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New forums suck

Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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I'm spiked at 99% CPU most of the time on this terrible crap forum--even just from moving the mouse over links.

I didn't complain about all the extra frilly stuff many people seemed to have a problem with, but...poor performance?  That's a deal breaker.

This is why JAVASCRIPT, and "Jive" sucks. This is unusable for me on IE 7... come on now. (???) Only took about 15 minutes to get here and post this...

Here's an idea Adobe: go ahead and create a FLEX forum if you want fancy fancy RIA type functionality and ditch this Ajax/JS hack trash. It's not like you don't have the expertise in Flex here... and it could use the demonstration and publicity.






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Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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Thank GOD I'm home now on a quad core SUPERCOMPUTER so I can access the internet (forums) using a decent browser like Opera.

(Never mind the fact that I had to switch to IE masking mode before it partially worked, and Firefox masking mode to get it to fully work.) Hmm wait, there is still some weird behavior. Thanks JavaScript. I love it-- did I mention how much JS sucks?


Regarding the comment about 'full Flash forums'-- it would probably be Flex (ok, almost the same thing), but it would work fine (and a lot faster) if they did it right. Better than this JavaScript hack job easy.

Unfortunately I'm not in a position to change even the browser I'm using at work (I don't think). So no Google Chrome or Opera for me. (or FF hacks)

But you would think that a machine with half a gig of ram running XP and IE 7 would meet minimum requirements for a forum, right?

I know you're supposed to provide specifics when you have a problem like this, but that's about as much detail as there is. I forget the processor type but it's not a 486...  So when I say "Jive sucks", I say it with some level of confidence that my "issue" won't be easily fixed.

Basically the problem is that it's slow and crummy, and now I may have lost these forums as a usable tool.  My productivity is going to suffer, hence, the productivity of the economy will decline as a result of Adobe's switch to Jive.  I predict it will be the last straw that sends us into depression.  Thanks Jive.  ^_^

And what's with the 50,000 email spams I got by default due to responses here? I think Ann is right, these "Jive" people are a bunch of clowns.





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Participant ,
Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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If you are going to complain, please be specific.

I think people have been very specific. For me it is:

  • SLOW!!
  • I never know where I left off because it never takes me to the last unread message.





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Participant ,
Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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Chris Cox wrote:

This time, they did more homework.   There is no solution available that would please everyone (remember, everyone is not you).

So you have ended-up by infuriating just about everyone.


You have probably destroyed these Forums beyond repair and you have certainly driven away a large number of your former helpers.

In plain words: those people who were responsible for this fiasco have made the biggest cock-up in Adobe's history and, frankly, I hope that they receive their rightful retribution.

I will list the problems again (you can do the sorting of  each into a different Topic if you like):

Access and navigation are impossibly SLOW

Unusable Navigation: Inability to see in the main Index, and go directly to, the next UNREAD  posting in each thread.

Inability to get back to the Index page from page-bottoms.

In ability to respond directly while seeing all postings.

Inability to turn-off this bloody awful spamming email. (Yes, I HAVE turned it off in my Prefs. but that doesn't work either.)

The turgid Reply box —and all its accouterments.

But above all — the abysmally slow performance — and the speed was the ONLY thing that anyone asked you to change.

Then there is all the rubbish and kiddie-toys that Jive added; and which you were too weak-willed to over-rule.

They are of lesser importance than the other problems except that they are contributing to the slowness, clutter, excessive white space between both topics and postings, and general unworkability of this horrible apparition for which Adobe's development team and the the nincompoops at Jive are equally responsible.





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Advocate ,
Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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RoboWizard wrote:

Awww, c'mon now. We didn't really expect not to see a few hickeys here and there did we? That's the fun of it all. Helping sort it out!

It can be a lot of fun. If you discover issues, report them, debug them together and devise a fix together. Even if that is a totally unofficial addblocker script to clean up the interface. Or a CSS extension to get full width forums  Or even if you just discover them and somebody comes along and says "Thank you, we have targeted this for version X".

But what is happening here is nothing like that.What is happening here is piling up complaints and bugs without any dialogue or interaction. Where are the Adobe employees? I have seen one employee respond to one thread here so far, and adobe admi has posted the FAQ and guidelines and that is it. We as a community may be able to take care of all the questions in the other forums, but not in this one. This is the forum where Adobe needs to take the lead and tell us "Yes, we know about the breadcrumbs, please stop reporting it, we will fix it next week". The occasional impression that Adobe just might be istening is the sort of interactivity that makes this fun.

What is happening here is as much fun as talking against a wall. Only a wall will give you a better response then Adobe does.





