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need to stop irrelevant input into inbox / how to do a REAL filter?

Community Beginner ,
Sep 20, 2014 Sep 20, 2014

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I finally found the User Manual. This should be put up at the head of the website - not hidden away. It was recently posted. I didn't know it existed. I discovered it by accident.

Some of the stuff in the User Manual is confusing and not well or completely explained. I don't seem to be following any streams. I've turned "e-mail me" back on, and I'm waiting to see if I get flooded with e-mails yet again - although everything else is supposedly filtered. My problem is two-fold:

(1) I'm only interested in ONE specific problem aspect of Adobe Flash Player - I don't want to hear about anything else - it's irrelevant.

(2) I ONLY want responses to my relevant questions - I don't want a huge amount of trivial data about AFP - I can look it up in the forums myself. And I DON'T want notifications about all this clogging up my e-mail inbox, in turn.

Re the User Manual again - I finally confirmed the sad news that I can't delete stuff - 95% of which is useless and unneeded by me. So how do I prevent it from coming in in the first place? No info here. I will have to shut down my account, and start a new one, each time I try to resolve a single problem. That's B.S. Fix the problem with Adobe Forums, get a REAL filter going. Adobe needs to fire Jive, junk their sorry excuse for a website, and hire somebody with skills to design a proper, functional, and user-friendly website. Duh.






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Sep 21, 2014 Sep 21, 2014

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I had to figure it out myself, by trial and error:

Anytime you see the bloody "Following in…" icon [looks like an electrically shocked earthworm] on any forum page, click on it to get a drop down menu:

Click on "Stop Following", then on "Done".

This can (or must be) done for each thread and/or forum you are following. 

Screen Shot 2014-09-21 at 12.46.18 AM.png

This is the lamest, dumbest, most ridiculous system I have ever experienced anywhere, including other Jive sites.

The Apple discussion boards also use Jive, and I don't see any of the Adobe forums cr@p we know so well and hate so intensely here. 





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Sep 21, 2014 Sep 21, 2014

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i.) Re reply (1). Well, that is basically sensible, on the face of it. I see where it is in the top RH corner of the Discussion posts. But I don't follow those I'm not interested in - so I have no reason to stop following them; and....

ii.) Since I don't follow this stuff - except that I seem to get dumped in the middle of these discussions, due to the difficult in navigating this site - it shouldn't be put over my Inbox. Unless it is because of that. Since I can't seem to track down this randomly generated stuff - then how do I do something to tell my Inbox something like "follow ONLY the threads that I'VE started". Which brings me to....

iii.) I'm still trying to figure out how to do a filter on my INBOX. That just has Connections Stream in the top LH corner - not the same thing of course. I'm beginning to get the sinking feeling that it can't be filtered from that end. Of course, that would make too much sense. And it would be stupendously dumb if it couldn't.





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Sep 21, 2014 Sep 21, 2014

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Greg 5000 wrote:

…Adobe needs to fire Jive, junk their sorry excuse for a website, and hire somebody with skills to design a proper, functional, and user-friendly website. Duh.

1.— The Apple discussions boards also use Jive, and I don't see there the Adobe cr@p we see here; and

2.—…in this case, there appear to be other, more important but obscure, never explained, perhaps nefarious reasons why Adobe wants/needs to stay with the current software and provider…

3.— You are preaching to the choir here, not addressing Adobe.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 21, 2014 Sep 21, 2014

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Re reply (2). Well, there have been a number of negative comments on the Adobe website about Jive. I've never heard of it before, so I didn't have any clue what the references to it were about, at first.

So I don't know about Jive powering another forums. Maybe is hasn't been used by the ones I've been on. They've worked an awfully lot better, regardless.

That is pretty odd, that Adobe's forums' website is such trash, when the other ones done by Jive appear to be OK. Adobe has a reputation for putting out quality graphics software. Why - or how - are they allowing this trash to happen?

It seems pretty obvious that Adobe execs don't go on this website. There is no administrator or contact given. This is going to affect their reputation. Don't they realize their product sales are going to be seriously affected?

Does Scott Adams (Dilbert) know about this awful mess? I'm spending all my time, trying to get things on this site to work - properly - and to figure this site's protocols out - so that I have barely any time left for my REAL problem with an Adobe system.





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Sep 21, 2014 Sep 21, 2014

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You haven't grasped it yet:  Adobe doesn't care a hoot about the forums.  The top executives probably don't even know they exist. 

Adobe has become an amorphous, elephantine, unresponsive bureaucracy, run by corporate executives who don't know the products at all.

The people in charge obviously want to kill the forums by attrition, and if they can avoid the PR debacle of simple shutting them down, so much the better.

The forums are not even a shadow of their former selves and the most valuable contributors have been leaving—or forced to leave—for years.  This is not a recent development, but a slow, inexorable decay.

As far as following threads or forums, you don't have to do it intentionally.  Just reading them or looking in makes you a "follower" behind the scenes,





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 22, 2014 Sep 22, 2014

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Oh, I've grasped it all right - it's all over the forums.  -_-

Sad that there's been real, years-long attrition. Odd that Microsoft's Forums have actually got half-decent by now. I wonder if it's been money, and the recent recession, with Adobe?  :-S

I was afraid that by simply clicking on something, would in fact make me "follow" it. That would explain the nonsense I've been through. What kind of punishments should we inflict on the nincompoops who have caused this to happen?  😞

Does anybody want to post current names / addresses / phones / e-mails of said Adobe execs...?  >:-)

Thank you for your answers... more than I've figured out from this supremely buggered-up website.  0.o





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 23, 2014 Sep 23, 2014

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Apple uses Jive for their support forums.  Current problems:

-- uploaded pictures may or most likely will not appear for other people viewing

-- Down way too much

-- Forced logoff after 30 minutes of inactivity.  Not reported until you click reply.  Gives misleading error message.

-- When you are not logged on and you display a discussion, software refuses to notice that you have logged in in another tab.

-- forum layout forces one to do horizontal scrolling on a laptop

-- last poster not given in thread list

Apple has trimmed down some of the gunk.  Only die hard apple fans are happy with forums.

I do not know why people are using Jive.






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