Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Nov 05, 2024
05:00 AM
I wanted to ignore the color white for all the image traces. This is how I have accomplished this: 1) Create a custom image trace preset that ignores the white color and save the preset. This will create a "Vectorizng Presets" file that we will edit. 2) I am on Windows, so I went to C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 29 Settings\en_US\x64 and opened the file "Vectorizing Presets" using my notepad. The first preset is the one you have created. the default collection is named as "/collection7 {" 3) I added this to the bottom of the atrributes and saved it.: /adobe.vectorize.output.shouldIgnoreColors 1
/adobe.vectorize.output.ignoreColors [ 18
/adobe.vectorize.output.alphaEnabledUI 0
/adobe.vectorize.in.fitliveshapes 0
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‎Nov 05, 2024
04:54 AM
I have been trying to change the default image trace option, as I would like to create a script that utilizes image tracing how do I do this?
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‎Oct 13, 2024
01:00 AM
@Kurt Gold Thank you very much for your reply and suggestiopn. I did not know of graphic styles, I jumped straight to extendScript... But I looked into it and it seems like the best option. The only issue I am getting is that I save the graphic style, but then I cannot run it in my action... It records the application of the graphic style, but nothing happens to my image. I have saved it as "Inflate Test 1", but it does not run in an action...
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‎Oct 12, 2024
08:26 AM
I have been trying to find if it possible to apply the inflate (Effect -> 3D and Materils -> Inflate) effect using javascript. I have many files that I would like to automate this effect.Is this possible? If there is no straightforward way, how can I go about it to create a way to inflate these .ai files that I have?
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‎Apr 23, 2024
12:12 PM
I know how to stroke the path, but I cannot get the path to be in the middle of the black logo (image 2)
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‎Apr 23, 2024
07:34 AM
I might have not written what I want to achieve that clearly, so forgive me. I will try again and try to be as detailed as possible. I want to only create a path that I can later apply a "brush" stroke to. If I just use the stroke tool, then I get a fill inside the object, but not with a brush that I would like... Here is a visual representation:
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‎Apr 22, 2024
11:41 AM
Unfortunately I only have the first image, so the black one. As I have many of those and would like to make an "Action" for adding a stroke in the middle (the stroke is not a solid brush, but a custom one). I hope what I am saying makes sense 🙂
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‎Apr 22, 2024
04:06 AM
Hi All, I am trying to add a "middle line" in one of my photoshop images. I haven't found a nice way to do it, although I assme that there is one. Here is a visual representation of what I would like to accomplish: Ideally I would like to just have a path to represent the middle of the two outer borders, which I can then applyu a stroke to. I have used contract, but this gives me two lines instead of one...
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‎Mar 22, 2024
02:24 AM
Hi all, I have been at this for a while and cannot figure out how can I replicate this keycap design that I have. I have been playing around with Bevel&Emboss, gradeint overlay and other things that I cannot remember, but it still looks completely terrible to the reference image. Does someone have any pointers in what I can do to make it look nice, I cannot accomplish the depth, nor the lighting spot on...
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‎Mar 04, 2024
07:41 AM
I have solved the problem by finding someone who had created these difference clouds using python. I played around with values and managed to get an output that worked wonderfully for my project. I found the python script in this github repo: https://github.com/nikagra/python-noise I just edited the main to look like this: if __name__ == "__main__":
imageSize = 2800
noise = NoiseUtils(imageSize)
# Generate the first noise.cloud pattern
img1 = Image.new("L", (imageSize, imageSize))
pixels1 = img1.load()
for i in range(imageSize):
for j in range(imageSize):
pixels1[i, j] = noise.img[i, j]
# Create a second image rotated 90 degrees
img2 = img1.rotate(90)
# Calculate the difference between img2 and img1
img3 = ImageChops.difference(img2, img1)
# Save the difference image
img3.save("Difference_Cloud.png") and to control the cloud itself, i edited the "8" value in this function def cloud(self, x, y, func = None):
if func is None:
func = self.perlinNoise
return self.fractalBrownianMotion(8 * x, 8 * y, func)
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‎Mar 01, 2024
07:47 AM
Hi Stephen, thank you for your reply and apologies for not being more clear in my question. Even if I were to make the canvas size 2000x2000 I would run into the same issue - that the output image is blurry, and I am pretty sure it is because I have to upscale the layer after I Render->Difference clouds by 300-400%. It does not seem as if there is a way to adjust the scale of these clouds before hand, so I was wondering if there is any way to solve this or is there another way I could go bout creating such a marble texture as provided in my image in the original question. I hope this clarifys what I am seeking to do 🙂
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‎Mar 01, 2024
05:03 AM
Hello all, I have been trying to do this all day, but have not really progressed. I have a canvas of the size 10000x10000, which is sliced into squares of 2000x2000 for exporting as pngs. In the main big canvas I am making a marble-like effect using difference-clouds like in this tutorial (https://www.bigcatcreative.com/blog/create-marble-textures-in-photoshop) The differece clouds only give me what I want after scaling it 400%. Unfortunately, when done so - the exported image is blurry and does not look good. Is there any way to fix it, or some other method I could use to achieve the desired look? I tried sharpening it, but that doesnt help either...
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