‎Mar 29, 2024
05:12 PM
I'm having the same issue, except it mainly occurs for me in Illustrator. Usually, I can resolve it by closing the program and re-opening it, but the libraries have been extremely buggy for a couple of weeks or so for me. One of the libraries in question only has color swatches in it, so I find it particularly strange for that one to have such loading issues. I also noticed today that libraries weren't even loading very well on the Creative Cloud site.
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‎Dec 08, 2023
09:13 AM
Thanks Amal, I'm glad to know this is still being worked on.
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‎Dec 07, 2023
01:30 PM
I've been experiencing this for months. I really hoped it would be resolved by now, but unfortunately it's still occurring. I open and close a lot of PDFs on a regular work day, so it's definitely annoying to have to keep closing that dialog box.
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‎Mar 26, 2022
12:58 PM
Yes, this happens to me too since upgrading to Windows 11, just with Adobe programs. I was having to minimize Photoshop or Illustrator then click another window to get things back to normal, but I recently discovered that just clicking a blank area in the taskbar seems to be a quicker workaround.
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‎Jun 09, 2021
07:08 AM
@Rosa Thanks for mentioning the legacy Save As option. I probably wouldn't have noticed it otherwise, but I'm so glad to have the old options back as the new requirement to click on "save a copy" for certain formats was very frustrating. Definitely glad the plug-in icons are back too.
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‎May 19, 2021
08:29 AM
I updated to 22.4.1 today and was hoping this would be a fix, but unfortunately the issue is still present. Glad it's being looked into though.
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‎May 15, 2021
01:27 PM
Yep, this is happening to me on Windows 10 as well. I thought I was having some kind of weird screen resolution bug, since I usually work with my Surface Pro hooked up to a monitor, and today I was working directly on the Surface. I tried restarting Photoshop as well as connecting to the monitor and restarting the computer, but no luck. That ultimately led me here, so I'm at least glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing this.
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‎Feb 11, 2021
02:16 PM
Thank you! This was exactly my problem. I'd had to install these plug-ins several months ago for something I was working on and haven't needed them since. I followed your suggestion, and Acrobat immediately opened correctly when I tried again. I was having a lot of stress over this today haha.
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‎Jun 19, 2020
03:29 PM
Completely agree that this is a problem. It's really been annoying me all day. I don't see a setting for this and feel like it's likely a bug but am not really sure what's going on here. In my case, it seems like it's retaining the key object selection mode after I've clicked twice to select something when multiple objects are selected, and then once I switch it back to the normal selection mode it works until I click twice on something else to select a key object...then it once again defaults to key object mode for every future selection until I turn it off.
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‎Nov 07, 2019
10:30 AM
Just wanted to update this, as I ended up chatting with Adobe support and was able to resolve the issue that way. So everything is good now! I definitely hope in the future the site will be better optimized for touch screens to avoid these kind of accidental purchases. I've found that the same situation is possible when using a phone browser as well.
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‎Nov 05, 2019
02:52 PM
Hello, I notice there have been several posts from users over the years who have accidentally licensed images. This happened to me today as I was browsing images on my Surface. I tapped an image to view the larger preview and discovered that if I tap the bottom right corner it just goes ahead and licenses it with no kind of confirmation to make sure this was my intent. I had two credits in my account and am wondering if it would be possible for someone from Adobe to restore the credit that was spent in error. Any help is much appreciated, and I would also kindly offer feedback that all the hidden rollover icons make navigation tricky on a touch screen, and I would love to have some kind of confirmation message after clicking the licensing button just to be sure that was intentional on the part of the user. Thanks!
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‎Feb 26, 2019
06:24 PM
Thanks. While I can't speak to the original user's issue, disabling the plug-in does fix it for me. In my case, it's absolutely a Suitcase Fusion issue, which I've been able to replicate on my other computer that uses the program as well. The main reason I haven't filed a help request is that I really only want to file a bug report and don't want to go through any further troubleshooting steps. I just want the team that works on Suitcase to be aware of it so that it can be fixed. Anyway, I will certainly send a message and hopefully this will be resolved soon. I've had so much trouble with Suitcase Fusion since one of the late version 8 updates, and ever since, I keep running into various bugs, like the recent one that was causing problems saving documents in Photoshop. I suspect the new Document Tracking is probably at play in some of this, but that's just a hunch.
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‎Feb 19, 2019
12:25 PM
Definitely sounds like it's related to my issue, and I'm in the same boat as you as far as disabling Suitcase not being a real option since it's needed for my work on a regular basis. Weirdly, disabling the plug-in doesn't fix it for me either, but disabling the entire type core does seem to work, at least the last time I tried it. When I get a chance, I'm going to see if this is still the case as I haven't tried it in a while, but at the moment I'm thinking there is an issue with Suitcase, so it may be worth contacting them as well.
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‎Feb 19, 2019
10:16 AM
Do you happen to have Suitcase Fusion or any other third party plug-ins installed? I have a similar issue where if I open multiple documents at once, Photoshop cycles through them all one time before I can actually work with the files. It seems to go away if I disable Suitcase Fusion, so I've been under the impression it was an issue with that rather than Photoshop itself. Not 100% positive though. Anyway, it's been happening for me since upgrading to PS 2019 as well.
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‎Oct 19, 2017
05:27 PM
Very glad to know Adobe is aware of the Alt key problems. I certainly thought I was losing my mind today when I tried two different keyboards and both the right and left alt keys and was having all sorts of trouble. Works great in Illustrator. In my case, I was trying to use the Alt+Del shortcut I've used for years to fill a layer with the foreground color. Turns out the trick to it for me is to push Del twice in a row at the end. I was also having a similar problem with Ctrl+Alt+0 to view at 100%. Of course I realize I could just use Ctrl+1 for the same result, but just an old habit that's hard to break haha. I was about to the point I thought maybe Adobe was just trying to force different shortcuts on us haha.
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