Forum attachments disabled
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We have temporarily disabled the ability to upload files to the forums in order to protect our customers/users from a potential security issue. Thank you for your patience while we mitigate this issue.
Anybody know anything about this? (Please be Jive related... )
But no, seriously, did something bad happen? Is this going to be disabled long term?
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has it that a poster who goes by Ansury messed it up b
y back clicking 50 times in a row with the Esc key pressed
I dunno...
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dec9 wrote:
has it that a poster who goes by Ansury messed it up b
y back clicking 50 times in a row with the Esc key pressed
I dunno...
Close... but not quite right... he was pressing the F & U keys... That crashed the file attachment scenario... whether it's permanent remains to be seen//
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Great, Just great.
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Sounds good to me, that would mean it's Jive related and thus justifies an increased level of hatred towards Jiveware.