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Gosh, it seems like there are a number of us who got reported.
I'm amazed, really, as I haver *never* been reported for abuse in the 10 years I have been on this forum. Yeah, these forums have changed and I am not convinced it's for the better.
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Ann Shelbourne wrote on 10/14/2009 11:23 PM:
You may be inexperienced as a "Moderator" but when existing long-time members of considerable standing find it necessary to start threads asking for your dismissal, that should have been a clear indication that you were not handling the job very well.
What do you think I consider to be my job description?
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Well, you tell us what the Job Description that you were actually given says because it obviously differs considerably from any Job Description that I would write for a "Forum Moderator".
And that is another thing: The Adobe Forums always had Forum HOSTS who acted as any good Host would normally behave.
Therein lies the difference but, because you were unfamiliar with our customs, you unfortunately started off on the wrong foot.
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Ann Shelbourne wrote:
The "Community Experts", all of whom seem to have their roots in the Macromedia Forums, arrived here in April.
Actualy, many of us are "oldies" from the "adobe side".
Ann Shelbourne wrote:
You may be inexperienced as a "Moderator" but when existing long-time members of considerable standing find it necessary to start threads asking for your dismissal, that should have been a clear indication that you were not handling the job very well. The fact that a whole hoard of "Community Experts" then descended on us to support you (regardless of whether or not that was done at your instigation) has only made matters even worse.
Whole heard of Community Experts? I think 3 or 4 actually participate in this forum on any regular basis.
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But 3-4 people constitutes probably around 1/3 of the "regular" usernames we see around here. Relatively speaking that's fairly "herdish". Just sayin'
Edit: er herdish.. hoardish, whatever it was
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The word that was meant originally was horde.
"Yet still did the mountains tremble and our eyes strain across the steppe to find the storm. Then, like the onset of nightfall came the endless shadow of the Horde to blot our lands from view. A numberless multitude swept across the hill crests and like waves of a black ocean did they sweep down upon us. Their arrows fell like clouds of biting flies from the darkened sky. The death screams of our warriors were o'erwhelmed by the drumming of infinite hooves so that only the endless thunder was heard at the last. Our enemy then struck wide its wings and eclipsed the sun from Russia's Adobe's plain forever."
Yes, I think that just about sums it up!