‎Oct 17, 2024
01:34 PM
Same thing here. Missing "Line Extension". Desperately need this. I knew I shouldn't have run the update mid-project, haha. Please fix right away.
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‎May 30, 2023
05:33 AM
How do I set "View > Sort" to always go (and stay) as "By Type"? Default is set to "By Fileneame" for every new tab, which is massively annoying, as folders will not sit as the first item, but randomly amidst other files down the scroll.
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‎Dec 12, 2022
05:21 AM
1 Upvote
64 GB here as well. M1 Max. My observation so far is that Bridge is more laggy than any predecessor to load quality previews. Speaking of previews, in full screen preview (SPACE) the image starts to blink, like a constant refresh, every half second. Please fix immediately. @Subbi Many thanks, much appreciated! Last week, sorting hundreds of photos from various folders into a final selection, I had to rely on the small preview window only, which, due to the inablity to have MULTIPLE WINDOWS, now sits very small on my screen. Not good. On the positive, I will absolutley admit that having two tabs up parallel does have its advantages, being able to drag&drop from one content tab to the other. Thumbs up! To switch from lamenting to constructive feedback - I feel like the following is needed: - Multiple Windows, like the old Bridge that everyone loved - Multiple Tabs, as a great new optional feature, but not a dictated way of workflow - Multiple Previews, assignable to dedicated content tabs
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‎Dec 09, 2022
09:14 AM
@Subbi Unfortunately here's the latest bug in When evaluating photos, going from one to the next, and back, and forward, the Preview starts to go blank / gray every other photo. Happens a lot. Like every 5 seconds. If not that, the preview switches arbitrarily between the selected photo of two separate tabs. Frankly unusable. A couple of months into this, I've come to the point where the sum of DELETED FEATURES and ADDED BUGS has become intolerable to be honest. This is not just the worst Bridge update EVER, but the single glitchiest software I have EVER used. Much less paid for. Monthly. The people who designed and coded Bridge 12 and prior need to be put back on the task and fix what was not broken. Bridge used to be my file browser backbone. I could not believe how people existed WITHOUT Bridge. It has now become a crippled and unreliable piece of software that I wish I didn't have to use. Sorry to be as direct. Please fix it. Not next year. Now. Thank you
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‎Dec 08, 2022
04:35 AM
This. 1000000%. Multiple windows. Thank you. @Subbi
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‎Dec 07, 2022
11:56 AM
Hi @gary_sc & @Subbi how do I keyboard-toggle between tabs in Bridge 23? "COMMAND + `" which we've been using for the past 20+ years to toggle windows, is not working any longer. TAB doesn't do anything in Bridge 23 either. Two lost opportunities there. Efficient keyboard navigation is so key to a professional workflow. Looking forward to the next iteration. Many thanks!
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‎Nov 24, 2022
06:18 AM
Thank you @Rahul Saraogi - Looks like my 2nd main issue has been fixed, the selector doesn't jump erratically any more when returning one folder level up. Insanity averted. - My 1st main issue is that which most people seem to have had when opening Bridge 13 in the first place. No more NEW WINDOW. This MUST be addressed and re-introduced. I realize you needed to fix the bugs first, to make this work for the time being. Much appreciated! For the next update of Bridge, please bring back NEW WINDOW, along with NEW TABS - I guess we can all see the benefit of having BOTH. I think it's a rather pressing item to re-introduce, as I know many users incl. myself have already begun to look for and work with alternatives... NEW WINDOW. Please. Thank you!!!
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‎Nov 15, 2022
04:37 AM
What are the realistic alternatives to PS, AI, ID? @verylongtimeuser1234
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‎Nov 15, 2022
04:26 AM
I'm finding myself using Finder like never before. Maybe Apple can introduce a nice alternative to Adobe eventually. Something that ties into the Apple hardware in augmented ways.
