Sébastien Périer
Adobe Employee
Sébastien Périer
Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
in After Effects (Beta) Discussions
Jan 17, 2025
11:25 AM
Jan 17, 2025
11:25 AM
Hi everyone, We’re working to expand After Effects’ HDR capabilities. Starting with AE 25.2 build 81, HDR Preview and Transmit is available.
This support for Extended Dynamic Range on Mac and DirectX HDR on capable Windows machines will enable you to preview HDR compositions in full dynamic range in Adobe Color Managed projects on an HDR-capable display or through Mercury Transmit.
Make sure your OS/Display HDR settings are turned on (if needed), then go to Color Settings. Set your project to Adobe Color Managed, Bit Depth to 32 bits per channel and choose a Working Color Space that supports HDR, like Rec.2100 PQ. Your composition will automatically be displayed in HDR.
You can also send frames in the project’s working color space to external devices via Mercury Transmit. You will need to select the proper profile in the device settings. We are working with our third-party partners to update their drivers to more fully support AE workflows.
Please give this new functionality a try and let us know how it’s working for you, and how it’s performing on your hardware. Have a bright day everyone!
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Jan 17, 2025
10:58 AM
Hi @demonmex ,
thanks for the added details. I have looked in the Keyboard shortcut editor and I see all the shortcuts you mentionned that you can change directly in it. (I have searched for point) I've went back to AE 23.0 to compare the default Keyboard shortcuts and I see they are identical to the ones in 24 and 25: AE 23.0:
"TimeJumpToIn" = "(I)"
"TimeJumpToOut" = "(O)"
"TimeSetIn" = "([)"
"TimeSetOut" = "(])"
"TimeTrimIn" = "(Alt+[)"
"TimeTrimOut" = "(Alt+])"
AE 25.1:
"TimeJumpToIn" = "(I)"
"TimeJumpToOut" = "(O)"
"TimeSetIn" = "([)"
"TimeSetOut" = "(])"
"TimeTrimIn" = "(Alt+[)"
"TimeTrimOut" = "(Alt+])"
The behavior you are describing, to move a layer inPoint or outPoint to the Playhead position without changing its duration, I can 100% reproduce using the [ or ] shortcut. Alt+[ or Alt+] will try to trim the layer indeed. If you want to have the non-stretch behavior on the Alt+[ / Alt+], you can change the Set Layer In Point at Current Time and Set Layer Out Point at Current Time in the Keyboard Shortcut Editor to Alt+[ and Alt+] and assign the [ and ] to the Trim Layer In/Out Point at Current Time shortcuts.
Or if you're more familiar with editing the shortcut text file directly, just swap the [/] and Alt+[/Alt+] shortcuts. Let me know if that works for you. Seb
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Jan 17, 2025
10:18 AM
Hello / bonjour, I have tried reproducing your issue with AE 25.1.0 on Mac OS but I cannot reproduce so far (On a Macbook pro M1). I'm going to continue investigating and will report back if I find a way to reproduce it. In the meantime, are there any other apps actively running when you use AE, like Another Adobe App, or a file sync/sharing app? Thanks, Sébastien, After Effects Quality Engineering
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Jan 15, 2025
09:11 PM
Hi @demonmex,
I'm Sébastien from the After Effects Team. These keyboard shortcuts still exists in AE 2024 and 2025. This is a screenshot from the Keyboard Shortcut editor showing the Open Comp shortcuts on my Mac. Have you tried to check if you see them in the Keyboard Shortcut Editor (bottom of the Edit menu), or by restarting After Effects in Safe Mode? Opening AE in Safe Mode will temporarily open AE with the default preferences and shortcuts. You can restart AE in safe mode from the Preferences Panel, in the Startup and Repare tab. Let me know if that works for you. Sébastien Software Quality Engineer - After Effects
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Dec 19, 2024
08:27 AM
Hi @magnus atom ,
I'm Sébastien from the After Effects team.
I'm very sorry you're running into an issue with h264 encoding.
