‎Oct 08, 2024
05:07 AM
Hey there, I have used the Corsair keyboards for many years but switched to a StreamDeck to do the same job - but be able to assign icons and text quickly. I prefer now to stick to the keyboard for some reason but I would recommend it above the gaming keyboards. Check this out:
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‎Oct 08, 2024
02:33 AM
1 Upvote
This is a grab from Autodesk Maya, shows all occupied keys visually, and it changes when you hold down a modifer key etc. Essential for professionals in any Content Creation app. I am also using 'Clavier', an open source app for sending hotkey combinations to Photoshop. For instance say Ctrl+F9 is delete layer in Photoshop. In Clavier, I set it up that 'D' == 'Ctrl+F9' so for me D == delete That allows me to use and manipulate all single key shorcuts as I choose (not Adobe). Also it enables full access to combinations like Alt+c, Alt+s etc. This is Clavier :
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‎Oct 08, 2024
02:18 AM
With the help of ChatGPT. This is in progress, as there are lots of complications. This will list the keyboard shortcuts in a text file, sorted. Change the path in the script to your .kys file. As say the F1-F12 keys are sorted alphabetically- we can see easier what is missing is available. e.g.. below I can see I have F9-F12 available. F2 Fit Layer(s) on Screen F3 Fit on Screen F4 100% F5 Match Zoom F6 Float All in Windows F7 PDF Presentation... F8 Info However, how Adobe records single key shorcuts in the file is complex, and not captured in this script. Also some context keys are skipped. Also trying to detect hotkeys used by Actions is difficult too and not included here. Perhaps there is someone out there that wants to take this further! // Define the input and output file paths
var inputFile = File("insert your path here/AlanKeys_v06.kys");
var outputFile = File("~/Desktop/keyboard_shortcuts.txt"); // Output on the desktop
// Function to extract and format keyboard shortcuts
function extractShortcuts(inputFile, outputFile) {
// Open the input XML file
if (inputFile.exists) {'r');
var xmlContent =;
// Parse the XML content
var xmlDoc = new XML(xmlContent);
// Array to hold the shortcuts and command pairs
var shortcutsArray = [];
// Loop through each <command> element and extract the shortcut and name
var commands = xmlDoc..command;
for (var i = 0; i < commands.length(); i++) {
var commandName = commands[i].@name.toString();
var shortcut = commands[i].shortcut.toString();
// Only format and store if there is a shortcut available
if (shortcut !== "") {
var formattedShortcut = formatShortcut(shortcut);
// Add the formatted shortcut and command name as a pair to the array
shortcutsArray.push(formattedShortcut + "\t" + commandName);
// Sort the array alphabetically
// Open the output file for writing'w');
// Write each item from the sorted array to the output file
for (var j = 0; j < shortcutsArray.length; j++) {
// Close the output file
// Notify the user
alert("Shortcuts extracted, sorted, and saved to: " + outputFile.fsName);
// Open the output file automatically
} else {
alert("Input file not found: " + inputFile.fsName);
// Function to format the shortcut in Ctrl+Alt+Shift order
function formatShortcut(shortcut) {
// Break down the shortcut string into individual parts
var parts = shortcut.split('+');
// Arrays to hold the possible modifiers
var ctrl = false, alt = false, shift = false;
var key = "";
// Classify each part as a modifier or the actual key
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var part = parts[i].toLowerCase();
// Check if it's a modifier
if (part === "ctrl") {
ctrl = true;
} else if (part === "alt") {
alt = true;
} else if (part === "shift") {
shift = true;
} else {
key = parts[i]; // Assume the key is the non-modifier part
// Construct the ordered shortcut string
var formattedShortcut = "";
if (ctrl) formattedShortcut += "Ctrl";
if (alt) formattedShortcut += (formattedShortcut ? "+" : "") + "Alt";
if (shift) formattedShortcut += (formattedShortcut ? "+" : "") + "Shift";
if (key) formattedShortcut += (formattedShortcut ? "+" : "") + key;
return formattedShortcut;
// Run the function to extract, sort, and write shortcuts
extractShortcuts(inputFile, outputFile);
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‎Oct 07, 2024
01:31 AM
Hi there, I am wondering if a script exists online to list all unused hotkeys in Ps? I can code but don't want to spend a day at it to find out it's not possible. It's quite frustrating hitting keys and photoshop telling me that key is already used. Most apps including AfterEffects can show you clearly what is available. Has anybody tackeled this before? I don't see much in the API. I suppose the .kys file could be parsed. Thanks, A
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‎Aug 30, 2024
11:10 AM
Well there you go, I can't edit or delete the question.
