‎Feb 20, 2025
05:56 PM
You only need to switch to NFS if you want it to work on Mac Sequoia. It works fine on Sonoma. Its only not working on Sequoia. I have two macs and I have done on the developer cycle and its ahead of the stable release and it still does not work. I have alerted both Apple and Synology but I don’t think its synology I think apple broke SMB in Sequoia at least with the way it uses lightroom classic and synology nas. My catalog is on a local mac ssd but the files and pictures go to the synology NAS using a 10 GB connection.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
08:45 PM
The problem is between Mac and Synology using SMB. Mac and SMB have been a known issue of instability for a long time. With a Synology MAS and Mac it just doesn't work it crashes. After weeks of struggling with this I set up a share on my Synology NAS and turned on NFS. Transferring files between Max Sequoia and Synology using NFS works fine. I'm sure at some point the two of them will get together and fix SMB but if you just engage NFS which you can Google how to do or use chat GPT for instructions. Regards
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‎Dec 17, 2024
05:10 AM
I have it working now in Sequoia but I needed to import using NFS not SMB. Apparantly Sequoia still has some issues with SMB. Mac changed a few things in SMB protocol on Sequoia and that is probably causing the issue but I am happy to report that NFS works so I will upgrade my Mac Studio now to Sequoia and just use NFS for now.
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‎Dec 17, 2024
03:56 AM
Just did a reboot and Reset Adobe Light Room Classics Preferences (Hoding down Option Shift) and click the app. On import the Destination location now counts up the files properly and does not freeze or hang however after clicking on the import button it begins to populate the Library in spurts. Now made it past 8 photos and is at 74 but again is just sitting at 74 so I beleive it is going to hange again. Still working the problem however its clearly still an issue and is either Mac Sequoia or Adobe Light Room Classic. I think we can rule out Synology (the NAS) since it works fine on Mac Sonoma. It is cleary a problem between Mac Sequoia.
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‎Dec 17, 2024
03:38 AM
Just updated to the latest versions of both Mac Sequoia Beta 15.3 (24D5034f) and Adobe Light Room 14.1.1 - It now counts up the files quickly but still appears to hang on the copy procedure. This is so annoying and keeping me from upgrading my MAC Studio to Sequoia. Going to do a reboot clean and try again. Also tried over Standard Ethernet and 10 GB Ethernet same problem it hangs.
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‎Dec 15, 2024
10:25 AM
It crashed. The SMB connection after copying only 48 images now shows the error Conld not copy to destination folder because it is not writable (Error 3621) This usually indicates that the SMB network share has diconnected. Again works fine on Sonoma so looks like its still a bug not resolved by Microsoft or Adobe. I am removing Synology from the problem since it works on Sonoma so its not the NAS or Synology its either Adobe, or Microsoft or both.
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‎Dec 15, 2024
10:19 AM
There is clearly still a problem with Adobe Light Room Classic and Mac Sequoia Developer Beta 15.2 (24C101) when importing pictures. Not sure if it happens when importing to the local hard drive but when the catalog is on the Mac local hard drive and you save the photos to a synology NAS using SMB it does in fact hang. This is the issue preventing me from upgrading my Mac Studio from Senoma to Sequoia. I did just do a reset of the preferences and am going to try again. This time I am going to wait until the Other destination is done counting up. It is slowly climbing so far at 1420 and still going. On My Mac Studio (which is running Senoma) it works fine but on my Mac Mini M4 Running Sequoia it does in fact hang. I dont need to wait on the Senoma version before I can start importing but there are stability issues still on Adobe Light Room Classic (latest version) and Mac Sequoia. Not sure why it works on Sonoma but has issues on Sequoia. I have alterted both Adobe and Apple and I hope they fix it soon since I would like to upgrade my Mac Studio to Sequoia as well but this bug is holding me back from proceeding. Yes I do large imports (in this case its 3,784) and its now at 2095 and still updating. I am hoping that by waiting for the Destination to finish updating before I click import that it will work this time on this build. I am also using a high speed 10 GB connection to the NAS which should help. I can tell already however that the import is also much faster on Sonoma and as I said, I dont need to even wait for the destination to finish first before I click on the import button. Been sitting at 3,669 now for several minutes, It is not yet frozen or hung so I am still waiting on the remaining 115 to finish. They are not finishing so I am now going to attempt to import It could be that the 115 where duplicates. Import is running will update after it hopefully completes
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‎Mar 17, 2023
02:18 PM
I have installed each of the Dreamweaver 21.x versions and all of them when you click OPEN show the spash screen and freeze. Only version 10.2.1 works. My windows is the l11 is the latest version 22H2 Running on an X570 Creators Motherboard and using an AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16 core processor. The build number for windows 11 is 10.0.22621 Build 22621 This problem has existed for over 8 months can you please fix it so that I can use the latest version. 8 months is a very long time to wait for a fix.
