left out of the written post. In the video, he selects the live text object and expands it, using Object > Expand. You won't be able to expand the stroke on live text without expanding the text first (type > create outlines also works to expand live text). Hope that helps!
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Community Expert
in Illustrator on the iPad Discussions
‎Aug 29, 2022
08:36 AM
1 Upvote
‎Aug 29, 2022
08:36 AM
1 Upvote
Also, here is another help thread - it's old but there are some suggestions on how to get the crash log from Srishti Bali:
and the link for customer care:
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‎Aug 29, 2022
08:29 AM
The weird thing is the files were greyed out when I went to "import and open" but they were there when I used Place.
Generally, images would be grayed out when you use Import and open, so accessing them via the Place menu seems right. But, I see in the video that the pink ghost becomes black and white, even when you switch from then sketch tracing preset (which traces in black and white) to logo, color. I made my own test to see what happens on my end from a similar image, and when I switch to logo, color, I get color. Plus, we have similar defaults. So I don't understand why the ghost is black and white when you are tracing in color and the slider is up at 8 colors. That is strange, seems buggy.
Also in the beginning of the video, you open a file with "2nd grade" in handwriting and that looks like it just disappears - and the artboard size is different. So I see what you mean. You have already checked your system requirements, you have restarted the app and the iPad. Have you uninstalled Illustrator and reinstalled it? That, and maybe even doing the same with the Creative Cloud app could fix it. If not, you probably need to contact adobe support and speak to someone there. I'm sorry this is happening! I know how frustrating it is.
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‎Aug 29, 2022
07:49 AM
Sorry this is happening. It looks like you have done everything right. I am not the most expert on issues like this, but I just have a couple of suggestions. Is that GPU compatible? Here's a link on that:
Do you use a 2nd monitor, and does anything change when you remove it? When I had a meltdown like this last year, I set up a test on a brand new user (I'm on a mac), and that helped me locate a bad setting file related to the monitor. More steps here:
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