‎Feb 06, 2025
06:24 PM
1 Upvote
If you have tried Frans v.d. Geest's "Correct Answer" above and it is still not working, I suggest trying the following. Even if it is not a true "Single Page View", it finally lets you grab and drag a scroll bar when on any page: (1) Go to "Accessibility" in Preferences. (2) Go to "Override Page Display" and turn on "Always use Page Layout Style". (3) Then choose "Single Page Continuous" from the dropdown. (4) Changes will not apply to already open documents, but after you close and reopen or start a new document, you will see the GRABABLE scroll bar where it always was in the glorious days of yore... See the screenshots below. (With thanks to the people at CreativePro Magazine. If you don't subscribe, you really, really should...) To activate a grabable scrollbar on multi-page documents. The grabable scrollbar that can take you in fractions of a second to the end of a 600-page document. All in the latest version of Acrobat Pro.
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‎Aug 15, 2024
05:18 PM
I could be wrong, but I suspect from looking at your two-page screenshot, you are using a version of Acrobat Pro that is much earlier and still has the scroll bars in place – a version that I have to use all the time now and put up with the constant barrage of "Upgrade" announcements that stop my work. The new versions have all the tools in quite different places in the window, which means re-teaching the old muscle memory actions as well. But it has been a while since I actually tried upgrading, as I cannot afford the wasted time of going back to the version I must use at this time. (See mine about scrolling up and down 600 pages checking Endnotes and refs and proofing correx, etcetera.)
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‎May 06, 2024
03:26 PM
And also, Amal, ask the engineers to try scrolling (without scroll bar tabs to grab and quickly move back and forth) a 600-page heavily marked-up InDesign-created PDF with all the editor's Comments showing down the side and Endnotes (yes, at the end...), each needing checking with each ref number throughout the text, and see how they like it...!
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‎May 04, 2024
04:24 AM
Will this work with the next update of Acrobat Pro..? We all know WHY the scrollbars are not showing – the designers of the new framework think the world works (or plays) in phone and tablet mode and not in real-world mode on desktop machines with large screens. They simply do not understand their users' work methods or do not care. This is the strange case of someone actually needing to reinvent the wheel with a new PDF app for those of us for whom permanent scroll bays are essential.
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‎May 02, 2024
03:06 PM
So, Amal, on the off-chance that Adobe has restored the scroll bars in the very latest version, do we take it that it comes down to what age your device is and, therefore, what system you can run, so those of us who, for whatever reason, have to run older Macs, and therefore older systems (in my case Big Sur), will simply always be locked out...? As we are for the latest updates to InDesign and more, and indeed, this is understandable, except for the critical fact that always active scroll bars are an utterly essential feature to our workload. Adobe adding and upgrading apps is the normal thing to do, but deliberately eliminating a vital feature for its users is utterly bewildering.
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‎Apr 24, 2024
12:55 AM
It turns off the "Auto Upgrade" feature but, sadly, not the alert dialogue box suggesting you upgrade that pops up every time you are about to close a PDF file (in Acrobat Pro DC, anyway), but having to click Cancel each time is still far better than not having scroll bars.
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‎Apr 24, 2024
12:02 AM
Try having to still be on Big Sur...! ("… having to …" used advisedly.) Q
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‎Apr 15, 2024
07:56 AM
Ah, as a book publisher in New Zealand, I have had only Macs since 1986, and while my wife has a PC laptop, if I venture near it, I become a stranger in a strange land... And without scroll bars, my editors are lost, my proofreaders are lost, and as the main typesetter, later taking in those corrections, I too am lost.
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‎Apr 15, 2024
07:42 AM
Thanks, J.M.S. At least now I know I just have to keep on using the old 2022.001.20112 version with all the muscle-memory elements intact, INCLUDING all the scroll bars, even if I have to click "Cancel" every time I close a PDF and it asks me to Upgrade...!
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‎Mar 08, 2024
01:36 PM
Are you saying that in "Two-page View", there ARE grabbable up and down scrollbars in the latest update...? (Note: Do you also mean in the two "Scrolling" options.) Just to be clear...
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‎Feb 27, 2024
02:33 AM
1 Upvote
Could Frans v.d. Geest please comment on this...? Is the difference Frans is saying is the case, and that which Filip is showing in the screenshots above, because Filip is using a 2023 version and not the latest 2024 version...? Are we all talking about Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, and is it actually a 2024 version..? I am using an iMac with Creative Cloud and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, Version 2022.001.20112, with scroll bars showing and grabable on all views. I have just downloaded the latest version that says it is Acrobat DC with Build Date = 20240210032301, but I am extremely reluctant to take the time to go through yet again the upgrade and downgrade if the 2024 version is not doing and showing exactly as Filip's 2020 version and my 2022 versions do and show.
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‎Feb 25, 2024
01:47 PM
Yes, they are good once you find the right person. Did that last person give you any idea whether bringing the scroll bars back is a possibility, or did they say they are simply never coming back...? And did they tell you whether there is a way (other than all those attempted above) to turn off the Update alert that comes up each time you are working on a file in the 2020 version of Reader or Acrobat Pro...?