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‎Aug 30, 2024
11:07 AM
Sorry this was for the Ps forum (terrible forum tech from Adobe, I'll delete now if I can!)
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‎Aug 30, 2024
01:26 AM
Sorry this is the example QuickMenu from After Effects.
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‎Aug 30, 2024
01:22 AM
Hey there, I have posted this elsewhere and on Reddit, as I can't seem to find a complete solution. I would really appreciate any pointers. [1] Type to find + execute (plugin?) I use QuickMenu from aeScripts for After Effects and most apps (like Maya) have built in comprehensive type-to-find. I know Ps has search but it doesn't show actions and all the results are obfuscated by noise. I just want my scripts/actions and possibly menu commands. Below as an example - hotkey tab, shows scripts/presets/built in commands etc, hit return to execute. First result would be a menu item. I am trying to find a tool that can launch with a hotkey and search actions and custom scripts and execute on 'return'. I can see various tools that almost do it like this ... shon-trees (Doesn't focus search box, doesn't allow keyboard execution, no actions) Surely something exists for Ps ? [2] Customizable Toolbar Scripts/actions Also is there a defacto custom toolbar available that you can create icons, launch scripts, actions ? and ideally assign keyboard shortcuts. This looked good but seems to be unmaintained. Totally willing to pay for good software! Thanks for any tips! A
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‎Oct 22, 2023
11:57 AM
Hey there in the expression editor ctrl+L = Delete line I have discovered a couple of others, however I can't find documentation ? Surely they are documented somewhere? Thanks so much. A
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‎Feb 28, 2023
06:42 AM
Thanks for looking into it! Appreciate the time - I can now do my rendering via a hotkey, rather than 12 clicks and navigate etc.
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‎Feb 28, 2023
05:24 AM
Yes... D:\testÉ.jsx //doesn't work D:\test.jsx // does work
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‎Feb 28, 2023
04:27 AM
On a pc, So got it to work perhaps after deleting the prefs folder ? "D:\OneDrive - RTÉ\test.jsx" //this doesn't work - no permissions issues, maybe special character. "D:\test.jsx" // this works.
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‎Feb 28, 2023
02:09 AM
Hey there, Deleted AME prefs folder = negative. I don't have access to Beta(work restricted creative Cloud account). Trying when AME is closed to start with = negative. Here is what appears in the console... <37776> <AMEApp> <1> Entering RunEventLoop
<35680 (dvascripting::Engine)> <exception> <4> Caught exception!
