Dec 16, 2024
11:22 AM
Hi is there a way to do this? Such that it isnt a destructive workflow and i can mask out certain areas i wanted blurred only? As well as adjust the blurs strength as i go, similar to a adjument layer like brightness contrast.
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Dec 16, 2024
11:20 AM
Hey all is there a way to do the title? I rember back in college I was taught something that allowed me to feather or blur the edges so its not so sharp, but I dont rember anymore...
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Jul 14, 2024
09:18 AM
hey all after setting merge layers to ctrl e -> Ctrl shift E (Keep pressing ctrl E unintentionally so had to change it) now my "Merge a copy of all visible layers into target layer" doesnt work anymore (Ctrl shift alt e) When I try changing a random hotkey like Undo to Ctrlshiftalt E, it says that its still being used by the above command.... but i cant find that command anywhere. Anyone know a solution for this whole thing?
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Oct 19, 2023
08:38 AM
1 Upvote
Anyone have any ideas?
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Oct 18, 2023
11:19 AM
Hey all, Is there a way to force PS to use more CPU? Specifically for the brush lag that occurs at higher resolutions. Im not talking about optimizing brush settings or anything else. I know from the tests Ive run that CPU is the main factor, everytime I upgraded CPU in the past I have less brush lag at higher resolutions that prev CPU couldnt handle. However the most recent upgrade from 5800x to 13900k, strangely there was little to no improvement. What I notice is that in task manager, CPU utilization is 5% most of the time and then jumps to 15-20% for a split second during brush usage in other wrods clock speeds are 3ghz then sometimes go to 4.5ghz. However I know the 13900k CPU can go to 5.5 from running a test on diff program. (where it did this perfectly fine) As a result, It really feels like PS is just bottlenecking the 13900k at this point. Is there anyway to make PS utilize more of the CPU?
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Oct 15, 2023
11:40 AM
Sure here you are @Bojan Živković Adobe Photoshop Version: 20.0.0 20180920.r.24 2018/09/20: 1193433 x64 Number of Launches: 870 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit Version: 10 or greater 10.0.19041.3570 System architecture: AMD CPU Family:15, Model:1, Stepping:2 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, HyperThreading Physical processor count: 8 Logical processor count: 16 Processor speed: 10 MHz Built-in memory: 24457 MB Free memory: 16568 MB Memory available to Photoshop: 22389 MB Memory used by Photoshop: 74 % Alias Layers: Disabled. Modifier Palette: Enabled. Highbeam: Enabled. Image tile size: 1028K Image cache levels: 4 Font Preview: Medium TextComposer: Latin Display: 1 Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1080, right=1920 OpenGL Drawing: Enabled. OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected. OpenGL Drawing Mode: Advanced OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True. OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True. AIFCoreInitialized=1 AIFOGLInitialized=1 OGLContextCreated=1 NumGLGPUs=1 NumCLGPUs=1 NumNativeGPUs=0 glgpu[0].GLVersion="2.1" glgpu[0].IsIntegratedGLGPU=0 glgpu[0].GLMemoryMB=8188 glgpu[0].GLName="NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060" glgpu[0].GLVendor="NVIDIA Corporation" glgpu[0].GLVendorID=4318 glgpu[0].GLDriverVersion="" glgpu[0].GLRectTextureSize=32768 glgpu[0].GLRenderer="NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060/PCIe/SSE2" glgpu[0].GLRendererID=10370 glgpu[0].HasGLNPOTSupport=1 glgpu[0].GLDriver="C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_4e58e7ac1d277d04\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_4e58e7ac1d277d04\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_4e58e7ac1d277d04\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_4e58e7ac1d277d04\nvldumdx.dll" glgpu[0].GLDriverDate="20230912000000.000000-000" glgpu[0].CanCompileProgramGLSL=1 glgpu[0].GLFrameBufferOK=1 glgpu[0].glGetString[GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION]="1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler" glgpu[0].glGetProgramivARB[GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB][GL_MAX_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB]=[65536] glgpu[0].glGetIntegerv[GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS]=[4] glgpu[0].glGetIntegerv[GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS]=[192] glgpu[0].glGetIntegerv[GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS]=[32] glgpu[0].glGetIntegerv[GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS]=[32] glgpu[0].glGetIntegerv[GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS]=[8] glgpu[0].glGetIntegerv[GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS]=[4096] glgpu[0].glGetIntegerv[GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS]=[4096] glgpu[0].glGetIntegerv[GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS]=[124] glgpu[0].glGetIntegerv[GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS]=[16] glgpu[0].extension[AIF::OGL::GL_ARB_VERTEX_PROGRAM]=1 glgpu[0].extension[AIF::OGL::GL_ARB_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM]=1 glgpu[0].extension[AIF::OGL::GL_ARB_VERTEX_SHADER]=1 glgpu[0].extension[AIF::OGL::GL_ARB_FRAGMENT_SHADER]=1 glgpu[0].extension[AIF::OGL::GL_EXT_FRAMEBUFFER_OBJECT]=1 glgpu[0].extension[AIF::OGL::GL_ARB_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE]=1 glgpu[0].extension[AIF::OGL::GL_ARB_TEXTURE_FLOAT]=1 glgpu[0].extension[AIF::OGL::GL_ARB_OCCLUSION_QUERY]=1 glgpu[0].extension[AIF::OGL::GL_ARB_VERTEX_BUFFER_OBJECT]=1 glgpu[0].extension[AIF::OGL::GL_ARB_SHADER_TEXTURE_LOD]=1 clgpu[0].CLPlatformVersion="3.0 CUDA" clgpu[0].CLDeviceVersion="3.0 CUDA" clgpu[0].IsIntegratedCLGPU=0 clgpu[0].CLMemoryMB=8187 clgpu[0].CLName="NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060" clgpu[0].CLVendor="NVIDIA