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Guys, i need some explanations.
So what happened to me was very strange.
I startet some days ago with premiere pro. I have a simple camcorder wich only records in AVI.
What i did with premiere was what i wanted to do - i imported the AVi files (you heard that right), edited them and rendered a video.
So far so good. The next day i did the same. Until.. I changed something, i dont know exactly what, but to boost the performance on a video game, i changed some settings in my NVIDIA. The result was, that i just was not able any more to use AVI in premiere pro. Well, as i had to notice on my search for an answer, this is nothing to solve, because premiere simply cant do AVI. What the heck? The whole internet told me that. Forget about avi, you have to convert the video file to some mp4 or whatever. But my problem is a strange one. I was frickin able to use AVI! But it seemed that i was the only person on earth with that ability.
So yeah. I reinstalled CUDA and premiere pro and media encoder. Nothing worked, even though everything should be the same again.
I need help..
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>I changed something, i dont know exactly what... i changed some settings in my NVIDIA
I don't know how anyone here can help you fix a settings change that you made and don't remember
As far as AVI...
AVI is a wrapper, what is inside YOUR wrapper - Exactly what is INSIDE the video you are editing?
Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... A screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing - For Windows Internet Explorer press the PRINT SCREEN button on your keyboard, and then do CTRL-V to paste the screen print from the clipboard into a forum message
Free programs to get file information for PC/Mac http://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo/Download POST IN TREE VIEW
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I think it does not matter though iput it all back to default.
The codec is H264 mpeg-4
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H.264 will not work inside an AVI wrapper http://forums.adobe.com/thread/854115
-Insignia camera uses H.264 to either AVI... or SOME models record to MOV wrapper
-so use the MOV wrapper if YOUR Insignia camera offers that option
-says VLC will convert in reply #6 http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1172956
-or convert with https://handbrake.fr/ open source transcoder/converter
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I already know that, but why did it work? How was that even possible? I already checkt that first link about ffmpeg out but though it did not worked out for me in many ways. I am currently converting my files via vlc. I wished to find a better solutiob.
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I would recommend step 2B and 4D.
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Whats that?
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What's what?
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2B and 4D