‎Jan 08, 2025
01:32 PM
Just putting in my vote. I like Audition, but not having this capability is annoying when organizing many tracks. It seems pretty basic, so I hope we see it soon.
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‎Dec 14, 2024
04:21 AM
Soloing tracks to compare different takes is soooo much easier now. This had been making me crazy for a while, so thank you for posting the solution!
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‎Oct 24, 2024
10:31 AM
I'm so glad to find this thread! I've been dealing with this lag for what seems like a year now, even in the latest After Effects (25.1.0, Build 51). Undocking or closing Character window does indeed solve the problem. Also, I hadn't realized that the new Properties window includes both Character and Paragraph settings, so I have closed both text windows as they are now considered unnecessary. This makes me wonder why these two windows are still there since they are unnecessary now, and one of them causes a severe performance issue. Shouldn't they be removed from a future release of AE? Thanks to those who posted the solution!
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‎Aug 31, 2024
09:13 PM
Ah! Thank you so much for that excellent explanation! I hadn't noticed this before today, and that's probably because I'm editing an unusually long clip (for me) with many edits, and it was driving me nuts how markers would appear and disappear. After reading your post, I checked the individual clips, and sure enough, some of my 'Session' markers were hidden among them. I agree with Pariah Burke that there should be a mode that we can toggle on so Audition makes only Session clips. Sure, I can see uses for Clip markers, but most of the time I want to make only Session markers.
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‎Jun 18, 2024
06:15 PM
1 Upvote
This might be related to a Windows 11 update because the message is apparently popping up in other programs. Here's some info I found: I thought I started seeing this after a Photoshop update, but I suppose it could have been a Windows 11 update installed at around the same time.. This doesn't explain why I see this message only in Photoshop and only on one of my computers, but I'm going to try some of the suggested fixes. Will let everyone know if any of them work for me.
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‎Jun 18, 2024
06:02 PM
I've been seeing this message in a recent Photoshop update but on only one of my computers. This typically happens when running a script or plugin that opens a window. The message eventually goes away, but it stalls whatever I'm doing in the meantime. Fortunately, there's a Cancel button to make the message go away sooner, but I really shouldn't see the message at all. This message never appears on my laptop, making me think it's something local with the desktop configuration or Photoshop settings. I haven't figured out what that could be yet. The 'Let Windows Manages My Default Printer' option doesn't make any difference here because, on or off, the message still pops up. If anyone has an idea about this, please post. Thanks! 🙂
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‎May 08, 2024
02:38 PM
Sorry, I know this is an old thread, but I can confirm this exact issue is happening in Media Encoder 2024. It will not overwrite an existing file. It either creates an incremental save when the option is enabled, or it fails when the option is disabled. It's been very frustrating because I have to be sure to delete existing files every time I run the batch.
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‎Jun 24, 2022
04:21 PM
1 Upvote
You're right. I'll switch to Legacy mode until we get a proper fix.
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‎Jun 24, 2022
02:39 PM
Oh shoot. While renaming the UXP folder to ~UXP did fix the problem in Photoshop, it also breaks After Effects. When I launched After Effects, it crashes every time during launch. After I renamed ~UXP back to UXP, After Effects now launches and opens properly. Guess I can wait for a proper update; I really need After Effect more than I need the clipboard size support in Photoshop. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.
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‎Jun 23, 2022
03:36 PM
I just ran into this bug myself. Renaming the UXP folder to ~UXP as suggested by Sameer K is working for me. Thanks Sameer!
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‎Oct 19, 2017
11:00 AM
Thanks for the tip about the beta. I was dealing with Photoshop UI scaling issues too, on the Wacom Cintiq Companion 2. I finally wound up down-rezzing the 13-inch display to 1920 x 1080 to make it usable with PS. That's been fine but it's still a shame considering the native res of this tablet computer is 2560 x 1440. Curious to see what the developers have in mind to address this.
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‎Sep 20, 2017
06:13 PM
This problem just happened to me. For some reason, using Alt-double-click now opens certain precomps properly; regular double-clicking opens the source. The weird thing is thing is that other comps with precomps in this same project file will open properly with a double-click. I'm guessing something is internally screwed up in the project. This seems to happen in only this particular project; other projects are fine. For now, I'll keep using Alt-double-click where normal double-click isn't working. Just posting this info in case anybody else runs into this weirdness and none of the previous suggestions apply.
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‎Aug 26, 2015
09:42 AM
After several months of trying out different methods for dealing with this problem, I finally gave up and disabled Windows scaling entirely (set it to 100%) and reduced the screen res on my Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 from 2560 x1440 to 1600 x 900. I was running into UI scaling to problems with too many programs because it wasn't being used consistently by various developers. Turn off UI and reducing screen res forces all programs to behave 'normally'. I know 1600 x 900 is not terribly high, but it's still higher than what I had on my old tablet computer (HP tm2) and, to be honest, it looks just about right on a 13-inch tablet display. Not tiny at all and a comfortable layout and workspace. (Unlike when using Photoshop's 2015 cc's 200% 'geriatric' scale preference for this computer.) I'm not completely happy with this solution because I'm using almost half the screen capability of this tablet computer but I have to say, it's nice to see Photoshop (as well as many other graphics and animation programs I use daily,) look normal and with plenty of usable workspace again. Another plus to consider is that reducing the res may extend the battery time for the tablet since it's refreshing about a 1/4 of the resolution data. (Note: I don't know that for certain. Could a more tech-saavy person tell me if this is a valid assumption or just wishful thinking. Thanks.) It's now my opinion that, until all program developers can agree on a common implementation of UI scaling for high pixel density screen, disabling UI scaling and reducing screen resolution to a comfortable value for the actual screen size is probably the most reasonable fix at this time. G.
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‎Jun 25, 2015
11:17 AM
Ah, found it. In Photoshop CC 2015: Edit > Preferences > Interface > UI Scaling No 150% option but at least I can get Photoshop to look a little more 'normal' on this tablet again. G.
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‎Jun 25, 2015
09:27 AM
Posting in agreement here. I'm experiencing the same UI scale issue on the Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 Enhanced. Photoshop CC 2014 was too small at 100% and way too big at 200% on this screen. Photoshop CC 2015 seems to be stuck in 'too big' mode only. Just wondering: was the 'experimental' 200% scale setting in CC 2014 moved to another place in the menus for CC 2015? With CC 2014, I had dropped my screen resolution down from 2560 x 1440 to 1920 x 1080, and set the Windows 8 scaling to 125%--that seemed to help a lot for CC 2014 but it doesn't work for CC 2015. CC 2015 seems to be just too big on this tablet all the time. Does anybody have any suggestions for optimizing the scale for Photoshop CC 2015 on a high-density tablet screen? Thanks in advance for any helpful info. G.
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‎Mar 10, 2015
10:19 AM
Ugh...this is really annoying. I'm currently animating characters in AE and I frequently need to toggle the autokey function. This button was perfectlhy fine in AE CS6 but when switching to CC, having no convenient access to the switch has become a big drag on my workflow. I can understand making the button visibility optional but why is the button permanently enabled when it's visible? When a user enables the option to see the button on the tool bar, isn't it a reasonable assumption that the user may want to actually use that button? Sorry to vent but, like I said, this unnecessary change is incredibly annoying. For once, I'm actually glad we're still on CS6 at my workplace. G.
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