Corporation" clgpu[0].CLVendorID=4318 clgpu[0].CLDriverVersion="537.42" clgpu[0].CLBandwidth=2.72159e+11 clgpu[0].CLCompute=6805.31 License Type: Unknown Serial number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX GUIDBucket:Composite Core (enable_composite_core): onComposite Core UI (comp_core_ui): offDocument Graph (enable_doc_graph): off Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\ Temporary file path: C:\Users\Genesis\AppData\Local\Temp\ Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled Scratch volume(s): Z:\, 931.5G, 875.7G free Required Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Required\Plug-Ins\ Primary Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Plug-Ins\ Installed components: A3DLIBS.dll A3DLIB Dynamic Link Library ACE.dll ACE 2018/11/13-18:07:21 79.603421 79.603421 AdbePM.dll PatchMatch 2018/09/10:19:04:15 1.601805 1.601805 AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 5.3.0 AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2018/08/23-00:56:13 79.301181 79.301181 AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program AdobeSVGAGM.dll AdobeSVGAGM 79.600623 79.600623 AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2018/08/13-16:40:22 79.163499 79.163499 AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2018/08/13-16:40:22 79.163499 79.163499 AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2018/08/13-16:40:22 79.163499 79.163499 adobe_caps.dll Adobe CAPS 10,0,0,6 AGM.dll AGM 2018/08/14-01:11:25 79.600623 79.600623 ahclient.dll AdobeHelp Dynamic Link Library AIDE.dll AIDE 2018/08/10-16:31:38 79.600470 79.600470 ARE.dll ARE 2018/08/14-01:11:25 79.600623 79.600623 AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2018/06/25-18:00:38 79.598424 79.598424 AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2018/06/25-18:00:38 79.598424 79.598424 Bib.dll BIB 2018/08/14-01:11:25 79.600623 79.600623 BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2018/08/14-01:11:25 79.600623 79.600623 boost_date_time.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 boost_filesystem.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 boost_system.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 boost_threads.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 cg.dll NVIDIA Cg Runtime 3.0.00007 cgGL.dll NVIDIA Cg Runtime 3.0.00007 CITThreading.dll Adobe CITThreading CoolType.dll CoolType 2018/08/14-01:11:25 79.600623 79.600623 CRClient.dll Adobe Crash Reporter Client DLL dnssd.dll Bonjour 3,0,0,2 dvaaccelerate.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvaappsupport.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvaaudiodevice.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvacore.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvacrashhandler.dll Adobe Audition CC 2017 10.0.0 dvamarshal.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvamediatypes.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvametadata.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvametadataapi.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvametadataui.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvaplayer.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvascripting.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvatransport.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvaui.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dvaunittesting.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 dynamiclink.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2017/08/31-12:13:14 81.1157194 81.1157194 icucnv58.dll International Components for Unicode 58, 2, 0, 0 icudt58.dll International Components for Unicode 58, 2, 0, 0 icuuc58.dll International Components for Unicode 58, 2, 0, 0 igestep30.dll IGES Reader JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2018/06/25-18:00:38 79.271024 79.271024 libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A) libiomp5md.dll Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library 5.0 libmmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler 18.0.0 LogSession.dll LogSession mediacoreif.dll photoshopdva 12.1.0 MPS.dll MPS 2018/08/06-15:20:35 79.600183 79.600183 pdfsettings.dll Adobe PDFSettings 1.04 Photoshop.dll Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 20.0 Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 20.0 PlugPlugExternalObject.dll Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit) 9.2.1 PlugPlugOwl.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit) PSCloud.dll PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 20.0 SCCore.dll ScCore 2017/08/31-12:13:14 81.1157194 81.1157194 SVGRE.dll SVGRE 79.600623 79.600623 svml_dispmd.dll Intel(R) C/C++/Fortran Compiler 18.0.0 tbb.dll Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows 2018, 0, 2017, 1205 tbbmalloc.dll Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows 2018, 0, 2017, 1205 TfFontMgr.dll FontMgr TfKernel.dll Kernel TFKGEOM.dll Kernel Geom TFUGEOM.dll Adobe, UGeom© VulcanControl.dll Vulcan Application Control Library VulcanMessage5.dll Vulcan Message Library WinRTSupport.dll Adobe Photoshop Windows RT Support WRServices.dll WRServices Tue August 14 2018 12:26:24 Build 0.23627 0.23627 wu3d.dll U3D Writer Required plug-ins: 3D Studio 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” Accented Edges 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Adaptive Wide Angle 20.0 - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.8bf” Angled Strokes 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Average 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “Average.8bf” Bas Relief 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” BMP 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Camera Raw 15.4.1 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi” Camera Raw Filter 15.4.1 - from the file “Camera Raw.8bi” Chalk && Charcoal 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Charcoal 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Chrome 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Cineon 