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‎Feb 23, 2024
04:26 PM
Well, that didn't work. I still get the messages to Update Acrobat almost every time I close a window. Sorry all...
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‎Feb 21, 2024
01:42 PM
On a Mac, the only place I could find similar in the CC app is under the blue circle at the top right with one's name when it is clicked open. Going to "Preferences" gives the option turn turn off ALL updates, but it does not show Acrobat Pro in the list of options. Trying turning them all off now. Thanks for that option.
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‎Feb 21, 2024
01:08 PM
1 Upvote
When using an earlier version with the scroll bars, you should be seeing a dialogue box with "Cancel" and "Update" that will simply keep coming up when you close a file. It is annoying, but clicking "Cancel" lets you stay with the older version. It is, I assure you, not nearly as frustrating and annoying as trying to work in the new versions. I saw a recent upgrade note that claimed Adobe had made changes, including following user requests. As I do not have the time to go through all the processes, forth and back, yet again, has anyone seen whether this includes returning usable scroll bars...?
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‎Jan 31, 2024
06:06 PM
1 Upvote
Giving up holding your breath is probably exactly what they are hoping for...
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‎Jan 13, 2024
06:44 PM
Thank you for saving me the time and trouble of discovering that, via installing the upgrades – and then having to re-install the older version. Hugely appreciated. Best wishes, Quentin
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‎Jan 09, 2024
08:03 PM
When Adobe first removed the scroll bars (critical to my work as a book publisher), I spent hours on the phone with them in the USA from here in New Zealand and finally managed to talk with a real person who understood the issue. I learned that I could, in fact, download and install the 2022 version, which still has the scroll bars. (There is an Adobe website with the earlier versions for Mac and PC here: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/acrobat/kb/acrobat-dc-downloads.html) It is the only way I can work both in terms of, for instance, taking in comments from a heavily marked-up 600+-page book when I need to move rapidly from the last pages of, say, the Index or the Endnotes, and back to where I was working, in order to check details. If they think somehow mouse scrolling down each page is viable on more than a few pages of a PDF file, then Adobe must certainly never ask the working community before making such radical changes as those that the latest updates display – I assume those having other issues as well, know they can revert, under "File" I think, to the Classical View, with all things where they originally were, except, of course, for the scroll bars. And Yes, the constant intruding reminders to update to the new version drive me mad, but at least a quick click sees that gone for a while.
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‎Jan 08, 2024
09:33 PM
If you have people looking at this matter, then PLEASE also have them look at restoring multiple-page scrolling by dragging the original scroll tab on the right of Adobe Acrobat PDF pages. Having lost this daily-used and critical editorial/proofreading/correcting function means we cannot update to the latest version. It is critical to be able to move from one place early in, say, a 600-page PDF file to another well through it without constantly scrolling page after page – when the exact page number is not known. But critical for a multitude of other reasons as well. Best wishes, Quentin Wilson Quentin Wilson | Publisher | *QUENTIN WILSON* *PUBLISHING* | 105 Moncks Spur Road | Redcliffs | Christchurch 8081 | New Zealand | *M: *027 505 8383 quentinwilsonpublishing.com <>
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‎Jul 14, 2023
08:51 PM
Yes, you are a lifesaver. The hours I have wasted...! The frustration with completely unintuitive placements and discardings... Thank you again.
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‎Mar 17, 2018
02:11 AM
Dear Srishti, Thank you for your prompt response below. My details are: Operating System: macOS Sierra, version 10.12.6 (using a late-2015 27in iMac) Exact version of InDesign: CC 2018 – 13.1 *Crash report from event viewer/(Use Pastebin): *Sadly, I know nothing about ''Pastebin'' or how to make anything I put there available to you. *Please see below, in the body of the email, a copy of the Event Report*. When InDesign crashes, on launch or while working on it?: Always while working on it, and when doing different tasks. For example, when having just completed creating a PDF via Export; when doing a ''Save as''; when closing a file with a couple of other files open; et cetera. I am tempted to think back many years to when most such crashes in either PageMaker or InDesign could easily be attributed to font corruptions or similar font issues. Regards, Quentin Wilson [Address and phone numbers removed by moderator. This is a public forum. EVENT REPORT System Integrity Protection: enabled Crashed Thread: 0 Ma - Pastebin.com
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‎Mar 15, 2018
02:21 PM
Forgive me, but I have almost exactly the same problem with InDesign CC2018 constantly crashing and while everyone above gives something, ending the thread by a Staff member saying they and the original posting person need to troubleshoot the issue in real-time does not quite seem to me to answer the question, as stated at the top of the posting where it states: ''This question has been Answered''. What actually was causing the problem, and did they resolve it? Or am I missing something somewhere?
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‎Feb 14, 2016
11:00 AM
When attempting to install my subscription CC on my laptop (system OS X 10.9.5), once Creative Cloud Desktop is installed the progress wheel in the Apps section simply spins continuously and nothing else happens. I have tried the recommended solutions from Adobe sites but the problem persists. Any suggestions please?
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