‎Mar 10, 2025
12:53 AM
I just experienced the other version of this. I sometimes use the white arrow to drag/copy part of an illustration. But now when selecting some points and draging, when pressing ALT (to copy) it suddenly selects and copies the whole object. (I have used this workflow since Illustrator 3 in the 90's.)
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‎Feb 28, 2024
01:44 AM
Agree. How is this a "property"?
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‎Dec 01, 2023
12:43 AM
Dear Adobe. How about a "Never ever interrupt my workflow" setting? (Default on.)
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‎May 05, 2023
05:21 AM
Did you load the suite using AcquireSuite?
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‎May 05, 2022
01:51 AM
Thank you! That actually worked! (Strange that it's the other way around for using Illustrator.)
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‎May 05, 2022
01:49 AM
Yes, I can access that. (That page does not need an account or login).
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‎May 02, 2022
05:49 AM
Hi all! Suddenly I can't access developer console. It was a few months I did any development work, and I wanted to setup on another computer, but I can't access the dev-tools and sdk. Anybody recognize this? I login using my usual ACC account that I use daily, but after login I just get this page.
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‎Mar 29, 2022
12:11 PM
1 Upvote
This exact same thing was an issue a few versions back (maybe a year ago). And now this bug is back! Very frustrating as going in and out of outline view is part of my fast workflow. However, I discovered it's relatively easy to downgrade to earlier versions in Creative Cloud. I now have downgraded to 26.03 and it works fine again. (The only time I have used the Creative Cloud app to anything meaningful).
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‎Oct 15, 2021
12:56 AM
I'm sure I installed the right Acrobat. I just want a lightweight pdf viewer, I don't need > 1gb bloatware for that. The setting "Show me messages when I launch Adobe Acrobat Reader" is unchecked. I still keep getting this anoying message unfortunately.
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‎Jun 28, 2021
12:57 AM
1 Upvote
In lastest Illustrator update (25.3.1) GPU preview stops working in outline preview, and will continue to be in CPU mode after switching back to normal preview mode. Restarting Illustrator helps (until I use outline preview again). Exactly this was a problem (for me) in earlier versions about a year ago, but was fixed. Now it seems the problem is back unfortunately. Windows 10 Pro Illustrator 25.3.1 (64-bit) Driver[0] Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 Driver[0] Driver Version:
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‎Jun 14, 2021
01:33 AM
Hi Galajas, and welcome to the commuity! If you found the answer above helpful, please mark it as solved. This will help others having the same problem find this solution. I would also recommend posting you follow-up question as a separate post - as it does not seem related to the main title.
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‎Jun 11, 2021
06:04 AM
Hi Galajas, Have you added the Python path to VC++ directories / Executable Directories in the project's properties?
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‎Apr 29, 2021
12:34 PM
I have not managed to make the template work at all. And the sample code projects are all too tied up in a big project structure to easily rip them out for a stand alone project. For new projects my starting point have been the HelloWorld plug-in described in the Getting Started Guide on page 28.
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‎Apr 17, 2021
06:56 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Murali.M! I think you need to be a bit more specific about what you want to do. What do you mean with "get all places image"? Do you want a list of handles to all the placed art in a document OR perhaps the coordinates of a selected image? And what do you mean with "image", paths or placed artwok? If you want to find all placed art within a document I would try using MatchingArtSet from AIArtSetSuite, and check for kPlacedArt.
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‎Apr 16, 2021
12:58 AM
Good to hear! (If you think this was helpful, please mark as correct answer.)