Does the encoding problem persists if you use AME to convert your ProRes into h264, or is it only happening when rendering your AE timeline directly (through RenderQueue and AME).
Would you be able to share the encoding preset and/or customer parameters you are using for encoding?
Last but not least, would you be able to share in a DM a link to a video you exported showing the encoding issue that I could share internally with the team?
All the best,
Sr. Quality Engineer After Effects
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Dec 04, 2024
07:20 PM
Bonsoir bruno,
vous serait-il possible de me partager le projet en DM que je puisse regarder de mon côté ? J'ai l'impression que les 50fps sont exportées à 25fps mais pourtant vos options d'export montrent bien une cadance a 50. Bien à vous,
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Dec 02, 2024
11:05 AM
je suis Sébastien de l'équipe d'After Effects. Dans quel logiciel constatez-vous une difference de vitesse lors de la lecture de votre animation? Est-ce que si vous importez votre rendu et le mettez dans votre composition d'origine (en premier calque a 50% d'opacité), est-ce que la vitesse est correcte ? Bien cordialement,
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Nov 22, 2024
09:34 AM
I'm happy that you are now able to use AE. Have a nice day,
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Nov 20, 2024
09:57 AM
Hi @martech_5976 ,
thanks for the video, it is really helpful. I've shared your recording with the engineering team so we can investigate. Seb
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Nov 16, 2024
04:12 PM
Bonjour @younes_mouslih2907 ,
Je suis Sébastien, et je travaille dans l'équipe qualité d'After Effects. Désolé que vous rencontriez des problèmes avec After Effects. Dans le messge d'erreur, je vois que cela mentionne AE12.0 qui est la toute première version CC, mais vous mentionnez l'utilisation d'After Effects 2025.
Du coup pour m'aider dans le diagnostique du problème pourriez-vous me confirmer la version d'After Effects que vous utilisez ?
Est-ce que votre Windows est en Français ainsi que votre After Effects ?
Une fois que l'erreur se produit, est-ce qu'After Effects s'execute correctement, ou est-ce qu'il freeze/crash?
En attendant votre réponse, je vais me pencher sur le fichier XML malformé.
Bien cordialement,
Sébastien, Ingénieur Qualité After Effects
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Nov 15, 2024
08:56 AM
Hi martech,
I'm so sorry you are having issues launching AE 2025. Could you tell me more about the computer specs: - OS, and OS version
- CPU, GPU and GPU driver version Do you get any Crash reporter dialog when AE crashes?
If you are on Windows, do you have Trend Micro installed?
From Creative Cloud you can still install AE 24.6. Could you try installing it and see if it works fror you? Sebastien After Effects Quality Engineer
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Nov 12, 2024
08:45 PM
Hi, I'm Seb from the After Effects team. I'm sorry you're having performance issue. Would you be able to tell me which version of AE 2024 you are using, and what type of content you have in your composition. This will help me start investigating your issue. All the best,
After Effects Quality Engineering
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Adobe Employee
in After Effects (Beta) Discussions
Aug 19, 2024
02:54 PM
1 Upvote
Aug 19, 2024
02:54 PM
1 Upvote
Hi everyone,
Starting with AE 25.0.26 beta, we have introduced a number of new Font fallback management APIs, to help with defining new default fonts, and to ensure that a font has all the glyphs you will need to render any given text.
As always, we have updated the Scripting Documentation, where you will find more detailed information about these new APIs. Here is a quick overview of the new APIs:
This function will set an instance of Font object mapped based on CTScript parameter.
After Effects uses these mappings when typing or applying a font where it finds that the font does not contain a glyph for the character. In this situation it will attempt to map the character to a CTScript value and then use this default mapping to select an alternate font which may have a glyph for the character.
This function will return an instance of Font object mapped as the default font based on CTScript.
After Effects uses these mappings when typing or applying a font where it finds that the font does not contain a glyph for the character. In this situation it will attempt to map the character to a CTScript value and then use this default mapping to select an alternate font which may have a glyph for the character.
