Hi there Magda, Well all I can say is this is pretty devastating to my business. Of course for you and the fantastic BC management team this must be a crushing blow for you as well. So let me say thank you to you all and I'm sorry you have had to endure this instruction from the Adobe board, from 'on high' no doubt. Now let me address the f-ing beast that is Adobe. This is TOTALLY unacceptable. I have been a Premium Partner for 10 years. In the last decade I have built my business on this platform. Agencies I have introduced have done the same. You can be sure that I and they will be joining any class actions that will arise out of this, we just need time to get organised. There will literally be tens of thousands of people - Agencies and end Clients alike - that are affected by this action, no less all of mine. The fact that you have not attempted to show that Business Catalyst could be sold or taken over by a company willing to continue it's development is incredulous. This system was started in the best interests of our industry, to develop community and progress online marketing with innovation - something truly great and you have squandered it. There is still no other system 'out there' that can compete with its full function set. Further, you have clearly shown you care nothing for us as Agencies and end clients, and nothing for the communities that have evolved within it. There are thousands of families and livlihoods that are affected by this. IT IS DISGUSTING. All in all, this is typical of a company that lacks a core value of business integrity and is a reflection of the men and women on the board who chose to make this to happen. Like any sizable listed Corporation, everyone knows that Adobe are driven by profit motive and the fact that the company would choose to be disloyal to 10,000s of supportive partners and stakeholders not only makes you untrustworthy, but your eclipsing and annexing of the marketing industry across globe with your products, now becomes more obvious, and must be in breach of fair-trading and anti-competition laws and should be challenged at the highest level. I personally won't trust Adobe ever again. I will join the many who have become ambassadors to see you brought down to size. I will be actively looking for and supporting your competition for alternative products across the board. I say to all users who sign up to Spark: BEWARE(!), Adobe will eventually abandon you as well - DON'T SIGN UP! There is no longevity or continuity here, it is driven by Adobe's greed for more and more profit and their commitment to themselves only. Shallow, hollow, shallow. It is just a matter of time before justice is visited on Adobe to redress this. I trust that multiple countries around the world take action, since there are so many counties and 10s of thousands of their hard-working citizens affected - good people squashed by the almighty Adobe. Sincerely Wayne Freeman
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