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First of all, don't reply to this Steve!
Couldn't Steve, aka SDA, be prevailed on to use the web interface he doesn't like, just until the repeating message thing is sorted.
Surely there must be enough data now to find the cause of the problem!
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John Joslin wrote:
First of all, don't reply to this Steve!
Couldn't Steve, aka SDA, be prevailed on to use the web interface he doesn't like, just until the repeating message thing is sorted.
Surely there must be enough data now to find the cause of the problem!
I believe he has some corrupt email in his email directory.
Tell him to have his ISP destroy his Mailbox wait an hour or two then resurrect.
Looks Like a Problem I had years ago when I used AOL over my ISP connection one piece of mail had corrupt header info and was causing the box to working in a loop.
The only cure was to have my ISP kill my mailbox (account Directory) and the creat a new one a few hours later.
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Phillip Jones wrote on 2009-06-06 17:52:
I believe he has some crrupt email in his email directory.
As has been said before, Jive has already confirmed it is a bug in
Clearspace. Could you please stop spreading disinformation and unfounded
Jochem van Dieten
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Could you please stop spreading disinformation and unfounded
i don't believe he can.
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Four abuse reports on one message will hide it automatically. Better than getting threads locked all the time. Spare a thought for Steve though, he'll get an email for every one.
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Kath-H wrote:
Four abuse reports on one message will hide it automatically. Better than getting threads locked all the time. Spare a thought for Steve though, he'll get an email for every one.
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Kath-H wrote:
Four abuse reports on one message will hide it automatically. Better than getting threads locked all the time. Spare a thought for Steve though, he'll get an email for every one.
Do you really mean a thread will get locked automatically without any one reading the complaints?
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No, I mean what I said. The post will disappear from view. It will go away to a secluded area and bother the hosts instead of us.
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And the info came from....? Not that i disbelieve you, just wondering why it took so long to get out and, if that is the case, why Z is so busy locking threads...
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You know what else... why is nobody else seemingly having this problem? And why did it just seem to show up recently?
I'm sorry, but I keep coming back to this idea that it's all an evil conspiracy to close threads before they get to be "a problem" for Jive. So who's on their payroll here? (big obnoxious smiley, for email users)
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Ansury wrote:
You know what else... why is nobody else seemingly having this problem? And why did it just seem to show up recently?
It WAS happening to me whenever I sent email replies to this forum from Opera Mail (no problem from iPhone or Thunderbird). And it did not start recently. Use the Search, Luke.
But it does not seem to be happening to me now. I don't know what changed, but the change is worse than the bug for me. Friday, I sent three emails via Opera to the "Zeno Bokor..." thread, thinking that it would illustrate the repeating post bug for Buko. The first of these three was BEFORE SDA posted. Only two of the three appeared online. I resent one of them two more times (for a total of six replies via Opera) and they still did not appear. These last sendings were approximately 10 hours before the thread was locked.
Oddly enough, one of the three originals that got through is also the last one in the thread (before Zeno locked it) and there aren't even any more SDA messages after it. It was locked before the Jive 24 hour tolerance factor, so I don't know if they would have eventually made it through or not. I don't expect to see any bounce messages before Wednesday.
(replied via Web forum)
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Aw that's OK. 8-D
I woke up this morning with about 25 messages saying my 'content had been
approved for posting'. I guess those were messages that were on the auto
repeat cycle. No worries -- As long as they get it fixed.
Best Regards,
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S.D.A. wrote:
…this morning with about 25 messages saying my 'content had been approved for posting'.
That's what happens each time someone hits the Report Abuse button and the powers that be decide not to remove your "content". The poster also gets a similar notification when the content is removed (Your content was removed). I've received dozens of the former and a couple of the latter.
That's what I was referencing in another thread when I mentioned those notifications.
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Look I was just suggesting a possibility. That's all. I didn't say that was the problem Just a posibility it could be.
And why would a Bug just affect/effect one person???
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Affect. It's not a matter of personal preference.
Affect (verb) = to have an effect (noun) on something.
Effect (verb) = to cause or bring about, eg to effect a change.
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Anything can affect a person. But it takes a mother, father, and about nine months to effect a person.
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PjonesCET wrote:
Look I was just suggesting a possibility. That's all. I didn't say that was the problem Just a posibility it could be.
And why would a Bug just affect/effect one person???
And it was a pretty good guess. But when the choice of blame falls on either Jive or [anything friggin else], it seems that usually it's Jive's fault.
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Phillip Jones wrote on 2009-06-06 21:23:
Look I was just suggesting a possibility.
It is not a possibility. What you are suggesting is technically
impossible: the mail going from SDA to these forums is never in 'his
email directory'. Email doesn't work that way. If you want to know how
it does work, I suggest reading:
And your other assertion that it only affects SDA is also untrue. Forum
hosts had identified half a dozen people who were affected when I
stopped keeping track a month ago.
And of course there is the fact that Jive has confirmed it is a bug in
Jochem van Dieten
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So be it.
I do know I had to have my mailbox destroyed and resurrected because of people sending me repeating post, and my sending repeating post.
The only way it was cured was, my ISP overnight destroyed my email account, then resurrected the account early in the morning.
They did so twice. The problem was as a Result of a piece of mail with bad headers in my mailbox.
How would you describe the problem since you appear to be an expert on the Matter.
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Phillip Jones wrote on 2009-06-07 14:48:
How would you descibe the problem since you appear to be an expert on the Matter.
After the end of data on a message the Jive servlet sends back a 4xx
code to the mail gateway, instead of a 250 code. For the rest see the
RFCs I linked.
Jochem van Dieten
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jochemd wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote on 2009-06-06 17:52:
I believe he has some crrupt email in his email directory.
As has been said before, Jive has already confirmed it is a bug in
Clearspace. Could you please stop spreading disinformation and unfounded
Jochem van Dieten
Yes! So we can blame this on Jive after all. That's crazy... how many bugs does this Jiving forum have? I was actually willing to give it the benefit of the doubt on this one. Holy Jive, this is so Jived up..
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Hi John:
I know it's a nuisance, (sorry) but how else to get the bug fixed ? If I'm told that they have enough data in order to fix this bug then I'll be happy to oblige, and stop using e-mail until they release the next update.
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Well this just highlights the incompetence of Jive.
Why Adobe doesn't just get rid of this mess just shows us how Jived Up Adobe really is.