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‎Nov 15, 2022
04:07 AM
Having two content tabs side by side is nice, you can compare and drag&drop, yes, but professional daily workflow requires way more than those TWO instances. You may call it "lack of focus", but at any time during the day I might have (had) 10+ windows open in Bridge. Things I am doing right now, things pending input, things I alrady pulled up and will get to in the evening. DESIGN MANAGEMENT. Or better: MULTITASKING. Bridge 23 effectively killed multitasking, and while I agree our world needs to slow down and regain focus, unfortunately the ONE work place that provides me with OVERVIEW can't be the starting point. Bridge 23 killed OVERVIEW and MULTITASKING. It might work spledid if I'm doing a two week retreat in a hut by the lake, offline, to focus on one project, but it fails terribly in the presence of daily workflow requirements. I say this with all respect and all tolerance, and again, why not HAVE BOTH? Tabs and windows!!! < @Subbi :))) Oh, @gary_sc one question, how do I keyboard-toggle between two content tabs? COMMAND + ~ does not work. Unheard of. I was going to say that's like making COMMAND + W not work in an app, but funny/sad enough it DOES NOT WORK any more in Bridge 23... hysteric laughter before mental collapse...
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‎Nov 14, 2022
10:43 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you so much @Subbi for listening to our feedback! Very much appreciated! My #1 issue with the latest release is the absense of MULTIPLE WINDOWS. Not having those, and being able to toggle windows by COMMAND + ~ is like removing multitasking from an iPhone or only allowing Photoshop to open one image at a time. Navigating the content tabs with the cursor does not cater to a professional workflow. Keyboard access to opening, closing and navigating MULTIPLE WINDOWS in Bridge is key to such a workflow. If others love the new tabs, maybe you can allow the use of BOTH, much like Safari offering "New Window" AND "New Tab". THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! (Oh and while you're at it, it would help a lot, if the selected tile/folder would be navigatable with the up/down/left/right arrows and not jump arbitrarily/randomly as it does now when returning one folder level back up. Thank you!!! Mac OS 12.6 / Bridge Version
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‎Oct 29, 2022
06:34 PM
Dear Adobe, In case you haven't noticed, your sales dept. has ALREADY succeeded in making us pay per month / year. YOU DON'T NEED TO COME UP WITH FANCY NEW FEATURES like other companies / industries do. The one thing we're asking of you, in return, is a STABLE PROFESSIONAL PLATFORM. That's why we all agree to auto-pay for this. You are not TikTok or Instagram, and chances are slim your Creative Cloud ever will be, hate to break the news. YOU BUILD APPS FOR NERDS, accepet it. We do, we love what we do, incl. keyboard shortcuts and deadlines. Do you? Please provide stable software without surprises or new things we need to learn every month, so that A WORKFLOW can establish itself and yield EFFICIENCY. What you just released with Bridge 23 is quite the OPPOSITE of efficiency. It's a buggy prosumer release that caters to neither the consuming mainstream nor the professional creatives that have been your trusty paying clients. Up until now. Thank you
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‎Oct 29, 2022
06:17 PM
7. Left / Right arrows don't work after returning one folder level up. Selected tile jumps randomly. Seriously, like a bug in first semester programming. Heartbreaking. 8. The whole tabs thing in itself is a flawed concept, but the fact that the + to open up a new tab jumps from one active tab to the next, is preposterous. Give us COMMAND + N back. And COMMAND + W. Adobe, are you trying to work AGAINST or WITH industry standards established over decades?
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‎Oct 29, 2022
05:10 PM
Gotta love how when you try to reach out to Adobe with constructive criticism by going "Contact Us" and click "Real help from real people." the next thing that comes up is the "Adobe Virtual Assistant". Says it all. Overpromised. Underdelivered.
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‎Oct 29, 2022
04:56 PM
1 Upvote
@gary_sc thank you for doing such a great job at explaining - and in a way "defending" this new update. It's becoming evident however, that this new workflow doesn't work for a growing numer of professional users. It would seem you have a more direct wire to the people at Adobe. Please use your influence and have them fix: 1. Multiple windows (Open New Window) 2. Left Right cursers don't work when returning one folder level back up Thank you so much
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‎Oct 29, 2022
04:48 PM
I'm with you. Stared my day inspired, only to be reminded of the same laughable brick wall I ran into the past week. Then thinking, this is costing me time = money.