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “Cineon.8bi” Clouds 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “Clouds.8bf” Collada 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” Color Halftone 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Colored Pencil 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Conté Crayon 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Craquelure 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Crop and Straighten Photos 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.8li” Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Crosshatch 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Crystallize 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Cutout 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Dark Strokes 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” De-Interlace 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Dicom 20.0 - from the file “Dicom.8bi” Difference Clouds 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “Clouds.8bf” Diffuse Glow 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Displace 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Dry Brush 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Eazel Acquire 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “EazelAcquire.8ba” Entropy 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” Export Color Lookup Tables 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be” Extrude 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” FastCore Routines 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “FastCore.8bx” Fibers 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Film Grain 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Filter Gallery 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Flash 3D 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” Fresco 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Glass 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Glowing Edges 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Google Earth 4 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” Grain 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Graphic Pen 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Halftone Pattern 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Halide Bottlenecks 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “HalideBottlenecks.8bx” HDRMergeUI 20.0 - from the file “HDRMergeUI.8bf” HSB/HSL 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” IFF Format 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” IGES 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” Ink Outlines 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” JPEG 2000 20.0 - from the file “JPEG2000.8bi” Kurtosis 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” Lens Blur 20.0 - from the file “Lens Blur.8bf” Lens Correction 20.0 - from the file “Lens Correction.8bf” Lens Flare 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Liquify 20.0 - from the file “Liquify.8bf” Matlab Operation 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf” Maximum 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” Mean 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” Measurement Core 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “MeasurementCore.8me” Median 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” Mezzotint 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Minimum 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” MMXCore Routines 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “MMXCore.8bx” Mosaic Tiles 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Multiprocessor Support 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.8bx” Neon Glow 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Note Paper 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” NTSC Colors 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “NTSC Colors.8bf” Ocean Ripple 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” OpenEXR 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Paint Daubs 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Palette Knife 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Patchwork 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Paths to Illustrator 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” PCX 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “PCX.8bi” Photocopy 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Picture Package Filter 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “ChannelPort.8bf” Pinch 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Pixar 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “Pixar.8bi” Plaster 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Plastic Wrap 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” PLY 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” Pointillize 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Polar Coordinates 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Portable Bit Map 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “PBM.8bi” Poster Edges 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” PRC 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” Radial Blur 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Radiance 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “Radiance.8bi” Range 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” Render Color Lookup Grid 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “Export3DLUT.8be” Reticulation 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Ripple 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Rough Pastels 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Save for Web 20.0 - from the file “Save for Web.8be” ScriptingSupport 20.0 - from the file “ScriptingSupport.8li” Shake Reduction 20.0 - from the file “Shake Reduction.8bf” Shear 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Skewness 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” Smart Blur 