context: "dvacore::threads::`anonymous-namespace'::ThreadedWorkQueue::WorkerMain"
description: "filesupport::commondirs::CurrentUserDir"
file_extension: ".849c9593-d756-4e56-8d6e-42412f2a707b"
result_code: "-127598562"
timestamp: "2023-02-28T10:07:46.0Z"
type: "dvacore::filesupport::file_open_exception"
zstring: "$$$/dvacore/filesupport/FileOpenFailed"
dvacore::config::dva_exception::dva_exception ( @ 0) (dvacore.dll+0x000000000008B30C)
dvacore::filesupport::file_exception::file_exception ( @ 0) (dvacore.dll+0x00000000001072D1)
dvacore::filesupport::file_open_exception::file_open_exception ( @ 0) (dvacore.dll+0x00000000001073C5)
dvacore::filesupport::IPlatformByteStream::IPlatformByteStream ( @ 0) (dvacore.dll+0x0000000000119BFF)
dvascripting::extendscript::SetAppWillTerminate ( @ 0) (dvascriptingES.DLL+0x000000000002982C)
dvascripting::extendscript::SetAppWillTerminate ( @ 0) (dvascriptingES.DLL+0x0000000000028654)
dvascripting::ScriptContext::WillTerminate ( @ 0) (dvascripting.dll+0x00000000000E14EC)
dvascripting::utils::EvalScriptFile ( @ 0) (dvascripting.dll+0x00000000000EA3AE)
dvascripting::utils::GetEventRootTargetObject ( @ 0) (dvascripting.dll+0x00000000000EB7F2)
dvascripting::threads::CallFunctionOnUIThread_Syncronous ( @ 0) (dvascripting.dll+0x0000000000107879)
<39348> <EACL> <5> Connecting local hub to remote hub, requestID: "5e989cee-2e39-467a-9d56-20bbf9bcfb1d", server: "", serverType: 2, user: "", machineID: "e5b1d598-4736-44bf-8c57-093c1c45b242"
<28584> <EACL.CloudProjectsLogin> <5> Finished sending new access token to LocalHub, result: 0, requestID: "dvanet-5e989cee-2e39-467a-9d56-20bbf9bcfb1d-d1df5d31-4c28-4d4b-a61b-ab49901bc940-5", duration: 0.20699999999999999, httpStatusCode: 200, httpLibCode: 0, payload: "[{\"authorized\":true,\"connected\":true,\"forbidden\":{\"error_code\":\"\",\"message\":\"\"},\"lastAuthorizationStatusCode\":200,\"serverURL\":\"\",\"serverVersion\":\"2016.83.0.1189\"}]"
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‎Aug 17, 2022
10:28 AM
Hi Caroline, This needs to be fixed, it's too big of a loose end for such a common industry workflow - After Effects -> Avid. Only a few will get to the bottom of this and find this thread, the rest will be throwing their monitors against the wall in frustration. Please, please convey to the team it needs to be fixed. Thank you, Alan.
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‎Mar 31, 2020
01:43 AM
Thanks for the reply... I've been around long enough to see that this will NEVER happen, and perhaps that is a good thing as making software more adjustable, makes it more complex and alienates new users. So time to move on, or might buy the streamdeck - although if I was being an ergonomic-nerd I would say you still have to move your hand 20cm to the left for each click. (I did have bad RSI issues a number of years ago.) Thanks for all the contributions. Going to get a few keys going on my G-keyboard anyway.
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‎Mar 30, 2020
06:57 AM
1 Upvote
Hey there thanks a lot - I actually use a G110 Keyboard - and have done the sticking little bits of paper on them for years too! This would be an upgrade for me, as you can put icons on buttons, and say a folder, so you can have shortcuts within folders too. All workarounds but would still love to have full single key access - most of the tool shortcuts are wasted on me for what I need. Thanks for the replies! (ps I had a go at hacking the shortcut file, but no joy, when it's edited manually.)
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‎Mar 29, 2020
11:49 AM
Hey there, Have googled quite a bit on this but doesn't seem its a thing. It bugs me that single key shortcuts are reserved for tools in Ps. In almost all other apps like Maya, everything is open to set it to do whatever you want. eg. the X key for swapping fg and bg, is useless to me. In another app I might assign that to save and close. I see how Ps is set up and the limitations... so that X could only be used for tools. Just wondering has anybody done any hacking of the .kys files or any other methods to bypass Adobe's limitations. In After Effects I manually edit the shortcuts file and override the Adobe limitations on specific keys. Are there any solutions out there ? AutoHotkey and remapping the keyboard, crosses a threshold where it becomes not worth it. Thanks for any pointers. Alan.
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