Fonts do not contain glyphs for all possible ranges of Unicode and this method gives the caller the opportunity to query the Font about support for one or more characters.
Given a FontObject passed as an argument, it will return an Array of FontObject instances which share the same font dictionary.
This function will return an array of generic objects describing the number of characters in the range and the CTScript assigned to them.
Copies, using paste semantics, from the characterRange parameter to the callee CharacterRange. The two instances may be the same, and the spans may be different.
As always we are interested in hearing about the successful use of these APIs and feedback on how they might be made better for your workflow.
Douglas Waterfall, John Colombo & Sébastien Périer
After Effects Engineering
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May 03, 2024
10:40 AM
je suis Sébastien, ingénieur qualité dans l'équipe After Effects. Le messge d'erreur indique un problème de mémoire malgré vos 64Go de Ram.
Afin de pouvoir vous aider j'ai besoin d'en savoir un peu plus sur votre projet:
Quelle est la résolution de la séquence d'image importée, et la résolution d'export ?
Est-ce que vous avez d'autres application Adobe, comme Photoshop ou Premiere qui sont ouverte en même temps qu'After ?
Et pouvez vous me dire quelle version d'After effects vous utilisez en allant dans le menu Aide > A Propos d'After Effects.
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Adobe Employee
in After Effects (Beta) Discussions
Mar 22, 2024
09:10 PM
1 Upvote
Mar 22, 2024
09:10 PM
1 Upvote
Hi everyone,
Starting with AE beta, we have introduced a number of miscellaneous Font management APIs which we hope will be super interesting to some of you who have more refined workflows around Fonts - we created them to help our internal testing, and decided to expose them to Beta following your feedback.
As always, we have updated the Scripting Documentation, where you will find more detailed information about these new APIs. Here is a quick overview of the new APIs:
app.fonts.fontsDuplicateByPostScriptName Having more than one Font instance which has the same PostScript name can lead to surprises when the Font instance you thought you were going to get was not the one the FontServer handed back. Earlier releases of After Effects were prone to crash in this state and one of the focuses of the last year of FontServer work was to make this situation work.
Simply use the TextDocument.font API to select a Font by PostScript name is problematic when there is more than one Font instance with the same PostScript name - did the FontServer select the one you wanted?
app.fonts.mruFontFamilyList app.fonts.favoriteFontFamilyList Access to Most Recently Used (MRU), and Favorites font lists anywhere you can choose fonts from these lists. Ever wanted to clear these lists? Just pass in an empty array. Want to define your own Favorites programmatically rather than clicking in the UI? Here is the way.
app.fonts.freezeSyncSubstitutedFonts By default when After Effects opens a Project, and it finds that it has a Font reference which does not exactly match an installed Font, it will attempt to activate an Adobe Font with the same PostScript name if it can find one there. Not all workflows want this to happen - a popular reason being server workflows where they never want to use Adobe Fonts and so the automatic install just makes the Font environment more complicated for them. This API will disable the automatic activation from Adobe Fonts.
app.fonts.substitutedFontReplacementMatchPolicy When After Effects has a missing Font reference when opening a Project, which appears in the UI as a bracket font name at the bottom of the Character Panels, it will automatically look in the Font environment to find a candidate Font to replace it with.
Consider the case where a Project file was saved using Courier on Windows, and then opened on the Mac. If the two installed Font instances do not share the same Font properties that After Effects requires, it will be treated as a missing Font reference when opened on the Mac. It is longstanding behavior in After Effects to silently allow this sort of quiet substitution, and so by default when evaluating a missing Font reference we only require that we find another Font instance that has the same PostScript name to replace it.
All this happens automatically but do be aware that the Project IS changed by the replacement of the original referenced Font with the replacement Font. If this Project was saved and brought back to Windows the same thing would happen again in reverse.
Some workflows do not want this loose behavior at all - a close substitute, merely by PostScript name, is not acceptable to them. It is better to realize the Font is missing and go find it than have the composition change in a silent and potentially undesired way.