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‎Apr 15, 2021
02:55 AM
Hi hubgobllin! Welcome! I'm also rather new in this and someone more experienced might have better advice. However, I had a bad experience getting started also, but now I'm up and running and writing my second plug-in. Unfortunately the documentation is not very updated, and contains a lot of errors. It recommends Visual Studio 2019, but I never got that to work at all. I now have a setup with Visual Studio 2017 that works fine. So my recommendeation is to go with that, and this also seems to match the SDK documents a little bit more I think. The PIPL stuff is a bit messy. There is an outdated way generate PIPL files, and a new way. The Getting Started Guide (page 33) describes how to implement the new way. Just follow it carefully and it should work. One other thing that I got stuck on is that you need a Python 2.7 installation (install with Visual Studio). After install, add the Python path to VC++ directories / Executable Directories in the project's properties. Here are some random notes I did during setup: VS 2017 Python 2.7 64 bit Desktop Development C++ Toolset C++ MFC Install the Desktop Development C++ toolset (Tools/Get Tools and Features) with the Visual Studio Installer. Make sure the C++ toolset includes Windows 8.1 SDK. Make sure to set project to 64 bit (before editing project properties). Set the Python environment to 2.7 I hope this might help. Good luck!
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‎Mar 22, 2021
12:33 PM
1 Upvote
There are many ways to sharpen a corner. It also depends on how the path is shaped. What probably has happened here is that the tracer has added a couple of extra anchor points where there should only be one. Use the direct selection tool (white arrow, shortcut [A]) to examine the paths and move anchor points. If you see anchor points that are not needed you can delete them using the pen tool [P]. When you are sure you only have one anchor point in that corner you should check that the anchor point type is "corner" and not "smooth" by selecting it and if needed converting it to "corner" in the properties panel. In some cases this might also be solved by dragging the corner widget for that specific corner down to zero. Or you could delete that part of the logo entierly and redraw it using the pen tool. All this takes some practise and I would recommend watching a basic tutorial on how to edit paths in Illustrator.
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‎Mar 08, 2021
03:58 AM
Hi again Rick! I did not know this. I have not worked on the problem of making plugins scriptable yet, but it is an interresting topic indeed! :^)
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‎Mar 08, 2021
01:44 AM
Hi Rick! I don't know if you saw this, but the AITagSuite documentations says: "This suite is generally deprecated in favor of the more powerful facilities provided by the AIDictionarySuite."
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‎Mar 06, 2021
03:03 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Kundan! I'm not familiar with sAIShapeConstruction and maybe you need to use just that for some reason. If not, I would draw a U shape by first creating an AIArt object and drawing the 5 segments. Shaping the U curve by setting the path handles on the third segments. Here are some sample code that creates a simple U shape. Use the scale parameter for size. Please also see the image below showing of the resulting shape when running this code. (Also mind that artview coordinates are not the same as segment coordinates, and might need to be converted.) static ASErr PV_DrawUShape(const AIRealPoint &thePoint, const AIReal &theScale) {
// the following suites should be loaded before calling this function
if (!sAIArt) return -1;
if (!sAIPath) return -1;
ASErr error = kNoErr;
AIArtHandle path;
AIPathSegment segments[5];
// Create new art, we will fill it with points below.
error = sAIArt->NewArt(kPathArt, kPlaceAboveAll, NULL, &path);
if (error) goto error;
// the U shape has 5 points
error = sAIPath->SetPathSegmentCount(path, 5);
// draw a U with it's curved butt centered at &thePoint:
// # point 0
// upper left point of the U (starting point)
segments[0].p.h = thePoint.h - 1 * theScale;
segments[0].p.v = thePoint.v + 2 * theScale;
// straight line
segments[0].in = segments[0].out = segments[0].p;
segments[0].corner = true;
// # point 1
// mid left point of the U
segments[1].p.h = thePoint.h - 1 * theScale;
segments[1].p.v = thePoint.v + 1 * theScale;
// straight line
segments[1].in = segments[1].out = segments[1].p;
segments[1].corner = true;
// # point 2
// center bottom point of the U's butt
segments[2].p.h = thePoint.h; // center position, should not scale
segments[2].p.v = thePoint.v; // center position, should not scale
// set handles for the curved line
segments[2].in.h = thePoint.h - 1 * theScale;
segments[2].in.v = thePoint.v;
segments[2].out.h = thePoint.h + 1 * theScale;
segments[2].out.v = thePoint.v;
segments[2].corner = false; // not a corner!
