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So, all of the sudden, I couldn't access the foums using my current password. One that I had assigned not long ago when the notices were sent out.
I got in twice today but when I attempted to sign in the third time, it told me my password was incorrect. I of course tried a few more times but...nothing.
Then I clicked in the area to reset the password, received the email, clicked the link and came to the password reset screen. All good so far.
For giggles, I entered my previous password. It gave me the message that I could not use the old password. So then I used my current password and it was fine.
So what it looks like is, my account reverted to an old password. How could that happen?
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Possibly part of the failed upgrade from Jive 4x to 7 did "something" ???
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Exactly what I was thinking. That's not a very good "Something" beings that supposedly old passwords were compromised.
Hopefully it's just a fluke and doesn't affect the majority.
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The upgrade process shouldn't affect passwords, those are part of your Adobe ID, completely separate from forums. Can you sign into your account at
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Yes. I can sign in there with my current password (which I just reset).
So step by step:
1. Clicked on bookmark to this forum
2. Clicked on "sign in" to the top right of the page (I have to do this around every 4-5 visits it seems)
3. entered normal user name and password
4. Got message that I was using an incorrect password
5. Clicked "Trouble signing in"
6. Entered email address
7. Replied to email via the supplied link
8. Entered password twice (this is where I used the password I had before my current one)
9. Got message that I could use old password (like I was trying to re-use the one I already use)
10. Entered my current one that I've been using since to security issue)
11. Clicked ok and was good to go
To me that gives the message that the password that wasn't allowed was already being used and I couldn't reset it to that particular one. Even if that's not what it means, it STILL let me use the one I have been using for a while which it shouldn't have if it's not allowing old passwords.