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Smudge Stick 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Solarize 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “Solarize.8bf” Spaces 20.0 - from the file “Spaces.8li” Spatter 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Spherize 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Sponge 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Sprayed Strokes 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Stained Glass 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Stamp 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Standard Deviation 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” STL 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” Sumi-e 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Summation 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” Targa 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Texturizer 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Tiles 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Torn Edges 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Twirl 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” U3D 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” Underpainting 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Vanishing Point 20.0 - from the file “VanishingPoint.8bf” Variance 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “statistics.8ba” Virtual Reality Modeling Language | VRML 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” Water Paper 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Watercolor 20.0 - from the file “Filter Gallery.8bf” Wave 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Wavefront|OBJ 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “U3D.8bi” WIA Support 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “WIASupport.8li” Wind 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Wireless Bitmap 20.0 (20181219.r.30 2018/12/19: 1202136) - from the file “WBMP.8bi” ZigZag 20.0 - from the file “Standard MultiPlugin.8bf” Optional and third party plug-ins: NONE Duplicate and Disabled plug-ins: NONE Plug-ins that failed to load: NONE Extensions: Libraries 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_8_299\index.html” com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing 0.1.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing\index.html” com.adobe.inapp.typekit.purchase 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_8_299\purchaseTypekit.html” Home 2.7.2 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.ccx.start-2.7.2\index.html?v=” Coolorus 2․5 2.5.15 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.moongorilla.coolorus2\index.html” Export As 4.6.7 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html” com.adobe.Butler.backend 2.1.1 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.Butler.backend\index.html” New Document 3.5.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.ccx.fnft-3.5.0\fnft.html?v=” com.adobe.capture.extension 1.0.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_8_299\extensions\capture\capture.html” MixColors 4.1.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\MixColorsCC2014\index.html” Adobe Color Themes 6.1.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.KulerPanel.html\index.html” Export As 4.6.7 - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html” MagicPicker 6.4.0 - from the file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\MagicPickerCC2014\index.html” Installed TWAIN devices: NONE
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Oct 13, 2023
12:12 PM
Hey does anyone know why this barcode looking glitch happens in PS? Is it hardware related? Ive noticed it sometimes and it comes and goes. The glitch itself isnt damaging, if i paint brush onto it it literally cuts away at it based on the brush shape. Sometimes it can show in the navigator only but not on canvas. sometimes it shows on both someitmes can appear when i zoom in or out.
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Oct 07, 2023
03:31 PM
@Trevor.Dennis Hi trevor i appreciate the testing, but im really only interested in the above specific case scenario. with your setup do you notice any brush lag with the same scenario as I had in the video?
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Oct 06, 2023
01:11 PM
@D Fosse could you explain why gpu?
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Oct 05, 2023
01:48 PM
Hey guys , Does anyone have a cpu that has clock speeds of 5.5-6.0? (Even if being overclocked) If so, I would like to ask if you could do a quick test in Photoshop, opening a new PSB file (20x29in, 600ppi, RGB 16bit) And using a hard round at med & big size (compared to canvas as a whole) start dragging around the canvas (doing dots as well) just to see if such a high clock speed can render the brush without lag. I’m debating on whether or not to upgrade and so far a 3.2-> 4.2ghz upgrade hasn’t changed the lag for that size doc. ————— Btw if possible could you do a quick screencaps as well just so we can see what the lag if any looks like? Here’s mine so far at 4.2ghz Build
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Oct 03, 2023
05:02 PM
@davescm Thanks alot man really really helped, Ill ask you the same question here too if you dont mind. I noticed that i was able to drop the save time from 20m to 1m after taking away compression. Files seize went from 3.47gb to 38gb. Fosse mentioned that "encoding, packaging/unpackaging for storage, and that is done by the CPU. Actually writing to disk is a very small part of it." That being the case, I just upgraded CPU from 1700x to 3700x, clock speeds are much faster and yet I didnt notice any change in the packing or unpacking of the file/ save load times. Only compression being turned off made a difference. In performance under task manager, during save load, it only uses 20-30% cpu as well... That being the case how can i utilize more CPU (nvme, or whatever solution) to further decrease the save load times from 1m to a few seconds?
