‎Mar 17, 2025
06:18 AM
We have Creative Cloud that checks for updates for the suite of apps, but Adobe Acrobat wants to run a process in the background "to check for updates". I have disallowed this process to run in the background. I have no clue why a PDF app needs to be taking cycles and RAM from my computer when I'm not using it. This app is now bugging me (a theme with Adobe apps), telling me it can't check for updates because I don't have this background process running. Seriously, is this a joke?
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‎Feb 14, 2025
10:44 AM
Thanks! I found it on the Mac. It's insane we have to do this.
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‎Feb 11, 2025
06:12 AM
Thank you!
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‎Feb 06, 2025
01:44 PM
It's grayed out if you are editing your PDF presets, but not grayed out when that dialogue comes up when you are actually exporting a PDF. From that dialogue, you can save the modified preset as a new preset with View PDF after export enabled.
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‎Oct 14, 2024
01:30 PM
Unfortunately, it's not possible to completely turn off the Libraries function in Photoshop. However, there are a few ways to minimize its presence and impact: 1. Hide the Libraries panel: Go to the Window menu. Uncheck the box next to Libraries. This will remove the dedicated Libraries panel from your workspace. 2. Prevent automatic syncing: Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner (Preferences). Select Creative Cloud Libraries. Under Cloud Documents Settings, choose Pause or Resume Syncing. This will stop Photoshop from automatically synchronizing your libraries to the cloud and other devices. 3. Avoid saving assets to libraries: When creating or importing assets, pay attention to the options presented. Don't check the box to "Add to Library" unless you specifically want to save it there. 4. Consider alternative methods: If you primarily use Libraries for storing brushes, patterns, or styles, you can save them locally in folders within Photoshop's presets directory. For sharing assets across projects, explore using folders and project files instead of relying on Libraries. Remember, while you can't completely disable Libraries, these methods can help you reduce its visibility and potential impact on your workflow. for more By @panda35150389cw8b Thanks. In the add color swatch dialogue, there was a box checked to add it to the library and that was giving me the "Library is read-only" dialogue. I wish there was just a button you can click to make Adobe apps not access the Internet at all and be totally local. My apps in 2024 are slower than they were 10 years ago.
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‎Jul 23, 2024
07:56 AM
Thanks for the reply. My internal SSD drive. There is a delay now that didn't used to be there, which makes me believe Photoshop is accessing the Internet for basic things now. I use to see this delay when the Library feature was added in save dialogues, giving you the option to save your file in the cloud, so there is a slight delay as it accesses the Internet. That's the question I'm having, is there a way to tell Photoshop not to access the Internet at all. Shut that off completely so it's solely accessing my SSD. I'm guessing the AI features, the photos and fonts libraries online, etc., all get brought into the mix now and I just want to open this small PSD file, but I'm seeing a spinning wheel. I have 32 gigs of RAM, 8 core Intel Mac Pro, 260 gigs free on the SSD. THank you!
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‎Jul 22, 2024
10:11 AM
I am loading PSD files off of my local drive and I've noticed a little while ago that Photoshop gives me spinning color wheels and delays for very basic things, like opening up a 10 meg file that used to open up almost instantly. What has changed? Is Photoshop accessing the Internet all the time, now? Is there a way to turn off all of its Internet features? I just want it to open up my local files quickly, I don't want to have an online library or any of that. I want a fast image editing program, please. Thank you!
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‎Feb 02, 2024
09:10 AM
Any tips on speeding this thing up? How is it that an app on an 8-core Intel Mac with dual GPUs that is dealing with a single page letter with an 8 meg JPEG in a header, and text, and an EPS is this app having a hard time panning and zooming, letting me type in text boxes quickly...without the colored spinning wheel??? I mean, really, this app is incredibly bloated and slow and I don't understand why with such minimal stressload on it. Really? A single JPEG and an EPS is too much???
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‎Jul 17, 2023
10:18 AM
I'm using InDesign 18.3 on a 2-year old iMac with 32 gigs of RAM and I have to say that this software (along with Acrobat) is bloated and slow. I'm constantly getting the Mac color spinning wheel, waiting for this thing to simply load about 10 megs of files. That's it, about 10 megs. A couple JPEGs and some text for a letter. And there is no logic or reason or predicting when InDesign will just spin and spin as it tries to load a very small amount of files into the 32 gigs of RAM this Mac has. And you would think that after waiting for it to load, it would be in RAM and then it would be fast. But no, if you edit some text, you will get the spinning wheel again. And wait. This software is garbage. Please burn it to the ground and build anew. Thank you.