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‎Oct 29, 2022
04:46 PM
THIS!!! Same here. WTF. Sorry for bad language in a professional forum. But it feels we just left professional workflow behind for... I don't even know what for. Very upsetting. @Adobe please fix right away: - Open new window is PARAMOUNT to the Bridge workflow, MUST HAVE!!!!!!!!! - Arrow keys not working when returning one folder level up
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‎Oct 29, 2022
04:42 PM
@Michael Elmkjær Madsen 1. How do I revert back to 22? Must do this asap. Bridge 23 has been pretty bad for me. Thankfully it's so bad and so fresh still, I can laugh about it. 2. What's the procedure of starting a petition? The app needs to change right away. I don't care about the new look of it for the time being, who cares really, but the new fuctionality essentially renders Bridge unausable as is. 3. Does anybody else have the problem of the < > buttons not working after you return one folder level up? (Yes my keyboard is fine, 3 months old MBP). The highlighter jumps randomly, doesn't take < > input. So bad. Who did they put to work on this update? Sorry, not one to point fingers usually, but these software engineers need to be put to work on something else, consumer game software maybe, something far away from pro workflow needs. Thx
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‎Oct 29, 2022
04:34 PM
@lemonshot888 How do I downgrade? Bridge 23 has been TERRIBLE for me these past two-ish weeks and has slowed down my professonaly daily workflow. Adobe, please take note. If there was an alterantive, I'd switch TODAY. I'm already finding myself using the Finder more. Hilarious. Please fix RIGHT AWAY. Thank you!
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‎Oct 24, 2022
04:06 PM
Correct @gary_sc, let's say you have 8 folders ABCDEFGH, you arrow-key to folder E, hit ENTER, now you're looking at the contnet of folder E, then you hit COMMAND + UP, you're back looking at ABCDEFGH, with E still selected, but you (or at least I) can't right-arrow to F to look at what's in there. Bridge will a) either not take the < > input period, or b) jump to (highlight) a random folder, say B. I can not arrow-key to D or F.
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‎Oct 24, 2022
03:50 PM
Also, when going up/back one folder level, I can't use the right/left arrow on my keyboard?! Only up/down work, and then the selector jumps to wherever it wants. Literally random. Does anybody else have this problem? OS 12.6. Happens w/ or w/o a Wacom plugged in. (Keyboard/laptop 3 months old and in perfect mechanical order, just to answer that question). 😉
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‎Oct 24, 2022
03:46 PM
Yes, all those new features are neat, but in daily professional workflow I need to navigate multiple folders / filesets simultaneously within seconds / intuitively, and most importatntly WITH THE KEYBOARD. I can't mouse over and right click to lay out my Bridge tabs every time I'm contemplating to look at a set of files. Sorry to be unromantic here, but Bridge to me is a TOOL, and navigating it should not primarily involve a mouse/trackpad/pen.
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‎Oct 24, 2022
02:58 PM
Also, how to toggle these new Content Tabs with the keyboard??? COMMAND + ` does not work.
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‎Oct 24, 2022
02:49 PM
1 Upvote
100%. Having multiple windows of Bridge opened is life-or-death essential for a "file sorting and comparing" workflow. Let alone multitasking in a modern world project environment. I can't even fathom how people do it in Finder. It's like not being allowed to have multiple photos opened in Photoshop. Tabs in general feel inhibiting tbh., never liked the concept. @Adobe, please take note, just leave the rest of the 2023 update as is (although a lot of it feels like an uninvited downgrade, e.g. gridded content tiles jumping, depending on whether you have a scroll bar showing or not, seriously?), but we need multiple windows back, no questions asked, asap, yesterday. Adobe is for VISUAL people, we work with our EYES, now you're taking away the option to EVALUATE CONTENT side by side with our EYES... very bad decision. Please fix. Thank you.
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‎Oct 11, 2019
07:33 AM
Dear Adobe Photoshop staff,
I love your work!
Yet I have one utterly mandatory request that I feel needs to be implemented into the next update of Photoshop:
Batch Automization of HDR Toning
Or basically, the one functionality that is missing, is we need to be able to CREATE an action that lets us OPEN HDR Toning, SELECT a saved preset (!!!MOST IMPORTANT!!!), and EXECUTE said preset. That's it. Super simple.
I have no idea why this is not working, and I'm not complaining, as much as I'm trying to contribute, since your products, otherwise, are wonderful, but I've come to a point where I need to edit thousands of photos with a particular preset that "just does the trick", and doing it by hand is no longer an option. I'm currently outsourcing this task to Keyboard Maestro. Go figure. I know I'm not the only one. I'm just not intersted in inserting snippets of script into my original software.
Please fix, whatever little piece of code it takes.
Thank you!!!
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