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Oct 03, 2023
05:01 PM
@Trevor.Dennis Hey, yes I was able to see that the nvm has 24gb of temp file when running PS, but it doesnt show the NVme actively being used in perfomrance task mangaer like the ram shows a 100% kind of thing.
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Oct 03, 2023
05:00 PM
@D Fosse Hey thanks for the response, I noticed that i was able to drop the save time from 20m to 1m after taking away compression. Files seize went from 3.47gb to 38gb. You mentioned that "encoding, packaging/unpackaging for storage, and that is done by the CPU. Actually writing to disk is a very small part of it." That being the case, I just upgraded CPU from 1700x to 3700x, clock speeds are much faster and yet I didnt notice any change in the packing or unpacking of the file/ save load times. Only compression being turned off made a difference. In performance under task manager, during save load, it only uses 20-30% cpu as well... That being the case how can i utilize more CPU (nvme, or whatever solution) to further decrease the save load times from 1m to a few seconds?
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Oct 03, 2023
12:58 PM
Hey guys I got this new nvme corsair mp600 1tb gen 4 pcie to use for faster saving and loading of PSB files . but it doesn’t activate at all in task manager when opening PSB file or saving file and so the times haven’t changed at all.... I have it set as my only scratch disk as well and the PSB files are literally inside the drive itself, and I’m opening from there as well CrystalDiskMark tested my nvme to show that its read speed is properly 5gb/s and write speed is 4gb/s exactly wha tis should be Anyone know what’s going on?
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Sep 13, 2023
01:37 PM
Right! So the pixels never change...which means even if we print for 300ppi all that does is stuff the amount of available picels you have into that but that doesnt efect the final pexel --- x ---- px file itself
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Sep 11, 2023
01:05 PM
Hey all when testing high resolution and large brush i noticed a noticeable lag when PS was trying to render each pixel when laying down brush strokes real time. Ive read mult sources stating that clock speed is king in this scenario. yet My 3.4 base clock speed of ryzen 7 1700x never jumped to 3.8 turbo boost capability And the lag was there So that made me wonder if PS actually utilizes anything but the base speed and if clock speed was really that relevant in the scenario above. ----------- Document specs are high dpi 300-600ppi (20x28in canvas) + large brush size ---------- P.S. Im not asking about how to adjust the brush or PS settings to make the brush lag less. Ive done thorough testing and I know that its the increasing of the ppi thats causing the issue and only when brush size is large as well. Ram, brush settings, PS settings are all fine when ppi is lower along w canvas size so Im specifically asking for help regarding CPU hardware knowledge.
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Sep 11, 2023
09:14 AM
@Trevor.Dennis Btw when you mention the 7s for timing, whats considered a standrad no lag baseline to work off of?
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Sep 11, 2023
09:08 AM
@Trevor.Dennis Travor thank you so much! May i know if you have any thoughts on the important oce the amount of MB of cache or sometimes also referred to as MB of game cache the CPU has? I read on a different forum a person saying higher cache means better performance in PS as well. Heres the thread) "if your processor memory is big like 8 - 10 mb then it not take such time but if you have 2-4 mb then might be slow your work." ------------ Also when you said "My last system also had 64Gb memory and never maxed out Photoshop's allocated memory, but did create some very large Photoshop temp files on the scratch drive, so it's important to pay attention to scratch space and performance." I was wondering about the correlation between RAM and scrath disk. An artist I watch who paints with alot of layers in a similar resolution to what I mentioned in OP But also has the same RAm as me at 32GB.... Never seems to have any bottlenecking issues yet I do when I notice my RAM heads to 80% (And what im saying is, he shoud also be doing his work at 80% ram capacity like me yet he doesnt bottleneck. The only difference is that hes using a PCI SSD for saving and loading PSD (And potentially as his scratch disk too) and Im using a normal HDD as scratch disk. He uses) Force Series Gen.4 PCIe MP600 500GB NVMe M.2 SSD So im wondering if a SSD PCIe scratch disk can replace the need for higher ram when working on high rez + high file size psds?
