Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Nov 20, 2023
11:28 AM
I am also experiencing this nagging pop up. It is intrupting my work. Clicking "try it later" does not solve it. It comes back after reopening Illustrator and using some tools, like the shape tool.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
07:16 AM
This is still broken. Save an AF file that is dynamically linked, switch back to Premiere. Link its broken - have to relink. Any help? What's the status of this bug fix?
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‎Dec 15, 2022
01:44 PM
Thank you Kevin. By VFR, you mean variable frame rate correct? Unfortuantely I work in a corporate environment and it is not easy to just "download freeware" onto our workstations. Is there a native Premiere way or other Adobe software I could use to remedy this? Looking online, I see Media Encoder being suggested, after which nudging and relinking of the audio track is still required. If it is the case that VFR is the culpret, and we cannot obtain the video otherwise, then I can make the case that we'll simply need to add nudging the audio into place as a work around.
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‎Dec 15, 2022
09:25 AM
Hello! I have a video that plays correctly (video and audio is synced) when I play it back on either Quicktime player (macOS) or Windows media player (Windows). However, when I import it to Premiere Pro, and create a squence based on it (sequence settings created automatically using the video), the video and audio is out of sync. The video in this case is a downloaded stream recording (created during an Accelevents event). Any ideas? I've attached data from QT's inspector for the video.
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‎Nov 22, 2022
06:02 AM
Certianly! For myself and my team, I have a few MOGRTs setup for "intro", "lower third", "section intro" etc. Now, these are all branded and have editable text or maybe media. But along with this "set" is an "outro". This is just a logo that flys in. It needs no editable areas, but is part of the set which I'd like to have availabe within the same library area where the rest of these MOGRTs are. I do not want to have to change the workflow (import a comp/ open AE) just because 1 of these set items (the outro) doesn't have an editable text field or something. The outro should just be found with the other MOGRT's. I'm working around this by adding an unnecessary property controller, which is asinine.
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‎Sep 28, 2022
02:44 PM
Any further help on this? Again, I choose not to burn in captions, but they burn in anyway. I viewed the file in both a browser, and in Finder. So not just in Quicktime (which in fact does not have subtitles as a selectable option - see attached) To work around this I have to export the video 2 times - one with the subtitle track visible (so SRT file is an option) and one with the subtitles hidden. Please advise.
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‎Aug 10, 2022
08:56 AM
I was testing with Quicktime player (also, the captions are visible in the preview window, which by my understanding, they should not be)
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‎Aug 10, 2022
07:57 AM
Unlike in this video: https://youtu.be/efeteVKqPUo?t=50 When I select "create sidecar file", my captions do not "go away" they are burned into the video anyway. I'm using Premiere 2022 v22.5.0 (build 62) - I created my captions manually with the Text>captions feature.
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‎Apr 16, 2021
11:39 AM
I've created a MoGrT in After Effects with a masked image that I saved to my CC Library and have placed into a Premiere timeline. I can swap out the image for a video from the bin, but it doesn't use the audio? To try to remedy this, I thought I'd just create a MoGrT specifically for overlaying a video (0 alpha where the video would show through). Unfortuantely, because there is nothing I want editable (no property controllers), After Effects will not let me save it? Is there a solution to either of these problems? Thanks!
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