Feb 19, 2025
02:00 PM
1 Upvote
Lol. Awesomely summarized and rebutted. 👏
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Feb 19, 2025
01:23 PM
While I can blame some of the tardiness on my NAS, it is still very odd that I can open an After Effects projects with hundreds of files and everything snaps right open - yet Premiere takes so long. If the files' paths have not changed and no relinking is required, what exactly is Premiere doing? Why is it doing anything? It reminds me of sending files to AME to create proxies. If you select a bunch of files and choose "Create Proxies", Premiere slllllowwlllyyy sends them over one at a time to AME. What exactly takes so long? It's just a list of known files combined with a general instruction to apply the same preset. It feels like the code is insisting to do one file at a time when sending over a list all in one would be so much more efficient. If I grab a bunch of files in the finder and drag and drop them into AME then - ZIP! - they get added right away. I think Premiere is forcibly relinking files because some code in there has to verify the location of EACH and EVERY file, one at a time. But they should just be linked. I challenge the programmers to make it much faster to relink and remove any roadblocks. Perhaps go the route of Avid Media Composer and drop small database files in the media folders so Premiere has a quick reference of what's there. Or maybe at least have an option to not relink and instead have Premiere assume the media is there and if we play a timeline and something is missing, then we can "refresh" the media. My two cents.
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Feb 19, 2025
01:21 PM
1 Upvote
While I can blame some of the tardiness on my NAS, it is still very odd that I can open an After Effects projects with hundreds of files and everything snaps right open - yet Premiere takes so long. If the files' paths have not changed and no relinking is required, what exactly is Premiere doing? Why is it doing anything? It reminds me of sending files to AME to create proxies. If you select a bunch of files, Premiere slllllowwlllyyy sends them over one at a time to AME. What exactly takes so long? It's just a list of files combined with a general instruction to apply the same preset. It feels like the code is insisting to do one file at a time when sending over a list all in one would be so much more efficient. If I grab a bunch of files in the finder and drag and drop them into AME then - ZIP! - they get added right away. I think Premiere is relinking the files because some code in there has to verify the location of EACH and EVERY file, one at a time. But they should just be linked. I would love to challenge the programmers to make it much faster to relink and remove any roadblocks. Perhaps go the route of Avid Media composer and drop small database files in the media folders so Premiere has a quick reference of what's there. Or maybe at least have an option to not relink and instead have Premiere assume the media is there and if we play a timeline and something is missing, then we can "refresh" the media. My two cents.
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Jan 14, 2025
09:07 AM
1 Upvote
I'm partners with Catherine. She wants youur to know: tried clean, brand-new project, deleted preferences, no difference. Only rolling back fixed it.
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Jan 10, 2025
11:17 AM
It appears to be on Apple's side. According to Synology experts, Apple frequently 'breaks' the SMB protocol.
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Jan 09, 2025
10:23 AM
Update: Apparently there is a fix for the SMB problem It has something to do with a 'config file' alteration and I honestly am not sure what that means. But I'm posting it here to help anyone who needs it. https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/1fnug2a/comment/lor4kv1/ setting the /etc/nsmb.conf file to: [default] streams=yes soft=yes signing_required=yes dir_cache_off=no protocol_vers_map=6 port445=no_netbios notify_off=yes mc_prefer_wired=yes Finding and altering the file is..."fun" All the helpful Mac support doesn't tell you where it is or how to get around the system permissions https://support.apple.com/en-us/101442 You have to use the "go to folder" command from the Finder's Go Menu I have not tried it yet...so buyer beware.
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Jan 09, 2025
10:22 AM
Yes. This is what happens to my exports as well
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Dec 02, 2024
03:43 PM
I tried. But it won't let me log in with my password (????). So I went to my Premiere feature request page, backed up, chose Illustrator and then chose feature request.
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Dec 02, 2024
11:45 AM
1 Upvote
This Illustrator warning: "Your current color settings honor CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be ignored when this document was created." comes up for EVERY SINGLE FILE we receive, download, purchase. Yet these warnings are constantly there. I honestly have no memory of this always happening in Illustrator in earlier versions. Can we have an option to bypass these? And please don't say "you have to work in the profile they were set up in." when we don't know what they were set up in. I absolutely cannot stand OK dialogues. Extra clicks for nothing seems like some kind of punishment for something I didn't do. I think it should just be a warning symbol that appears in the bottom of the frame without an "ok" button or maybe a temporary floating warning that appears off to the side. Thanks for listening.
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Dec 02, 2024
02:03 AM
It would help a great deal if you could give us a breakdown of your entire system Computer - brand, CPU OS version Network Switcher Synology hardware DSM Anything else you might think is relevant.
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Dec 02, 2024
01:58 AM
We hired Will @ SpaceRex to look over our Synology system. (Great guy...he is THE Synology guru) Two hours later and he found what he thought was a bug in Synology's DSM code. He's in conversation with them but no updates as yet. What I can say is...if you copy or export the media to an internal or external drive first and then to the NAS it should be fine. I also have trouble deleting files. So I have to MOVE them to the recycle bin manually.
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Nov 29, 2024
11:20 AM
I realize that at this point I'm probably coming off as a jerk. And I apologize f that is the case. But I want to be clear: this is happening with every single file given to me regardless of source (unless I make it myself) No settings change this. And this did not used to happen. Before...when it did not happen...no colour issues were coming to light. No files burst into flames. No international peace treaties were violated. No babies died. I get a lot of files, especially from stock companies - and I don't get to collaborate with the designers. I can and usually do manipulate and change all the colours to my liking. I do not require a warning...at all. The warning provides me with nothing. No useful information. In fact it's made worse by it's frequency. It's like if I got into my car and a warning buzzer went off telling me my door was open each time I opened the door to get in, that would be both annoying and totally useless. After a while I would probably find the little buzzer unit that made that sound and tear it out with pliers. I'm asking someone, maybe a programmer at Adobe, to make it stop. Just a preference I could check on or off. At that point I could get a warning. I'd even be willing to compromise and say each time I start the software it might warn me on one file and then go away until I restart. I'm an adult. I think I can handle it.