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‎Feb 09, 2023
08:19 PM
I can confirm in adobe it looks awful and looks fine in capture one. He is not clueless he is correct. Sure hope adobe fixes it. We should not need to noodle around with settings it should import with default settings and look good. Shame on adobe and it's not cheap.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
05:37 AM
Very frustrating. It works fine in Premiere 2018 but no Video Preview for DV Capture in Adobe 2020
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‎Feb 24, 2020
02:59 PM
Now the end of February and no Pro Res Raw. At least share what the proposed time line looks like. Will it come out in the second Quarter?
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‎Feb 12, 2020
04:19 PM
February 12th now and still No Prores Raw.
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‎Dec 29, 2019
03:41 PM
1 Upvote
December 29, 2019 Still no ProRes Raw
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‎Nov 12, 2019
12:33 PM
1 Upvote
Today I used Adobe Scan to scan a copy of a contract. It worked perfectly however it scanned the document in Black and White. I needed to scan the document in color and show that the signature was in fact singed using Blue ink. I could not figure how how to make Adobe Scan a document in color insted of Black and White. Is this possible.
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‎Apr 13, 2019
01:33 PM
I had an artist create some logos for me and they sent them to me as Ai files. I exported them to use with a transparent background and the Text or Stroke in the path is White on a Black Background which is perfect and what I want because I can look that the thumb nail and see what the text says. Today I made a few more changes and now when I export the background is white and I can no longer read the text. When I insert the PNG the background is transparent and correct its just the thumb nail that no longer displays in black which was extremely helpful so I could read the text. I dont recall making any changes so I dont know why it suddenly started doing this. As you can see below the top one is how it exports now (white background) and the bottom one is how it used to export (black.) in fact it would be nice to tell it what color to make the background so that the writing whether black or white can be seen in the thumbnail view in the folder of files. To be clear they work when loaded or inserted in a picture they just dont look as I would like them as thumbnails in the folder of files.
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‎Jan 07, 2019
04:57 PM
1 Upvote
There is only one that is over 40 inches and it's quality is not great. These monitors have been around for over five years and many other software applications have UI scaling capability In fact adobe Photoshop has iti why can't they just make it available in all their applications? Frankly it's silly
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‎Jan 07, 2019
11:38 AM
1 Upvote
Ann Bens, I already wear glasses The Monitor is a BenQ PD3200U 32" 4K Designer Monitor, 3840x2160 4K UHD, IPS, sRGB, CAD/CAM, KVM, DualView, 4ms , 60Hz refresh rate. When I receive it, I will set the windows scaling to 125 and start there and see how it looks. Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I will report back after I receive the Monitor tomorrow.
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‎Jan 07, 2019
10:10 AM
OK, I will receive my new 4K monitor tomorrow and see how it looks. I am older so I sure hope the UI interface is not going to be tiny tiny and hard to read. I did see the option in Photoshop so I am surprised that its not available in all Adobe products. Its not like these monitors are something new, they have been around for at least 5 years. Thank you for your kind reply.
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‎Jan 07, 2019
09:38 AM
I ordered a new High Resolution 4K monitor and I see that there is a setting in Photoshop that will allow me to increase the size of the User Interface to properly scale the Menu and fonts in Photoshop but I don't see an option like that in Adobe Premiere. Is there a way to increase the User Interface elements, menus and fonts. I am very surprised that Adobe does not have an option like this on all of this 2019 software produces.
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