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So I made the mistake of using a forbidden word instead of 'DETAIL-OBSESSED' on Adobe Forums...

Engaged ,
Mar 10, 2017 Mar 10, 2017

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...and this sent me into a "An error has occurred, you must not be connected to the internet" loop that left me stranded at the editor.


If Adobe is going to be some kind of authority on UX going forward, you guys might want to add some kind of hint that there's a word blocking the posting of the message.

I logged out and back in from 15 different browsers (give or take a dozen) and still didn't understand why I could no longer post (because a vague error was being reported -- and the connection erroneously assumed as the catalyst -- by the Adobe website).

In other words, there needs to be a "You can't use that word here" response, preferably mentioning the word at fault.

You're welcome!

PS: I had to obviously censor  to post this.

Moderator Note:

This is an open forum where minors also try to find a solution to a problem. Staying civil should not be a challenge for anyone! Have edited this post.






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Community Expert ,
Mar 10, 2017 Mar 10, 2017

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The forum software is provided by JIVE (look at the bottom of the screen) and the content filter is run by JIVE, not Adobe

But, I agree with the Moderator who edited your message... don't swear





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Engaged ,
Mar 10, 2017 Mar 10, 2017

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  1. How is the choice of software my problem? You'd think Adobe would be happy that a problem with their website was reported.
  2. Outright removing a word that I'd already pre-censored with hashtags renders both the title and body of the posting illogical. Read it, it makes no sense. At the very least, a simple **** would indicate there was a word there. Now? This mod is either a rookie, distracted, or took very personal offense to a word that was pre-censored and used in its proper context, not the one it was outright deleted for. To the point where I'm wondering if religion is involved with the hardcore reaction. What religion are the mods here, just curious?
  3. Since I care about Adobe more than I do this moderator, I'll just message their support with the error in the future. But I'll be honest, part of me just wants to say **** with helping Adobe with anything anymore, so nice job. Oh, and I've been around since the usenet days, over a decade ago. Not once until today have I had an issue with an overzealous mod. Maybe something to take into account?

The OP is now locked in its moderator-mutilated form, I can't go fix it. I'd delete the thread completely if I could at this point, so could you just go ahead and do that, Mr Mod? Much appreciated.

EDIT: Moderator fixed the title since I pointed out how it makes no sense when you just delete words, but not the body.

Seriously dude, whoever you are... just delete the thread. Thanks.

[Profanity replaced with *** and you REALLY need to stop swearing... Mod]

EDIT: NO ONE SWORE! What is wrong with you people? Geezus. I feel like Adam Sandler on that plane in Anger Management. I have no idea why you need to lie to everyone, I already told you you could delete the whole thread with my blessings but you insist on keeping it alive and trolling me. Is this an American English comprehension issue? I'd just let it go and stop antagonizing your employer's clients.





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Community Expert ,
Mar 16, 2017 Mar 16, 2017

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You seem to have the mistaken impression that we work for Adobe.  We don't.  The majority of us are product users just like you.  Unless you see a STAFF badge next to the person's name, you are not talking to Adobe here.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Community Expert ,
Mar 16, 2017 Mar 16, 2017

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The original of "say **** with" was "say to h--- with" which is swearing





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Mar 22, 2017 Mar 22, 2017

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Personally, I'm more offended when people call the # sign a "hashtag", but that's just me.





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New Here ,
Mar 22, 2017 Mar 22, 2017

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This is an extremely helpful post and will keep it close at hand. Thank you! But I would like to add that as a beginner, I will probably edit out, "but it still drives me up the wall." It is my hope that most french speakers will be as patient with me as I would be of them if they were learning English.





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Engaged ,
Mar 23, 2017 Mar 23, 2017

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The original of "say **** with" was "say to h--- with" which is swearing

That is a complete and utter lie, for the record.

I remember what I wrote and that's not even in the ballpark.

Why this thread continues to exist is beyond me, but I'll play along as long as you're forcing me to.





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Explorer ,
Mar 29, 2017 Mar 29, 2017

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Hello Under S and All,

I am going through my own issues with the forum hierarchy at this time. I read through this thread and found that this seems to be a moral gray area. There should be detailed rules. I have come to the conclusion that in this forum there is no structure or set of rules that all(users, moderators, staff, etc.) members must follow. It's a hit or miss situation.

The site also has a terrible nav or link system to it. I would not have been able to find this area unless it had been forwarded to me.