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Sep 11, 2023
08:42 AM
Hey all after some research ive come to the conclusion of the title based on the factor that Resolution = ppi x dimensions So that means dimensions and ppi are mathematically interchangeable right? If I work at 20x20 300ppi It converts to the same exact quality as 10x10 600ppi Nothing is lost in conversion/ no difference when going to print or even when working right?
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Sep 10, 2023
06:11 PM
Hey all, which spec of cpu helps PS and why? Specifically, I wanted to know which parts of the CPU help w high dpi 300-600ppi (20x28in canvas) + large brush size For faster pixel by pixel rendering speed when laying down brush strokes real time (Which also seems to be in line with mixer brush speed) ————- From the research Ive done so far, There’s 4 main factors for cpu... = Processing speed/mhz, core, thread, —- mb of game cache ————- P.S. Im not asking about how to adjust the brush or PS settings to make the brush lag less. Ive done thorough testing and I know that its the increasing of the ppi thats causing the issue and only when brush size is large as well. Ram, brush settings, PS settings are all fine when ppi is lower along w canvas size so Im specifically asking for help regarding upgrading CPU hardware knowledge.
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Sep 10, 2023
03:57 PM
@Kevin Stohlmeyer hey kevin was actually looking to have more info on the hardware end of things, was looking to upgrade anyhow. Yes document is large settings but its nevessary, so that means I need to upgrade hardware, just need to know what and why
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Sep 04, 2023
12:53 PM
Hey could anyone perhaps point me to what hardware is restriction is causing the mixer brush to lag like this in PS? At smaller size brush it doesnt lag, but if its a medium size brush its going to do this As you can see Ive included my RAM usage to show that im only at 42% so its def no the ram. PC specs are AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Eight-Core Processor 3.40 GHz 32GB Ram GTX 1060 3GB Ps settings are set to) Let PS use 70% of ram (only 40% being used so far)
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Apr 07, 2023
05:43 PM
anyone have any ideas what else this could be? ive restartee and it still come sout
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Mar 27, 2023
07:22 AM
okay it seems like osmehow ctrl + shift + D is replicating this sometimes i set this control for turning on an doff layer visibility, thing is i dont get this buzz sound when i pressed it before, not sure why sometimes ti also triggers this...
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Mar 27, 2023
07:16 AM
I can see what you mean w pressing alt, but it actaully doesnt give that annoying sound, the moment i let go of alt it doesnt appear anymore and even if i hold it and am pressing different things it doesnt make the sound.
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Mar 25, 2023
04:40 PM
hey does anyone know why this happens from time to time?
idk what triggers this but sometimes f and e keep bringing up file and edit drop down menus
and i get the annoying windows error beep everytime i press those keys
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Jan 30, 2023
08:57 AM
Interesting! I can see the benefits of TIFF vs PSD, what about TIFF vs PSB? the max for tiff was 4gb i dont believe PSB has that limit correct? would that be the only pro of PSB > TIFF?
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Jan 29, 2023
09:21 AM
interesting, cus i was thinkgin then shouldnt PSB just be the standard? If theres no diff in performance, then why does PSD exist, just have everything be in PSB from1mb to 20gb and more no? but as you say, its a matter of having had PSD for so long that other programs only supported it... but if we were to only use PS, then would it not make sense to just keep PSB as our default file type?
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Jan 21, 2023
09:24 AM
could you elaborate? if i match zoom and location, does it save this so when i reopen PS arrange window will keep that?
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Jan 20, 2023
10:19 AM
Does anyone know the actual diff in performance or usage of PSD vs PSB? Aside from 2gb or larger PSDs needing to be PSB? Does it affect day to day performance, load speed, tools speed, etc?
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