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Notification email in the wrong language

Engaged ,
Sep 10, 2017 Sep 10, 2017

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I just posted a question on the Photoshop forum. I'm viewing the forum interface in English, and I asked my question in English. But then I got an email in German, which I think is telling me that a moderator approved my post. Is anyone else having this trouble? I'm not new to the forums, but this is the first time this has happened.

German notification.png




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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 18, 2017 Sep 18, 2017

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Hi Osaka,

Can you forward me the email to mamurphy[at]adobe[dot]com? You can also check your language preferences by clicking your avatar at top right > Preferences.






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Engaged ,
Sep 18, 2017 Sep 18, 2017

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Okay, I have just now forwarded the email, but my screenshot showed all the content anyway.

As for my preferences, the language was not set (it said "------") and presumably it was that way the whole time - my profile says I have been a member since 2003 and my oldest post in your records is 2008. (I have now changed it to English.) I'm an American living in Japan, so  if the system had decided to use my IP address or browser languages to chose some language other than English, Japanese would have been possible. But a week ago was the only time I have ever gotten a notification in any language other than English. And the notification for your reply here was in English, too.

Ah, it just occurred to me that I don't remember ever getting a message even in English about a post being approved by a moderator. All the notifications I normally get are when someone else posts on a thread I'm subscribed to (usually because I'm the OP). So the language was not the only anomalous thing about that one message. Perhaps it was just a hiccup in the system that one time. Presumably my question post here also had to be approved, but I did not get any email about that action. (I have not posted any questions in the Photoshop forum, so if the weirdness is isolated to that forum, I don't know if it was a fluke or is continuing.)




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Engaged ,
Sep 18, 2017 Sep 18, 2017

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Update: I just now started a new discussion on the Acrobat forum, and I then got an "Approved" email (in English). This is only the second such email I can remember getting - is it new functionality? Sequence of events:

  1. Started a discussion in Photoshop forum
  2. Received "Approved" email in German
  3. Started this discussion (Forum Comments forum) - no email except about your reply
  4. Changed my Preferences language from "-----" to English (locale U.S.)
  5. Started a discussion in Acrobat forum
  6. Received "Approved" email in English

So if it's a new function that is now turned on, I don't know why I didn't get an Approved email regarding this discussion, unless this forum isn't moderated or something. Anyway, I thought I'd let you know.




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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 24, 2017 Sep 24, 2017

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Thank you, Osaka, for the extra detail & the email. This is very helpful. I'm logging a case with our forum software provider to investigate this further.






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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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Hi Osaka,

Could you confirm that your browser locale is set to the US/English?

A screenshot would be very helpful, too. Our forum team is currently investigating the bug.






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Engaged ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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Please re-read the previous messages in this thread - my first message contained a screenshot, you then asked me to forward the message by email (which I did), and then I gave detailed information about language settings and the sequence of events. I don't understand why you are asking for the same things again.

Since then, I haven't posted anything new on your forums, so I don't know if I would continue to get "Approved" emails. As far as I remember I have only received two: the one in German and another in English, as described above.




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 10, 2017 Oct 10, 2017

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Hi Osaka,

We needed to confirm your system/browser language settings (separate from the forum settings). Sounds like they are likely set to English, so I will close this case out with our forum team so they can file this as a bug.






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Engaged ,
Oct 10, 2017 Oct 10, 2017

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My OS is technically Japanese Windows 10 Home, but after I bought it I changed the region to the U.S. and the display language to U.S. English (I live in Japan and can read and write Japanese, but I can do it much faster in English). My browser is Firefox with "en-us" first, "en" second, and "ja" third. German is not on my system anywhere for anything. As I said, my forum language setting at the time of the anomaly was "----", but the forum interface had never displayed in any language besides English. I hope that helps.

I'll mark this as "assumed answered".




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