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All over the forums I can postings of Bob Dix.
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A bit more information for you all: John Cornicello, the technical forum admin, is travelling and will continue to travel the week of October 22.
Because John is devoted to his job, he'll no doubt be here in the forums as much as he can even with his other responsibilities.
As I get information, I'll pass it on.
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I can't quite fathom how it could benefit anyone, but this sure smells like someone has hacked the Adobe forum site.
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Not a hack, Noel. John Cornicello made sure of that.
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TerriStoneCHL wrote:
Not a hack, Noel. John Cornicello made sure of that.
Good to know that, Terri. Thanks. Pity that he won't be around directly... I think that saying that we all respect him is not in the least an exageration.
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Agreed, Claudio. He's a winner, that John!
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I also agree. I'm sure it's very frustrating for someone of John's intelligence and quality-mindedness to have to be subject to the trials and tribulations of this Jive fiasco.
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To all – I think it's a good idea to sign all posts with a name until this mess is really sorted out. E-Mail notifications still arrives with false names.
Now it was Noel Carbonis last comment that came with the name of Duj dujoux whereas other posts by Noel were delivered rightly as "Noel". No 55 by TerriStoneCHL did not make it to my mail address.
And Ben Hutchinson went in as Kurt Gold not only in the E-Mail notification, but also in this thread!
But maybe I'm wrong and "Kurt Gold" is the nickname of Ben Hutchinson? But I doubt that…
Uwe [Laubender]
Message was edited by: Laubender
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Good idea!
[ occasionally Dave M ]
Laubender wrote:
To all – I think it's a good idea to sign all posts with a name until this mess is really sorted out.
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Kurt is(t) Gold, Uwe, in every sense.
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Uwe, I took Kurt's signture in his message #40 to be a joke, as the rest of the message... Now it's up to him to clarify if it was he who posted that message.
Claudio González.
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Trouble is back with the sign in. I had to dump all my adobe cookies. and swith to adobe Proper to sign in Then go back to Forums.
Dave , John : Fix the damn problem. This is a Royal pain in the Axxx. It work for a or two or threes days or 20 minutes. Fix it!!!!!!!!!
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I still can't quite fathom how I could be experiencing no problems with this - it must have to do with what servers provide data to what parts of the country or something. I have been on the forum all day, with tens (hundreds?) of new browser sessions, and it just seems to work as well as ever.
But for the folks experiencing these problems: Adobe needs to understand that on Saturday and Sunday users are willing to be patient, but on Monday things ought to be fixed forthwith.
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Noel, do you mean that in this thread you are not seeing this?
And that if you put your cursor over Kurt's avatar, in his popup profile you are not reading "Member since: (Private)", but something like "Member since: DD-MM-YY"?
That you have never seen something like this (this thread)?
(Incidentally, this is the first time I have experienced this issue, right now in Safari/Win 7; and I am not getting it in Explorer/Win or Firefox/Mac).
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What I meant, Claudio, was that I have not (yet) seen any problems with logging in nor with having my posts look like they came from someone else.
I see the same problems you do in threads where other folks' posts have gotten crossed up.
I don't use eMail notifications, so I can't say anything about how that's working for me.
However, I AM dismayed to hear that notifications may be being sent out looking like they were from me. In my mind this just went from an annoyance to an urgent issue! I can imagine all sorts of bad things could come of someone elses posts being misconstrued as my having sent them.
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Back in my Mac. I tried to see if I also see the "Warren Hart" invasion in Safari, and found that I was not logged in. When I tried to log, Safari went into an endless loop between "" and "" (Phillip, you are not alone now!) and nothing happened. Then I went back to Safari/Win, and the "Warren Hart" problem was gone. Then I relaunched Safari/Mac, and was already logged in when I entered this forum (Phillip, you are alone again, but at least here is someone who temporarily experienced your problem).
In short, I would say that the problems are far from being solved. And JC won't be here this week to at least write a couple of official lines about the problem... We are most definitely out of luck.
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I had signed off for several Hours. when I came back to forum I was once again signed off. But unlike this morning when I when I tried to sign in with the sign button in forums I was thrown into an infinite Loop, had to quit then go in to adobe and sign in, I had no trouble using the sign in button in the forums. It appears That the sign server is ripping to shreads the Sign-in ID cookie. Thanks a lot Adobe.
The greatest thing that would happen is if the forums had their own sign servers to maintain ID's and passwords and it would be independ of Jive so they can't screw it up.
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Claudio González sprach:
Uwe, I took Kurt's signture in his message #40 to be a joke, as the rest of the message... Now it's up to him to clarify if it was he who posted that message.
You took that right, Claudio.
The scamp Ben did not do it.
Probably there once was an age where you did not have to vindicate innocuous statements or jokes.
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Thanks for the information, Terri, although it adds a new complication to the situation.
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I believe the explanation by Dave in post #27 gives all the answers.
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Jacob, I beg to differ, but in my ignorance I think that at least it doesn't explain what I reported in my message #21: that a message by Kurt Gold is in Ben Hutchinson's profile but not in Kurt's.
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Keeping folks updated: Yes the problem is still ongoing, yes it's being worked on, no it's not a result of something Adobe did, and no I don't know when it'll be fixed. Sorry to all those who feel frustrated, so do I.
Some of you will see incorrect user profiles against posts, some won't - it has no relation to who you are, which browser or operating system you're on - it's entirely dependent on the CDN node you are served by, and that will change over time, when you log in from another session or even when you refresh a page.
When you're served a corrupted page the posts shown against the mini-profile of the 'wrong' user are the posts by the real author of the message, so it can seem confusing. I stress that the posts you are all making are being tracked correctly against your user accounts. There's no indication of any security risk from the problem; if you find you are suddenly shown as "John Doe" and get a staff badge you don't get access to his account or the employee areas of the forum. You're still in your account, it's only the names and profile fields that are mismatched.
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John Cornicello has been working with a senior support team at Jive to fix the forum issues, including this one. He reports that Jive has restarted Node 5.
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Great news. Maybe they've got someone their with John that know what the heck he is doing. Be glad when he get the sign in issue fixed. I had to sign in again tonight. I should never ever have to sign in until the cookie expires.
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Thanks for the info, Terri; that's certainly good news. Pity that, in spite of the restarting of Node 5 -whatever that may mean- Kurt's profile hasn't changed, and there is no number of posts or registration date under his avatar. And I suspect that Phillip's problem -which is perhaps quite a different matter- hasn't been solved yet.
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Adding to this discussion is the fact that I 'm not getting all the notifications I should be getting. I go back to Photoshop Forum and see that several threads to which I have responded have additional responses but I haven't been notified.
And I have seen some of the above as well. But it seems fixed.
So why are my e-mail responses missing? Not all of them, but some.
I don't know the extent of this. I don't go through all the threads snooping for missing stuff.