Where do we go or whom do we speak to to get some changes made to improve this forum? Is it the staff, the moderators, the web developer(JIVE), or who(m)? This is directed toward a moderator.

Under S, I appreciate and agree with your attention to detail. If we had clear rules I would fully support you but in this case I would say to re-edit and post. It's a shame that we can't post the truth... In other words, knuckle under; and I DEPLORE stating this. We shouldn't have to knuckle under as this weakens our forum. All points of view should be equally considered. 

In this world all of our brains process information differently. What one person sees as wrong, another sees as right with billions of degrees in between. We should have written rules that allow for both sides to coexist happily.

Start an area to allow for this to occur.

And by the way, my use of DEPLORE is, in my opinion, the same as your use of #!?%&, or whatever it was.






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Engaged ,
Mar 29, 2017 Mar 29, 2017

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landt5  wrote

And by the way, my use of DEPLORE is, in my opinion, the same as your use of #!?%&, or whatever it was.

Everyone keeps getting what happened here wrong, because there's a mod looking to save his or her own behind that keeps editing my explanations; and of course, trolls like John that come in and make the situation worse without understanding it, and silently exiting stage left soon as that's pointed out to them.

So this will be my last word and explanation on the subject.

In the OP, I explained that I was getting a mysterious "Please try again later" error that kept me from posting. The error message was exactly that vague, so it took me 24h of re-posting at various times with various browsers before I had the idea to post this thing one paragraph at a time. This allowed me to isolate the paragraph, then the line, then the word at fault. Without any help from Adobe.com hinting at what the problem could be.

Turns out the word -- which I will not post here -- was the American synonym for being "too detail-oriented". It begins with A and is 4 letters long. Most of us have used it in this context. In my case, I was referring to being too detail-oriented with my coding. Innocent enough, right? But contrary to the narrative John is pushing, I never had an issue with that word being banned. It's to avoid its literal use, not its figurative one; I get it. Rather, my issue was with the faulty Adobe.com UX that won't even tell users what's preventing them from posting. There isn't even a hint that censorship is involved, so it could technically be a database problem or who knows what else on the server side. When a website asks me to try again later, that usually means the problem is on THEIR side.

So far so good, right?

To help Adobe, I decided to create this thread that explains how the UX needs to be looked into, because users aren't getting the reasons for their posts being turned down and are told to try again later, which of course sends them in an infinite loop of not being able to post this message, ever.

The title of the thread was originally "So I made the mistake of using '****' instead of 'Detail-Oriented' on Adobe forums, and everything went haywire" except that where the stars are, I put 3 out of the 4 letters. So I self-censored to escape the censorship, but still wanted people to know what got censored and how the site failed to give me the reason.

That's when an overzealous mod came in and just started cutting words from the post, including the title, which made it read like this "So I made the mistake of using instead of 'Detailed-Oriented' on Adobe forums" cutting out everything that gave the thread any kind of meaning. After I complained that sentences stripped of words no longer made sense, the same (or another) mod returned to add words back in, which made the situation even worse. That's when I asked that this entire thread be deleted -- so of course, it's still here; in its mangled, nonsensical form.

Should I have known not to use the word because some people will take it literally? Again, that's not the issue. The issue is Adobe censors and blocks posts without telling authors what the word at fault is, or even that a word even IS at fault. Get it? THIS IS A COMPANY THAT CREATES AND SELLS UX PRODUCTS. You would think this would be a big deal to them.

To be honest, after this experience, I want nothing to do with trying to help Adobe with a problem ever again. So I hope whoever found this thread and made it this far at least got something out of it. Now try to imagine what they would've gotten out of it without this final explanation... nothing, that's what. And that's why the problem exists.





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Explorer ,
Mar 29, 2017 Mar 29, 2017

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I agree 100%.





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Engaged ,
Mar 29, 2017 Mar 29, 2017

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landt5  wrote

I agree 100%.

If you go back up, the mangled nonsensical OP even has a note from one of the mods claiming I've been uncivilized. It's like they're unaware that North Americans use this word in other, very civilized contexts. I fear there may be a religious component here that's making compromise impossible.





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 03, 2017 Apr 03, 2017

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Hi all,

My apologies for taking so long to step in here- I was out last week and this thread was just recently brought to my attention.

I completely agree that this error message is too vague. This was in place when I took over as one of the Community Moderators and I never thought to change it. We can't call out which word you're using that is being blocked, but we absolutely should say that you're using a word that is blocked for spam and that's the reason your post is blocked. I will change the wording right away- thanks for bringing this up.






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