Other workflows do not want any replacement at all - a popular assumption being that all the Fonts should have been already installed so why is anything missing at all? This API provides these two additional policies over the default PostScript-name-only one.
app.fonts.pollForAndPushNonSystemFontFoldersChanges Finally, erver-based workflows which need to add and remove their own Font instances through scripting without resorting to using the OS tools, have a challenge in getting After Effects to notice that the Font environment has changed through their actions.
Fonts that are changed through the OS tools, and by Adobe Fonts activation, are automatically detected but Fonts that are changed in the Application Support Fonts folder (and the equivalent on Windows) are not detected until After Effects restarts or the Font environment changes in folders which are automatically detected. This experimental API allows the scripter to give the Font environment a little push to recognize if the Font environment has changed outside of the System Font folders, and it has it will schedule an update to the Font environment to process it.
It has been requested that we expose the ability to dynamically add additional Font search folders - it is something we are considering.
As always we are interested in hearing about the successful use of these APIs and feedback on how they might be made better for your workflow.
Douglas Waterfall, John Colombo & Sébastien Périer After Effects Engineering
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Dec 15, 2023
09:38 AM
I'm Sébastien from the AE Team, I'm sorry you are encountering a crash when trying to use a 3D Object. Would you be able to share a 3D model with me, either through a DM or via email (mylastname at adobe com), so we can try to reproduce the issue on our side? Also, when AE crashes, do you get the Crash reporter dialog? If so, could you check the checkbox "allow Adobe to contact me" and fill your email address so I can look for your crash in our database? Sébastien Perier AE Quality Engineering
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Dec 01, 2023
11:24 AM
Hi everyone,
Starting in Beta build 24.2.0x29, we have added new support for managing the orientation (horizontal/vertical) of Text Layers via scripting. You'll have access to several new hooks in the latest Beta.
First up is new property on the TextDocument: TextDocument.lineOrientation. This read-write property uses the following enums:
The existing LayerCollection functions for creating Text Layers will create them with LineOrientation.HORIZONTAL by default.
Next up is two new functions for creating vertical Text Layers.
LayerCollection.addVerticalText(String or TextDocument)
LayerCollection.addVerticalBoxText([w,h][, optional String])
The signature of these is exactly the same as their matching horizontal versions. When using these methods, the lineOrientation for the new Text layers will be LineOrientation.VERTICAL_RIGHT_TO_LEFT by default.
With this same update, we've also modified access to the composerEngine attribute for:
These properties were previously read-only, and are now read-write. Please note that it is only possible to set the value to ComposerEngine.UNIVERSAL_TYPE_ENGINE. This is to allow Text Layers that use the older ComposeEngine.LATIN_CJK_ENGINE to be updated to use the newer CompserEngine.UNIVERSAL_TYPE_ENGINE.
You can read the updated docs here: https://ae-scripting.docsforadobe.dev/introduction/changelog.html. Remember, these scripting hooks are currently in Beta and are subject to change. Douglas Waterfall, John Colombo & Sebastien Perier
After Effects Engineering
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Adobe Employee
in After Effects (Beta) Discussions
Nov 21, 2023
11:04 AM
1 Upvote
Nov 21, 2023
11:04 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Roland, yes it works with both Point and Box Text Layers. As for Word and Line ranges, I'll add your voice to the feature request 😉 Cheers, Seb
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Adobe Employee
in After Effects (Beta) Discussions
Nov 20, 2023
02:27 PM
Nov 20, 2023
02:27 PM
Hi everyone,
With After Effects (Beta) 24.2.0 build 17, we have added some very significant and long-awaited additions to the TextDocument DOM:
The properties of individual characters can now be changed independently of the others with the new CharacterRange and ParagraphRange objects.
New paragraphCount attribute will return the number of paragraphs in the TextDocument.