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Mentor ,
Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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One issue that going to get peoples blod pressure up is adding the serial numbers after each top thread. This makes each subject unique. They for threading of subject useless.

Now yo can't mark all threads for a given subject and read the last one which has all the previous post.





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Advocate ,
Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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As I understand it John Cornicello is Adobe Admin and does a sterling job representing users to those with the power to change things. But we don't get access to those who can actually make things happen.





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Advocate ,
Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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Adobe Admin has posted a grant total of 4 messages since these forums re-opened. You know who/where another Adobe employee posted another 4 messages in one thread. That is the total extend of Adobe's involvement in these forums. There are people who have individually posted more bugs and feature requests in that time period, let alone what all the users are reporting collectively.

We can't even get an open issues list on the top of the page to prevent resubmission of the same problem.





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Participant ,
Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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One browser that is fast for me on these forums is Google's Chrome (I'm using developer preview). Chrome is very good with Javascript heavy websites. Might not be an option for you quite yet, as the Mac version is under development.





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Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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Ansury wrote:

I'm spiked at 99% CPU most of the time on this terrible crap forum--even just from moving the mouse over links.

I'm not saying the new forum's DON'T suck, but if you're seeing ANY blip in your processor from using the forums, you've got more issues than a cartoony interface...

i'm just sayin'...

xp pro 32 sp3, firefox 3,0.8, e6600 core2duo, 2 gig ram.






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Engaged ,
Apr 06, 2009 Apr 06, 2009

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I agree - it sucks. NOT user friendly, design sucks, slower too much white space, HTML crap instead of FAST plain text - Adobe went for glitz instead of substance. When it goes all Flash (don't put it past them) I'm out of here...and I started with Blue Sky. Then again, maybe I'm out of here sooner rather than later.

MISS KISS should have been the goal. Missed it by a mile.

(Where's the preview button?)







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Explorer ,
Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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I have to agree.

Aprt from being slow, I have to login everytime. It's nice to have all these icons and everything, but I still prefer to be able to take part on the forum with my Xnews newsreader.

Why fiddle with something that works????






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People's Champ ,
Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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Ansury wrote:

I'm spiked at 99% CPU most of the time on this terrible crap forum--even just from moving the mouse over links.

I didn't complain about all the extra frilly stuff many people seemed to have a problem with, but...poor performance?  That's a deal breaker.

This is why JAVASCRIPT, and "Jive" sucks. This is unusable for me on IE 7... come on now. (???) Only took about 15 minutes to get here and post this...

Here's an idea Adobe: go ahead and create a FLEX forum if you want fancy fancy RIA type functionality and ditch this Ajax/JS hack trash. It's not like you don't have the expertise in Flex here... and it could use the demonstration and publicity.

Unless you are using IE6, and rendering a movie while visiting these forums I highly doubt the 99% processing is caused by browsing there forums. Unless you have proof for that of course, or a way to reproduce these issues. And using IE and talking about performance doesn't go well together. Its well known that Internet Explorer is slow, awful and a generally crap not performances focused browser. So if you want a better browser experience I would suggest download a normal browser like FF 3.1 with JIT enabled, Safari 4, Opera 10, Chrome...

Suggesting to ditch Jive might be fun, but highly unlikely that it will ever happen, Adobe probably spend allot of time comparing different forum software. They choose Jive and we will just have to live with it. Everybody know flash isn't the easiest thing to get indexed by search engines, sure, Adobe is working close with Google to make it as good as possible, but its not perfect yet, and there more search engines than google..

I find it fun that you blame JavaScript as the major slow down of the forum, sure it might a part of it but its not the biggest issue on these forums. When you load the page the JavaScript isn't involved that much. The only times you see it when the page has been loaded (loads the the annoying and totally useless posts like this box, that actually has nothing to with the current post) and when you interact with the rest of the forum. But than the whole forum has already been loaded..

If you where to check the actual lifecycle of the page you will see what is wrong..

btw Ann


I had some e-mail contact with John a while ago, giving him suggestions about speeding up the forum, when I'm not answering questions on the Adobe forum, I focus on front end performance at my current job. I gave them a few tips how to decrease the loading time and speed of the forum.

But as Adobe stated in a few topics, they switched to jive to they didn't have to make a custom forum, and custom functionality and changes. So I highly doubt any changes will be made in the near future.

These are just my 2 cents





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Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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What you pointed out regarding JavaScript is what I was talking about-- the parts that are *obviously* JS involved. I'm not blaming all slowness on JS (if it sounds like that, I'm sure I was exaggerating for fun and excitement at another chance to bash garbage JS which I feel is a poor competitor for Adobe Flex)------but I am blaming all slowness on this crappy "Jive" forum.