// # point 3
// mid right point of the U
segments[3].p.h = thePoint.h + 1 * theScale;
segments[3].p.v = thePoint.v + 1 * theScale;
// straight line
segments[3].in = segments[3].out = segments[3].p;
segments[3].corner = true;
// # point 4
// upper right point of the U (end point)
segments[4].p.h = thePoint.h + 1 * theScale;
segments[4].p.v = thePoint.v + 2 * theScale;
// straight line
segments[4].in = segments[4].out = segments[4].p;
segments[4].corner = true;
error = sAIPath->SetPathSegments(path, 0, 5, segments);
if (error) goto error;
return error;
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‎Feb 21, 2021
11:56 PM
If I understand you correctly, you want create a program that extracts text from AI-files (without using Adobe Illustrator at all). Sure it can be done. You could for example write a C program that parses the binary file. But it is not trivial. Unfortunately the current Illustrator file format documentation is not public, so you would have to reverse engineer it.
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‎Feb 19, 2021
04:22 AM
I'm working on a simple plug-in (C++ both mac/windows) that draw x and + icons as annotations to mark all selected paths start and endpoint. It works fine when selecting art objects. But while dragging an art object I'm not able to update the annotations, it is only updated after the move is completed. Is it possible to get notification updates while the user is dragging the selected art, to know when to redraw the annotations? In the image below to the right you can see that the native Illustrator annotations are updated fine and move along with the cursor, but my annotations stay in place, and are updated only when the mouse button is released. My plug-in is not implemented as a tool, but as a general feature.
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‎Feb 18, 2021
06:26 AM
Hi Dhiva5F96. I think you need to explain a little bit more. What are you trying to do?
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‎Feb 16, 2021
04:49 AM
I don't want to hijack the OP's questions here, but I'm looking for a plugin SDK C++ solution. It does not seem like the most intuitive way to get a rotation value from an art object, but I will sure check out the AIDictionary suite. Thank you for the pointer. :^)
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‎Feb 16, 2021
02:55 AM
I would also like to know how to access this value. Please let me know if you find out. (You would think this would belong to the AIArtSuite, but I can't find how to access the rotation value there.)
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‎Jan 25, 2021
09:12 AM
Using AINotifierSuite, can I get a notification when the user start to move (drag with mouse) the selected art? I have tried to register notifications for kAIArtSelectionChangedNotifier, but it is only triggered after the user have finished moving the selected art object. Is there another technique to use maybe?
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‎Jan 19, 2021
01:29 AM
I fiddled around a bit more and instead added the C:\Pyton27 path to VC++ Directories->Executable Directories And now it compiles! Thank you for your kind help. :^)
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‎Jan 19, 2021
01:01 AM
Hi and thank you for a swift reply! That first part really helps (and typically not mentioned in the documentation). But the second part I'm not sure how to do really. (I'm an Xcode person, trying to migrate a plugin I'm working on to Windows.) I'm not very familiar with Visual Studio (or Windows). I've tried to google where and how to set the python environment variables in VS 2017, but with no luck. My best guess is to add a path to the Project Property Pages -> Cofiguration Properties ->Debugging->Environment-> Edit.. But what to input and how is not very intuitive. And no luck this far unfortunately. The path to my Visual Studio Python 2.7 installation is just C:\Python27 Am I on the right track?
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‎Jan 18, 2021
09:17 AM
Having the same problem. How did you solve it, please? /Fredrik
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‎Dec 05, 2018
12:15 AM
The problem is fixed in Adobe Illustrator CC 2019. But if you're stuck at CC 2015 for some reason I haven't found any other solution. Maybe try downgrade even more? To a version before GPU accelerated graphics?
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