New paragraphCharacterIndexesAt method will return the paragraph bounds from a character index—useful if you have a character index and wonder what the character index bounds of the paragraph it is part of.
It is now possible to faithfully round trip a mixed-property Text Layer via the TextDocument without losing individual properties.
boxTextPos will now accept negative values (this was a long-standing bug.)
You can read the updated docs here: https://ae-scripting.docsforadobe.dev/introduction/changelog.html.
The CharacterRange and ParagraphRange will benefit from a short explanation.
The former is returned by the characterRange() function where the parameters are character indexes, and the latter by the paragraphRange() function where the parameters are paragraph indexes. With them, you have all the same familiar character and paragraph properties that are available on the TextDocument, but now they apply to the effective character index range which was used to construct the specific range object.
For example:
var td = ....layer(1).property(“Source Text”).value;
td.text; => “Hello, World!”
var cr = td.characterRange(0,5);
cr.text; => “Hello”
cr.text = “After Effects”; // replace “Hello” with “After Effects”
cr.text; => “After”
td.text; => “After Effects, World!”
Though these new objects share the same character and paragraph property definitions, there are still a few differences of note.
A TextDocument character attribute on read returns the attribute's value for the first character in the Text layer, but on write applies it to the whole Text layer. Because of this, a TextDocument character property is never mixed.
A TextDocument paragraph attribute on read and write is for all the characters in the Text layer. Because of this, a TextDocument paragraph property can be mixed.
A CharacterRange and ParagraphRange object can return mixed if the range exceeds one character or paragraph, mixed is always indicated by returning undefined (except for .justification).
The TextDocument fillColor and strokeColor will throw an exception on read if the corresponding applyFill and applyStroke properties are not set - the CharacterRange and ParagraphRange objects will not.
We have built a demo script exercising the new CharacterRange and ParagraphRange hooks to get you started. You can get it from our Github repository: https://github.com/AdobeDocs/after-effects/blob/main/samples/PerCharacter_StyleEdit_ScriptUISample.jsx Remember, these scripting hooks are currently in Beta and are subject to change. We can't wait to see what you'll be building with these new hooks.
Douglas, John and Sebastien
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Oct 24, 2023
09:34 AM
1 Upvote
I'm Sébastien from the AE team. I've tried to reproduce your issue in AE 24.0 and 24.0.1, in a french environment, on Windows, with the same Properties in a comp, but it does keep the name properly. Would you be able to send me your project and any additional description you can think of (in english or french) and/ or a screen recording at <my_last_name> at adobe dot com? All the best,
Sébastien Perier
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Oct 11, 2023
11:29 AM
je suis Sébastien de l'équipe After Effects. Je suis navré que vous rencontriez un soucis avec vos calques de textes.
Quand After Effects se ferme, est-ce qu'une fenêtre de crash apparaît ? Si oui, dans le champ email, pourriez-vous indiquer votre adresse email (la même qu'utilisée sur ce forum) que nous puissions retrouver vos crashs de notre côté afin de pouvoir comprendre ce su'il se passe?
Si la fenêtre de crash ne se presente pas, pourriez vois aller dans le menu aide et activé l'enregistrement de fichier log, et au prochain crash, retourner dans le menu aide et sélectionner "révéler les fichiers log" et me les transmettre a sur mon adresse email adobe (mon nom de famille arobase adobe point com)
Sebastien Perier
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Oct 05, 2023
03:04 PM
Sorry that you are experiencing a crash. You can try to trash your preferences to see if it fixes the issue, but please note that After Effects 2020 was not designed for Sonoma, and changes in the OS might break it. Hope this helps,
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Adobe Employee
in After Effects (Beta) Discussions
Aug 21, 2023
03:41 PM
Aug 21, 2023
03:41 PM
Hi everyone,
We're happy to announce that starting in Beta build 24.0x37, we have added 2 new scripting hooks, one to get the fonts being used in the project, and the other one to replace fonts.
You can check their respective documentation here:
Please remember that these scripting hooks are currently in Beta and are subject to change.