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‎Feb 27, 2023
01:49 PM
Thank you! This setting is ignored for export but I'm using legacy export, let me see if using the newer export works. Thank you for your time!
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‎Feb 27, 2023
01:43 PM
Bill, Again, I'm not working directly on the server. I copy it from the server to my local drive, then I make my edits, export out a PDF, then copy the .INDD, Links folder, and PDF to the server. Then, when someone opens InDesign, it asks for the links on my local hard drive. That's the problem. It's actually less of a problem if we open the .INDD file from the server and make our edits (multiple designers here) so that the links to the images doesn't change between local drives for multiple designers. On Windows, InDesign works over VPN just fine. On the Mac, you get the colored spinning wheel a lot for files that are only 6 megs in size, which is why I have to copy it to my local drive. Thanks for you help!
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‎Feb 24, 2023
07:00 AM
Hey! I open a .PSD on the corporate network. I edit it. I export it as a JPEG and the OS X file dialogue that comes up has me in a completely different folder than where the .PSD is and I have to spend time navigating the server to get to where I just was (and the Recent Places in the file dialogue does not know where I was recently in the Finder). I always want my JPEG right there where the .PSD is. Any way to make OS X default to where a file you opened is located? Thanks! Scot
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‎Feb 13, 2023
12:44 PM
Thanks Bill. Yes, I am copying the InDesign file and the Links folder to my local hard drive and that's the issue. When I open the .INDD file on my local drive, it should look for the Links folder right next to the .INDD file that's on the local drive, but instead, it goes over the VPN to the server where the file originated. It shouldn't do that. It should first look for it relative to the .INDD file, like HTML works. But it's first choice is to use the absolute path for the Links. If I unmount the VPN server so it's not there, then the .INDD file opens and InDesign finds the links right there next to the .INDD and it's nice and fast. But the first choice should be relative path, not the absolute/direct path. Thank you for taking time out to offer suggestions!
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‎Feb 13, 2023
12:28 PM
InDesign is opening up links over the server because that's where I copied the file from, even though the Links folder is right outside the .INDD file on my local drive. Like HTML, InDesign should look for the Links relative to the .INDD file and not the actual path of the file. If I unmount the server, it opens up fine and uses the links local on my hard drive, as it should. I don't see a setting for this in File Handling preferences. Any way to force InDesign to work how it should? There is no reason why it should go get links across the server, and if I save it like that, the links will be broken next time it's opened because it saved an actual direct path instead of a relative path. Thanks for any advice.
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‎Oct 13, 2022
01:35 PM
Hey! InDesign is not looking at the Links folder that is relative to the InDesign file. It's going to the specific path. Any way to force this to work correctly? I don't want to have to unmount drives just to get it to look at the Links folder that is sitting right next to the file, or go through the hassle of relinking. Thanks! Scot
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‎Apr 11, 2022
07:19 AM
Hey! I've been using InDesign at work over the LAN for a couple years and the application works great. We open the project file directly from the server without copying over to the local hard drive and this works great, is quick and fast. Mac OS X Monterrey on a 5K iMac. However, when I'm working from home on a 1 Gbps fiber optics Internet connection, on VPN, I'm getting a TON of spinning beachballs. I can copy the entire project to my local drive in 6 seconds. But if I open the project file on the server directly, over VPN, I will get a ton of spinning beachballs and it's impossible to work on. I'm talking about a single 6 meg JPEG on a postcard with text. It reads the JPEG and should be able to load the entire project into my 32 gigs of RAM and be quick, but it constantly haults and gives me a spinning beachball. Select some text? Spinning beachball. Does anyone know of a setting or way to optimize InDesign to help this? Right now, I'm copying the entire project to my local drive, editing, then uploading back to the server over VPN to get work done. Thank you!
