Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Nov 05, 2024
05:00 AM
I wanted to ignore the color white for all the image traces. This is how I have accomplished this: 1) Create a custom image trace preset that ignores the white color and save the preset. This will create a "Vectorizng Presets" file that we will edit. 2) I am on Windows, so I went to C:\Users\********\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 29 Settings\en_US\x64 and opened the file "Vectorizing Presets" using my notepad. The first preset is the one you have created. the default collection is named as "/collection7 {" 3) I added this to the bottom of the atrributes and saved it.: /adobe.vectorize.output.shouldIgnoreColors 1
/adobe.vectorize.output.ignoreColors [ 18
/adobe.vectorize.output.alphaEnabledUI 0
/adobe.vectorize.in.fitliveshapes 0
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‎Oct 13, 2024
01:00 AM
@Kurt Gold Thank you very much for your reply and suggestiopn. I did not know of graphic styles, I jumped straight to extendScript... But I looked into it and it seems like the best option. The only issue I am getting is that I save the graphic style, but then I cannot run it in my action... It records the application of the graphic style, but nothing happens to my image. I have saved it as "Inflate Test 1", but it does not run in an action...
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‎Apr 23, 2024
02:51 PM
I know how to stroke the path, but I cannot get the path to be in the middle of the black logo (image 2)
By @ponas
Can you please show a few more examples? Maybe there is an easier way to create the exact centre line in other programs.
Unfortunately, there is no automatic way to do this in PS. But this setting gives you a very good visual aid for pixel areas to find the exact centre for your path and trace it manually.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 25, 2024
01:49 AM
1 Upvote
‎Mar 25, 2024
01:49 AM
1 Upvote
‎Mar 04, 2024
07:41 AM
I have solved the problem by finding someone who had created these difference clouds using python. I played around with values and managed to get an output that worked wonderfully for my project. I found the python script in this github repo: https://github.com/nikagra/python-noise I just edited the main to look like this: if __name__ == "__main__":
imageSize = 2800
noise = NoiseUtils(imageSize)
# Generate the first noise.cloud pattern
img1 = Image.new("L", (imageSize, imageSize))
pixels1 = img1.load()
for i in range(imageSize):
for j in range(imageSize):
pixels1[i, j] = noise.img[i, j]
# Create a second image rotated 90 degrees
img2 = img1.rotate(90)
# Calculate the difference between img2 and img1
img3 = ImageChops.difference(img2, img1)
# Save the difference image
img3.save("Difference_Cloud.png") and to control the cloud itself, i edited the "8" value in this function def cloud(self, x, y, func = None):
if func is None:
func = self.perlinNoise
return self.fractalBrownianMotion(8 * x, 8 * y, func)
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