Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Aug 03, 2024
02:12 PM
1. Created New Comp 2. In comp settings I selected black as a background color 3. When placed in timeline, there is NO BACKGROUND, just the transparency grid. This makes it impossible to see what is going on when I go into 3D mode. The only thing visible in 3D mode is the transparency grid. 4. Elements in the comp float over the transparency grid, so as usual, I created a solid for the BG layer. 5. Took that comp into 3D in both Classic and C4D and no background appears, even with the solid layer in the comp. Only thing visible is the transparency grid. 5. I'm using Mac OS 14.6
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‎Sep 28, 2023
04:01 PM
1 Upvote
I'm using Photoshop Beta 25.01 on Mac OS 13.5.1 When AI image is generated, a lot of distortion is occuring. For example, if I ask for a Bedouin tent in a Sahara desert setting, the tent edges are distored to match the sand drifts, as are any figures that are generated. In an image of a standing man, I generated an image of an office complex on a cloudy day — edges and face of man was distored (fragmented) as were elements of the generated background. I've tried this feature with numerous images and figures and it is always distorted. For figures I use the Select Subject from the floating bar, then inverse selection, then Generate. For landscapes I create a selection then go to Generate in the floating bar. I make sure my request are clear and no extraneous words are used. Too glitchy and honestly not ready for primetime.
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‎Jul 10, 2023
04:25 PM
While using AE 23.5, my Mac OS 13.4.1 freezes up. Have to do a cold reboot. This has happend five times in the past week. Not consistent. Not using 3rd party plug-ins. Tried restarting in safe mode and it works for a while. No specific steps, happens arbitrarily. Expected result: full functionality. Actual result: inconsistent system freeze which is not beneficial for my machine. Will try going back to older versions of AE.
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‎Mar 13, 2023
03:33 PM
Can't vertically resize layers panel and timeline. I can grab a resize handle to resize vertically, but no handle appears between layers and timeline as it has in all previous versions of AE. I can resize effect controls panel horizontally. The layers panel is taking up way too much space. What's the fix?
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‎Oct 18, 2018
03:54 PM
1 Upvote
Can't move a GROUP with the move tool. PS 20.0 grabs the last single item that I was working on within that group. Never had this happen before; been using PS since '89. Anyone else have this issue?
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‎Aug 19, 2018
06:52 PM
No it won't. Using Premiere Pro 12.0.0. Was functioning normally yesterday. Today, unable to access Adjustment layer—Project pane is selected. Unable to add layers or mattes in lower left bar under Media window as was always able to do. Of all the Adobe products, Premiere is the MOST unreliable, inconsistent and frustrating. Each update only worsens the matter. WTF???
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‎Jun 29, 2018
08:27 AM
Perhaps I didn't state it correctly. While working in PremierePro CC 2018 v. 12.0 OR 12.1, the program freezes up: rainbow wheel spinning and not allowing me to even get to the Finder/Desktop. I am forced to do a cold shut down. Premiere behaves very sluggishly now, though three months ago it was OK. Usually, no other program is running—especially not AfterEffects. I've trashed the program and re-installed it several times, but no improvements. I've got 470GB of free space and have checked to make sure PPro 2018 is compatible with my OSX 11.6—which it is. I just took this machine to the Apple store to have them trouble shoot other issues and the operating system has been re-installed—it's clean. No other Adobe app is giving me such headaches—only Premiere.
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‎Jun 28, 2018
01:35 PM
PremierePro CC 2018 v.12.0.1 causing system crash (El Capitan)—freezes system; malfunctions when running; won't recognize media previously used and unaltered; won't recognize fonts. This problem started 3 months ago and is getting worse. Tried to upgrade to v. 12.0.2, but made situation much worse. Went back to 12.0.1. Had to re-install Mac OSX system. Doesn't play well with AfterEffects. Cannot run along side Photoshop. This version is extremely problematic. Any suggestions? Have downloaded DaVinci Resolve and am about to convert to that. Convince me otherwise. Note: I can't upgrade MacOSX to latest version since I regularly use InDesign and Illustrator—neither of which work with lastest OSX.
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‎Jul 12, 2017
03:10 PM
The mask tool in video effects (opacity, mosaic, blur, or whatever) is not appearing on the clip as it used to do. No matter if I click the ellipse, square, or pen tool, the blue handled mask does not appear on the clip. A mask DOES take place, but without any control option and dead center on the clip. I've searched the forums for a solution but to no avail. Does anyone have an idea of what is going on? This is the most recent version of PPro. I've quit, restarted, and re-installed and it still won't work. Help!
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‎May 16, 2017
10:50 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you!
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‎May 16, 2017
09:35 AM
1 Upvote
The April 2017 update of AE has completely changed the graph editor and it is not functioning. I'm on Mac OS X (11.6). I've already spoken with someone at Adobe and they have no answers for this. Example: Scaling a simple rectangle on the X axis only, from 0 to 100%; two keyframes; easy ease applied; go to graph editor and there four curve lines: two red (X) and two green (Y); this animation does not change the position, only the scale. If I grab the bezier handle on one of the red curves, it acts on the other curve, not on itself. There is no way to control a smooth in or out. If I move the playhead back to 0, the entire graph disappears. What is going on here??? This happens if I try the same scale animation on a simple circle as well: two sets of lines for X and Y. This is absolutely maddening. Why has the graph editor been altered?
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‎Jul 11, 2016
09:27 AM
I am creating a monthly newsletter for a client who wants the ability to update content but NOT move the content out of place, nor move masthead and photos around. Is there a way to lock the text and photo boxes so that they can only update the text and replace the photo, but NOT move them out of line?
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