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Nov 29, 2024
10:05 AM
Yeah. Still want to supress them. At times I can open dozens of file sat once. Every single file "warns" me. I have to click "ok" for each and every file. I hate it. I want to stop it.
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Nov 29, 2024
04:20 AM
...and...how should I set them up? Bearing in mind, the warnings come from files whose origin and colour profiles are unknown to me when I receive them.
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Nov 29, 2024
04:03 AM
Excellent! Now... how do I get rid of those warnings that don't affect my workflow? Or have it automatically convert the files and do so without giving me a warning?
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Nov 29, 2024
03:43 AM
Anubhav ...already fully disabled. The warnings still keep coming.
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Nov 29, 2024
03:42 AM
Respectfully Monika...not it won't cause me a boatload of issues. It's a CMYK file that I'm going to move into an RGB environment. I have to. Unless somehow the world makes all TVs CMYK compliant, I can't get around this. I know there will be a colour shift. I'm preparred for that. Not the end of the world. And definitely not worth warning me about every single time.
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Nov 29, 2024
02:52 AM
1 Upvote
This Illustrator warning: "Your current color settings honor CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be ignored when this document was created." comes up for EVERY SINGLE FILE we receive, download, purchase. Yet these warnings are constantly there. I honestly have no memory of this always happening in Illustrator in earlier versions. HOW DO YOU GET RID OF THESE‽ And don't say "you have to work in the profile they were set up in." I'm a video editor and animator, I want to work in RGB and frankly I don't really care about a colour profile mismatch. I want the warnings banished. I absolutely cannot stand OK dialogues. Extra clicks for nothing seems like some kind of punishment for something I didn't do. As far as programmers are concerned, I think it should just be a warning symbol that appears in the bottom of the frame without an "ok" button or maybe a temporary floating warning that appears off to the side.
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Oct 10, 2024
09:55 AM
Sadly I have just given up on this. Sometimes they link, sometimes they don't. No rhyme. No reason. I'll admit, I haven't programmed in years...but I find the linking and unlinking process unreasonably slow. I mean, if you look at the bin's metadata it clearly remembers where it's last known whereabouts were ...which, if they haven't changed, it should be like after effects where it finds one and then goes "Oh! Wait! Here is everything else" - SNAP! Same with creating proxies. You have 100 video files and it sends each file's data one - at - a - time - slow - ly - sending - them - over - to - Media - Encoder. No way a simple operation like that shouldn't be click-snap. I think editors have just got used to the sluggishness of the process and think it's normal. Then, one day a coder makes it more efficient and then it's a new "feature".
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Oct 04, 2024
08:49 AM
Thanks Bruce...will do!
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Oct 04, 2024
03:46 AM
Unfortunately my problem has not gone away. And I've discovered that Media Encoder will occasionally eject my mounted NAS droves as well. Fun. Contact Synology who suggested tweaking a few settings. Didn't help. I don't blame them for suggesting, but no settings changed changed before this started happening...so... I've updated to the latest OS. Unfortunately this rather large project was started in Beta. I have looming deadlines that preclude emergency from trying to sleuth out this issue by sending along sample projects and media. And the problem is so random that I'd doubt you'd get the same result. I'm at a loss.
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Sep 29, 2024
08:16 AM
Sometimes the waveform on clips in the timeline just don't want to appear. Tries turning different waveform settings on and off. But some clips remain "un-waved"
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Sep 26, 2024
03:01 PM
Found this online from 2019. No resolution though. https://community.synology.com/enu/forum/1/post/127748
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Sep 26, 2024
02:44 PM
I think so. We're really pushing a lot of deadlines and the work has to push tech issues to the back seat. We will try and get something together to trigger this 'reliably'. That said, we just had two more crashes - the second trigged by a Quicktime export rather than H264. Our main reason for posting is to see if it's a more common issue. It appears, at this time, no. So I'm suspect that it must be something with my system and configuration. However, I'm very happy to get the help. And appreciate the quick replies. The last sudden eject triggered this attached message. Disk full??? For the record, the remaining disk space for the media and projects is over 62Tb. So...not that.
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Sep 26, 2024
07:13 AM
Yes. Bizarre. I fully admit, I may be caught between Adobe / Synology / Apple here. But it only seems to happen when exporting an H.264. It does not ALWAYS happen as I can restart PP and export again where it usually works. But it happens so frequently...well, that's why I posted about it.
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Sep 26, 2024
06:07 AM
1 Upvote
Well...of course, now it's not doing it. I'll keep testing. Thanks for responding.
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Sep 25, 2024
11:31 PM
Audio scrubbing often does not work with frame stepping until you move the CTI in the timeline first, which then creates the scrubbing sound and then the arrow keys will also create audio scrubbing.
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Sep 25, 2024
11:28 PM
Strange behaviour with titles. If you select your text, choosing “center align text” formatting, if you click the “align center horizontally” in the properties panel, it shifts it off-center considerably.
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Sep 25, 2024
11:24 PM
1 Upvote
When we go to export a file, usually an H.264 UHD version of our timeline, at the end of the export, it holds the progress bar at 100% for about 1 minute, then suddenly our project/media drives (on our office Synology NAS) disconnect and the whole project reports missing media and can’t save, forcing us to force quit. We’ve got into the habit of saving before we export just to make sure we don’t lose anything. We've experienced the same weird behaviour across multiple projects and several versions of Beta.
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