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‎Feb 07, 2022
02:56 PM
Restarting the Mac solved this. Duh. Haha. Like a newb I posted before restarting. 🙂
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‎Feb 07, 2022
02:18 PM
I tried "the best alternative" PDF Expert for the Mac but ran into compatibility issues with the Workproof ProofHQ website we use with our clients. Same goes for OS X Preview – compatibility problems when using the resulting PDFs with the proofing site, and Acrobat on Windows (others in the office have no issues with Acrobat). But if all you need is to hand off the PDF itself, try PDF Expert.
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‎Feb 07, 2022
01:43 PM
1 Upvote
Hahaha. That's funny, "this software is working fine...". I have an Intel iMac 5K and I've lost a few hours work last week and already this week being with Adobe chat support for two separate issues. 17.1 introduced a spinning wheel bug when selecting text, particularly text that has come from Microsoft Word. I had to go back to 17.0.1 to fix this problem. The other issue was the spinning wheel when inserting pages from one document to another. Restarting the computer fixed that problem. I'm having to restart my Mac more now with Adobe software just because it decides to not work. I mean, who are you kidding? Just look at this support forum on Windows and Mac. Look at all the blogs on "how to make InDesign faster" for both Windows and Mac.
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‎Feb 07, 2022
01:37 PM
Thank you so much! Have a great day.
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‎Feb 07, 2022
01:25 PM
I had to reinstall InDesign and trash the prefernces, so now I have to go and do all the things you need to do to make InDesign not be slow. One of them is to turn off preflght. I do that, but when I open another document, it's back on. I can't find the control that is globa.. Any tips? Thank you so much. Peace and love. #Ringo
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‎Feb 07, 2022
12:51 PM
I'm using 17.0.1 in Catalina and I've got a new problem with InDesign. Every single time I insert two pages from one InDesign document into another, I get the Macintosh spinning wheel of death. Anyone know of a fix for this bug? Thanks! Scot
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‎Feb 07, 2022
12:48 PM
Thank you, Mike. And thank you Peru for moving the post. I had to go back to 17.0.1 to fix this issue. Resetting preferences worked for about 30 minutes and the issue resurfaced. I ended up deleting 17.1 and going back to 17.0.1 to resolve the issue. Thanks
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‎Feb 03, 2022
07:03 AM
I'm using InDesign 2022 with 17.1 latest update on an iMac 5K with Catalina at work. Every time I try to use the text tool, I get the Mac spinning wheel of death. Unresponsive. Just spins. New document, default settings, default font, just lay down some type and start typing and I get a few characters and then the spinning wheel of death. I'm dead in the water here.
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‎Nov 09, 2021
05:44 AM
After googling this error message, I see it's been around for many years and was never fixed. It exists on Windows and OS X. The workaround is to QUIT Acrobat, then load it and you can delete multiple pages without getting the error. Until you open another PDF, where you have to quit again and launch. It's weird I never experienced this bug until after your latest update.
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‎Nov 09, 2021
05:32 AM
This is still a bug in Acrobat. I'm using OS X Catalina and latest Acrobat DC as of 11-09-21
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‎Nov 09, 2021
05:27 AM
Thank you. I wrote a reply above that you might have missed that stated I downloaded your CC log collector tool and it doesn't work. It just spins and spins. Aso, I don't have Windows. I have Mac OS X.
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‎Nov 05, 2021
06:59 AM
Hey! OK, your log application also doesn't work. Irony! ha ha 🙂 It just spins and spins and nothing happens. I trashed all preferences, uninstalled and reinstalled, and Acrobat still gives me the same error message every time I try to delete multiple pages at the same time. It's a huge killer on my workflow. AGAIN, this only appeared after the latest update. I'm refusing to update OS X and Adobe apps from now on and sticking with the same hardware until it fails because the level of bugs introduced into the Apple OS and Asdobe apps with updates is too risky these days to endanger my job workflow. Shows me for updating Acrobat. I was hoping it would improve the speed of your app because it's by far the slowest PDF app out there. Just loading up the comments pain makes it spin for several seconds. Thanks again
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‎Nov 05, 2021
06:45 AM
I'm running the log collector tool right now. It's taking a long time. Is that normal? Also, I looked at the directions on how to share a PDF in Acrobat. Who do I share it with? An email address? Thanks! Scot
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‎Oct 22, 2021
07:21 AM
Mac OS X 10.15.7 I attached a screen recording. I'm slammed with work today so I'll do the log thing later. Thanks! Scot
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