We've also created a demo script panel that exercises these new hooks to recreate the Font Replace experience from Premiere Pro.
The script is attached to this post, but you must rename the file's extension from .jsx.txt to .jsx to run it inside AE. It is also available GitHub here: https://github.com/AdobeDocs/after-effects/blob/main/samples/ReplaceFontsInProject_ScriptUISample.jsx
We're excited to see what you'll be able to do with these new hooks and to hear any feedback you may have!
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Adobe Employee
in After Effects (Beta) Discussions
Aug 14, 2023
10:13 AM
Aug 14, 2023
10:13 AM
Hi everyone,
We're happy to announce that starting in Beta build 24.0x25, we have added 7 new scripting hooks related to variable fonts.
You can see the full list here and their respective documentation:
Please remember that these scripting hooks are currently in Beta and are subject to change.
We've also created a demo script panel that exercises these new hooks to inspect installed variable font axes and apply animation controls to create dynamic variable font animations:
The script is also attached to this post, but you must rename the file's extension from .jsx.txt to .jsx to run it inside AE. We're excited to see what you'll be able to do with these new variable fonts hooks and to hear any feedback you may have!
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Aug 02, 2023
09:55 AM
1 Upvote
That can happen when a plugin gets disabled. Could you check in the Effects Manager that the plugin is enabled?
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Aug 02, 2023
09:52 AM
You can disable MFR in the Preference panel, in the Memory and Performance section.
Hope this Helps,
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Jul 31, 2023
03:07 PM
1 Upvote
Hi Tania,
this is an error because the original expression was written in english and you are using a localized version of After Effects. In you expression, replace ("Slider Control") by (1) and your expression will be fixed. "Slider Control" is the english name of that controller, and 1 is it's index in the effect list, so it won't try to find it by it's name, and because of that, fix the issue. Hope this helps, Seb
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Adobe Employee
in After Effects (Beta) Discussions
Jul 31, 2023
12:01 PM
Jul 31, 2023
12:01 PM
Hello everyone,
We’re very happy to announce that starting in today’s build (24.0x14), we have added 42 new scripting hooks for text and font manipulation. Our goal with these new hooks is to match in scripting what is available in the UI.
In addition to extending the TextDocument object, we’ve also added two brand-new objects:
Fonts Object: The Fonts object provides information about the current font environment on your device. It will allow you to retrieve all the available fonts and iterate them.
Font Object: The Font object provides information about a specific font and the font technology used, helping disambiguate when multiple fonts sharing the same Postscript name are installed on the system.
You can see the full list right here, along with documentation for the new hooks and objects: https://ae-scripting.docsforadobe.dev/introduction/changelog.html. Remember, these scripting hooks are currently in Beta and are subject to change.
We’ve also attached a demo script panel to this post that exercises all of the new hooks. You will need to rename the file's extension from .jsx.txt to .jsx to run it inside AE.
We're excited to see what you'll be able to do with these new scripting capabilities!
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Jul 27, 2023
09:05 AM
Hi, I'm Sébastien from the After Effects Team,
I'm sorry you are encountering issues with Optical Flare. As this is a crash happening in a third party plugin, I would recommand reaching out to their support team to see if they know more about it and can address your issue. Meanwhile, you can try these steps and see if it solves your issue:
Update your GPU drivers
Update After Effects to 23.5
Try in current After Effects Beta version
Hope this helps,
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Apr 25, 2023
05:33 PM
le problème que vous rencontrez vient de l'effet juxtaposition directionnelle. La problématique est que le calque sur lequel vous l'appliquez, et les propriétés de juxtapositions que vous utilisez, nécessite de créer une image tampon de plus de 30.000 pixels de large, ce qui est la limite interne d'After Effects. Je vous recommande de réduire soit la résolution du claque, soit le nombre de juxtaposition afin de réduire la taille nécessaire de l'image tampon. En esperant que cela vous aide, bien cordialement,
Sébastien, ingénieur qualité After Effects
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