And I can't switch browsers. Some of us work at places that won't let us do this. Saying "don't use IE" is like saying "use a normal OS, like OS X". (????)

Forgive me if I seem angry, but this move by Adobe has seemingly ENTIRELY CUT OFF my ability to access this forum at work.

If I'm unable to resolve the problem (maybe it's just my workstation, but it should still work like all the other websites do) what am I supposed to do, ask for a new workstation so I can use Adobe forums?

And WHY DO I KEEP GETTING MAIL SPAM even though I have it turned off?





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Valorous Hero ,
Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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Hi Ansury

I'm not sure if it's just your posts or if there have been others reporting the same.

Can you please expound on what you mean by getting E-Mail SPAM?

Are you talking about receiving posts from the forums? I ask because I've not noticed any extra SPAM with my forum messages.

Sincerely... Rick





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Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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@RoboWizard: Sure, I'll clarify. Whenever someone replies to a post I have here I get an email saying.... (see below text paste).  You don't get this at your Adobe registered email address?  I've already went to "Your Stuff"->preferences and turned off email alerts or whatever they call it.  Did that a day or two ago (and again today), and it DOES save the "No" values I selected on the preferences screen, but you can see below I'm still getting mail.  Seems like one serious bug to me.  I won't put up with it for long...


A new message was posted in the thread "New forums suck":


Author  : RoboWizard
Profile : http://forums.adobe.com/people/RoboWizard

Hi Ansury

I'm not sure if it's just your posts or if there have been others reporting the same.

Can you please expound on what you mean by getting E-Mail SPAM?

Are you talking about receiving posts from the forums? I ask because I've not noticed any extra SPAM with my forum messages.

Sincerely... Rick


To post a reply to the thread message, either reply to this email (recommended) or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/1874121#1874121

If you post by replying to this email, be sure to leave the square-bracketed text at the end of the subject line as it is. This will help ensure that your message is posted correctly.






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Advisor ,
Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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The email subscriptions behave for me when i turn them on and off.

Is it possible you have more than one adobe ID?





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Valorous Hero ,
Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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Hi again

I think that by default you are automatically subscribed via E-Mail to threads you choose to participate in. So even though you may have elected not to receive messages from a certain category if someone replies to a thread you have participated in you still get messages for that thread.

However, I do agree that there should be a way to stop it if you wish.

Perhaps Adobe could modify the software so that we have an option for that.

Cheers... Rick





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Advisor ,
Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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RoboWizard wrote:

Hi again

I think that by default you are automatically subscribed via E-Mail to threads you choose to participate in. So even though you may have elected not to receive messages from a certain category if someone replies to a thread you have participated in you still get messages for that thread.

However, I do agree that there should be a way to stop it if you wish.

Perhaps Adobe could modify the software so that we have an option for that.

Cheers... Rick

There already is.    You turn the options off in your preferences.

The question is why its not working for ansury





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Valorous Hero ,
Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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Hi Curt

What is the great unknown here is whether the setting is retroactive. For example, if it was enabled at the time this thread was created or replied to, it could well be that until the thread dies out the messages will keep arriving.

But replies to future threads would respect the setting.

Another possibility would be if Ansury had more than one E-Mail address subscribed. (I do) I suppose that would be easy enough to check by looking at the mail headers.

Cheers... Rick





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Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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To test the retroactive theory, try responding to the other thread I have in this forum.  Pretty stupid if it's retroactive (that's not the only backwards thing going on here...), but ok I guess.

I just can't wait, one year from now, someone will be doing a search and find that thread... then they'll reply and here goes the spam again.

Terrible forum software.





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New Here ,
Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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I tried to give it an open mind look.

This is terrible.  The news group worked so much better!





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New Here ,
Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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Third try at turning off the emails!

Did anyone mention how much nicer the NNTP news group worked?





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Advocate ,
Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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Any email from this?





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Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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A new message was posted in the thread "New forums suck":


Author  : Kath-H
Profile : http://forums.adobe.com/people/Kath-H

Any email from this?


To post a reply to the thread message, either reply to this email (recommended) or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/1874460#1874460

If you post by replying to this email, be sure to leave the square-bracketed text at the end of the subject line as it is. This will help ensure that your message is posted correctly.






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Apr 07, 2009 Apr 07, 2009

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But seriously though, post in the thread "One thing that confuses me about these new forums..." and let's see if this retroactive deactivation thing is true.

If it is, it is proof that Jive "Clearspace" (or whatever) is TOTAL GARBAGE and not performance oriented at all. I guarantee that it takes more resources to track alert preferences per thread than it does to have a simple on/off flag.

But I suspect it's really just a problem with the forum software (shocking). My God, there's no way I'll stay here if this is going to be the norm.





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